Want to become CGH braid certified??? Simply tag your own photo of this braid with #CGHBoxFishtail on Instagram! Don’t forget that you can follow us on Instagram, too! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * I do get a ton of emails every day, and although it is impossible to respond to them all… I want y...

Don’t forget to hashtag your own photo recreations of these waves by using #CGHDeepWaves on Instagram and Twitter… they just might be reposted by us! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Many of you have asked how I have achieved the waves worn in my past several videos. Well, today is the day that I teach...

In May 2012, we posted our Bow Braid tutorial which was a hit, with now nearly 4.3 million views! In that video, we showed you how to create the basic bows in a French braid, and showed you various live examples on my other girls of hairstyles where you can incorporate the bow braid. Of all the styl...

More likely because our girls are more into dance and cheer more than they are in other sports or athletics, we have been lacking in the Sport Hairstyles category. So today, CGH#3 decided she wanted to show you an awesome one! Below you will learn exactly how to create a Fishtail-Accented Ponytail.T...

Today’s hairstyle is inspired by the combination of the Diagonal Bow Braid and the Zipper Braid. Brooklyn volunteered to be my model, because she loves these kinds of braids. This hairstyle is called a Diagonal French Loop Braid. We went with a French Braid as the base, because Brooklyn and I ...

Based upon the number of views, we can tell you’ve all loved our Rope Twisted Bun from a few months back! As lovely as that hairstyle is, it can take awhile to create. So, this week, Kamri and I thought it would be fun to show you another of our adorable textured bun hairstyles, that uses some...

Today’s hairstyle tutorial is a guest post from one of my best friends, fellow mommy, and travel buddy! Her name is Jill Ehat, and she’s an up-and-comer braider with a popular Instagram! I have known Jill since 2007, and she and her husband have such a cute little family, including adora...

BONUS VIDEO! Be sure to check back here this coming Wednesday night, to see a bonus family video! It’ll be a Room Tour of Daxton & Paisley’s room! Paisley is so excited for you to see her new bed! With Prom season right upon us, the girls and I wanted to give you an easy half-up hair...

Today’s hairstyle takes inspiration from one we posted back in December 2013. That style was the French-Up High Bun. Since its popularity, and with nearly 5,000,000 views, we decided to tweak it a bit for this week’s Double French Messy Bun Combo! If you know how to French Braid, this st...

In this tutorial we will show you how to create the Chinese Staircase Braid. This braid has been on our “To Do” list for several years.  We wanted to teach this to you so you can add it to your braid arsenal and impress your friends and family! We first show you the “traditional...

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