Dreadlocks continue to be popular in barbershops. Also known as locs, dreads epitomize a free, independent, and bohemian lifestyle; although guys shouldn’t let the stereotype prevent them from rocking dread hairstyles if that’s what they want. And while dreadlock styles are usually worn by black men, guys of all races have embraced the look. From short to long, black to blonde, and straight to braided, men’s dread styles come in many unique shapes, sizes, and designs.
Below, we’ll explore the many different ways you can rock modern dreadlocks hairstyles for men. From the taper fade with dreads to mohawk fade to the high top with dreadlocks, you’ll find all the coolest types of dreadlocks for guys to inspire your next haircut style.
1 Men’s Dreadlock Hairstyles1.1 Dreads With A Fade1.2 High Top Dreads1.3 Mohawk Dreads1.4 Short Dreads1.5 Dyed Dreads1.6 Braided Dreads2 Cool Dread Styles For Men2.1 Short Dreads with Fade2.2 High Top Dreads + Shape Up + Designs2.3 Long Dreadlocks + Undercut Fade2.4 Short Dreadlock Mohawk2.5 High Top Dreads + Long Beard2.6 Short Braided Dreads + Line Up2.7 Dreads Ponytail2.8 Box Braided Dreads2.9 Afro Faded Dreads + Full Beard2.10 Low Bald Fade + Line Up + Short Dreads2.11 Messy High Top Dreads2.12 Pulled Up Dreads2.13 Long, Thick Braided Dreadlocks2.14 Long Dreads2.15 Braided Dreads + Man Bun + Line Up + Beard2.16 Medium Locs + High Taper Fade + Line Up2.17 Undercut Dreads + Top Knot2.18 Thick Dread Fade + Pulled Back Bun2.19 Undercut Dreads + Thick Man Bun + Beard2.20 Short Locs + Temple Fade2.21 Long, Thick Dreads2.22 Medium Length Locs2.23 Twisted Dreads with Faded Sides + Beard2.24 Half Ponytail Dreads2.25 Long Flowing Thin Locs + Full Beard2.26 Blonde Dread Fade + Edge Up2.27 Box Braids + Dreads2.28 Dyed Dreads + BeardMen’s Dreadlock Hairstyles
Whether you prefer long or short dread styles for guys, it’s important to decide how you want your hair to look before asking your barber for a haircut. For example, do you want to pair your dreadlocks with a fade or undercut? If you choose a dreadlock fade, you’ll have to pick from the different types of fades.
The next step to deciding how to style your dreads is to choose the length and look on top. Some options include combining it with a high top, mohawk, ponytail, or braids. Here’s an in-depth look at all the different hairstyles for dreads.
Dreads With A Fade
Pairing a fade with dreads is the most common version of this look. But a dread fade will force you to pick the kind of cut you want on the sides. A high bald fade will offer a strong contrast for an edgy style. On the other hand, a low taper fade might be a better option if you don’t want the skin of your scalp to show. Either way, if you want a trendy but clean cut hairstyle, short dreads with a fade is your best bet.
High Top Dreads
As one of the best dreadlock styles to get, high top dreads, or even undercut dreads, are generally easier to manage and control. The taper fade on the back and sides keeps the hair short, while leaving a longer top. The dreads on top can then be left messy, pulled back, tied up, or styled any way you want. Ultimately, high top dreads can be cut and worn in a variety of ways, but almost all the variations are stylish and classy.
Mohawk Dreads
For a more daring look with some length, guys may want to try mohawk dreads. The mohawk fade with dreads on top looks best with shaved sides and short to medium length dreaded hair. The beauty of this cut is that the burst fade on the sides is easy to maintain, and the hair on top is versatile enough to be kept short or long.
Short Dreads
Short dread styles for guys may not be a distinct look, but it’s worth noting the benefits of shorter versus longer hair. While long dreadlock hairstyles tend to stand out more, short dreads are easier to maintain, manage and style every day. And although some men may think only long strands are versatile, there are so many styles for short locs, such as keeping them up, letting them fall to one side, parting in the middle, messy and all over, or worn into a top knot.
Dyed Dreads
If you feel the need to mix things up and want to change the color of your hair, then dyed dreads have become the latest fashion trend. By bleaching or dying your dreadlocks to incorporate different colors, particularly red streaks or ashy and blonde highlights, black men can make their dreads unique. How you decide to use color in your hair can really make all the difference here. Blonde highlights at the end of long dreads can be really dope.
Braided Dreads
Another popular trend lately is weaving dreads into braids. Dread braid styles add a cool texture and look that can make your hair stand out. You’ll have more styling options with thin dreads over large ones as you can create more intricate designs, but both provide a good, low-maintenance finish. If you already have dreadlocks and want to change your look, then consider any number of braided dreads hairstyles.
Cool Dread Styles For Men
If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some examples of men with locs who are bringing this traditional bohemian hairstyle into modern day fashion. Check out these awesome dread styles before your next trip to the barbershop!