Black men with beards aren’t a new trend. In fact, the best beard styles for black men have been popular for years and continue to be some of the hottest looks in barbershops around the world today. Although there are many different types of black men beards to choose from, certain facial hair styles just happen to look better and more stylish on black guys! For example, trimmed and well-groomed beard designs seem to be more fitting than unkempt and messy looks, which is why finding a skilled barber or stylist to shape your facial hair can be an essential step in styling a sexy beard.
So whether you’re a bearded black man looking for the latest cool styles to try or simply a good-looking dude who wants to grow a full beard, we’ve got the top black beard styles for you.
1 Best Black Men Beard Styles2 The Full Beard3 The Goatee4 The Mustache5 Other Black Men Facial Hair Styles5.1 The Short Beard5.2 Beard Stubble5.3 Five O’Clock Shadow5.4 Thick Beard with Buzz Cut5.5 Van Dyke Beard5.6 Long Beard + Shape Up5.7 Long Beard Design + Curly Hair on Top5.8 Thick Beard Shape + Faded Sides5.9 Curly Buzz Cut + Low Taper Fade + Full Facial Hair5.10 Buzz Cut + Thin Goatee5.11 Heavy Stubble + Buzzed Hair5.12 Full Beard Style + Low Bald Fade + Short Curly Top5.13 Short Beard + Skin Fade + Line Up5.14 Full Beard + Short Curls + Shape Up + Bald Fade5.15 Pencil Line Beard + Low Drop Fade + Long Kinky Twists5.16 Thick Faded Beard + Buzz Cut +Waves5.17 Cool Line Up Beard5.18 Mustache with Stubble + Fade + Hair DesignBest Black Men Beard Styles
Below, we’ve collected pictures of the best black men beard styles. From long, full beards to goatees to bald black men with cool beards, check out these different ideas for inspiration before your next visit to the barbershop for a trim! And if you need help with beard growth, reference our guide on how to grow a beard!
The Full Beard
The full beard style for black men is a classic look. Regardless of color or ethnicity, a long, thick beard is a sign of masculinity and can be trimmed and groomed to work with any guy’s face. You’ll just need to buy some beard oil to keep your facial hair nice, soft and healthy.
The Goatee
Another classic beard style is the black man’s goatee. Goatee styles have always been trendy, particularly on black men with chiseled jawlines and faces, thereby making them one of the most popular facial hair styles within the African-American community!
The Mustache
If you’re looking for a more subtle and well-groomed facial hair style, black men and mustaches definitely work! Whether you choose a thick or thin mustache style, you’ll want to regularly groom and maintain it for a clean, professional look.
Other Black Men Facial Hair Styles
From famous black men with beards to cool styles for all guys, here are some of the other hottest facial hair styles you’ll want to get!