I See Differently | Our Adoption Story: Part 7
Sept 12, 2008 I was thinking today that I should update on the adoption now that we have had a few w...

This has nothing to do with hair, but I got such a big response when I posted pictures of our adopted son that I thought I would add this as well. My husband and I opted to use a private adoption agency. We had tried to use a church agency, but found them slow to work with, and quite frustrating. We...

2nd Set of Twins (Non Premie)
(A recent shot of our little Dude!) Yesterday our agency (Heart to Heart) contacted us with another ...

4-Year Old Needs Home ASAP
Just a quick update on the non-preemie twins first… they have been matched! Thanks to all tha...

As of late many may have noticed that my “hair blog” is somehow morphing to an “adoption blog”. My husband keeps reminding me that I still need to cover the hair too! So allow me to just apologize to readers following a “hair blog” for the adoption stuff. And to t...

Just a quick update on the 4-year old girl situation… Heart to Heart called today to let me know they have enough families to show to her family. They send out a personal H2H “THANK YOU” for all the calls and concern. However they are considering this situation closed to anymore fa...

This is an email I received a few days ago… this is exactly why I keep posting about the adoption stuff…. J wrote: “So I left a comment a couple days ago about my cousin. They have been with another agency (I removed the name) for about 18 mths and never met with a birth mom. I ema...

He is Ours! | Our Adoption Story: Part 8
Ok… I finally have a few moments and thought I would write about yesterday. But to really expl...

Together Forever | Our Adoption Story: Part 9
Feb. 7, 2009 The sealing was absolutely fabulous! At the temple they treated my hubby and I as if we...

I have had TONS of emailed questions and post comments requesting more info about why we decided to adopt the way we did. So I have detailed my answers to many of the most commonly-asked questions we receive about our adoption. **Note: Please know that I am not claiming to be an expert on adoption n...

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