4-Year Old Needs Home ASAP

Portrait of young girl

Just a quick update on the non-preemie twins first… they have been matched! Thanks to all that called about them! I heard the agency received quite a few phone calls. Several phone calls came in after the twins had been matched – so keep checking back to find another situation perfect for you!

*****Here’s the newest situation…(if this one doesn’t break your heart I don’t know what will)*****

4 Year old girl, Caucasian, fees are $8000. Family must be home study ready, LDS, and NOT live in Utah county. I am told she looks like a young Dakota Fanning. Blonde hair, blue eyes, very cute.

Here’s the brief rundown…this little girl was adopted as a newborn into a family that had biological children as well. Apparently the mother never bonded with her like she did with her bio children. As a result the sweet little girl has experienced some neglect. She currently has some developmental delays relating to memory, visual sequencing, and learning. She has seen several dr’s recently and they all seem to think with the correct therapy (AND LOVE) she will catch up by age 7-8. She has progressed well in school.

Obviously they want to place this little girl in a loving home as quickly as possible. I was told that the little girl doesn’t seem to have any bonding issues. In fact she still tries to bond with the mother, despite the poor treatment. Remember that because she is 4 years old, you would be able to meet and talk with the girl right away to see if you are the right family! How cool is that!? Help me save the life of this poor sweet girl and find the RIGHT family that will love her like the child of God that she is!

If you want more info, think you might be the family, or know someone that would be….call Megan Roth at 801-838-8014. Tell her Mindy sent you.

Happy Hairdoing!

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