2nd Set of Twins (Non Premie)

Infant baby boy smiling in a matching vest and beanie set(A recent shot of our little Dude!)

Yesterday our agency (Heart to Heart) contacted us with another situation they wanted help with. They get such a huge response each time we post, that they asked us for interested people before even putting these babies on their website.

I think this situation sounds like a dream situation. Literally I would adopt them myself (even with the little Dude only being 6 months) if I had the 33K. So if anyone out there wants to donate/sponsor the adoption for me—let me know. LOL! Otherwise we will have to find them another home.

So here is the run down:

African America twins (one boy, one girl). The mother is due Feb 11th (so that makes her about 35 weeks now). She is very healthy, the babies are healthy. They are expecting her to deliver a little early due to it being twins, but right now they don’t know when. The mother will deliver in Utah. The agency will use Utah law (one of the best states for adoptive families in the nation!).

This birth is going undisclosed to the birth dad (meaning he does not and will not know about them or that she is pregnant). Since it is Utah law, the dad doesn’t have to be notified and will have no rights at birth. He will not even be put on the birth certificate. Mom can sign over her rights 24 hours post-delivery.

The birth mom is on medicaid so almost all medical will be paid for by the government.

Fees are 33K (that includes 30k for the agency, 2k for the medical, and $850 for the DPR).

Basically each baby would be $16,500. That’s almost LDS social services rates! UGH….I would LOVE to get my hands on these little ones!!!

If you are interested contact Megan Roth at 801-838-8014. Mention that you saw it on my blog so she will know where you came from. (and no–I don’t get anything for doing this–not one penny) You can contact me with general adoption questions via commenting, but I don’t know anything more about this situation. You do not need to live in Utah, but will have to come here for the birth.

Happy Hairdoing!

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