Hello Lovelies! Can you believe it’s already January? Many of us are now ready to welcome 2016 with some very big sounding New Year’s Resolutions. After all the Christmas and New Year’s festivities that very often involve too much food (at least in my case), starting to exercise and losing som...

Hats can hide a multitude of hair sins, like not washing your hair for 3 or more days or just being plain lazy when you go to bed with wet hair because you didn’t feel like blowing it dry (guilty on both counts!). One of my favorite things to do in either of those situations is throw on a cut...

So, Brooklyn read all of your comments from a few weeks ago, and brushed up on a hairstyle that she considers her go-to style! Today, Brooklyn will teach us all how to create a Double Fan Bun in less than 2 minutes! Everyone has them, those mornings when you are running late, or simply just don̵...

One of the best things about braiding hair, is that once you understand the basics, you can create all kinds of combination hairstyles!  Today I will teach you this beautiful Waterfall Twist Combo, using both a waterfall twist and a standard dutch braid. My little Rylan who turns 11 this month volun...

I’m in love with build-able hairstyles right now. A build-able hairstyle is basically a number of hairstyles that build upon each other.  To get to the second hairstyle, you have to finish the first hairstyle and so on… I really love build-able hairstyles because everyone has days where ...

This hairstyle is a great idea for when your hair is a little dirty or if you are running behind and need a quick idea!  It is great for short hair, medium hair, and long hair.  I love that it gets hair up and off the neck for a hot summer day!  To see your own photo recreations of this style featur...

If you love big braids but your hair is medium length or a bit on the thin side, this post is for you. Typically when you use clip-in hair extensions they are placed horizontally across the back and sides of your head. If you’ve been following my posts here on CGH you know I like to find alter...

Aren’t we always on the search for a new sports or athletic hairstyle? If you have athletic children or just active children this is a great hairstyle to keep hair out of the face. We combined a waterfall braid and a french braid for this cute style!To see your own photo recreations of this s...

I love a good combo hairstyle! You can use different braids and combine them to create a totally new look! The Flip Over Braid uses braid, flips and twists. (Sounds like a gymnastic routine!) This hairstyle is perfect to add to your list of athletic or sporty hairstyles. To see your own photo recre...

This one is for all the short hair girls! Bailey loves her short hair and she is constantly experimenting with different ways to style it. The double dutch bun has been her favorite lately. I finally got her in the studio to share her secret hairstyle with all of you! These buns are perfect for you...

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