10 Best Beard Oils For Black Men

Beard care has never been simpler. Beard oil for black men works to moisturize, condition, and soften facial hair. However, the best beard oils for black men don’t stop there. With natural ingredients designed to promote growth, the top-rated beard grooming products work to stop dandruff, prevent itchiness, minimize frizz, and altogether eliminate the dry skin under your beard.

To help you grow a thicker beard, read these reviews to find the best beard oil for black men. Beard care products like Honest Amish Beard Oil and Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner will help you maintain good facial hair while acting like a growth oil. As a black man with unique skin and facial hair, you owe it to yourself to check out these beard oils and conditioners.

Beard Oil For Black Men


1 10 Best Beard Oils For Black Men 20221.1 Honest Amish Beard Oil1.2 Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner1.3 Leven Rose Beard Oil1.4 Mountaineer Brand Beard Oil1.5 Jack Black Beard Oil1.6 The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil1.7 Grave Before Shave Beard Oil1.8 Bossman Beard Oil1.9 Cremo Beard Oil1.10 ArtNaturals Organic Beard Oil Conditioner2 How To Choose The Best Beard Oil For Black Men2.1 Ingredients2.2 Skin and Beard Hair Type2.3 Promotes Beard Growth2.4 Scent2.5 Price vs Quantity3 Why Use Beard Oil For Black Men4 How To Apply Beard Oil

10 Best Beard Oils For Black Men 2022

Honest Amish Beard Oil

Honest Amish Beard Oil

Honest Amish makes some of the best beard oils on the market. Some would argue this brand has created many of the top beard care products around. With 7 premium oils and 7 essential oils, Honest Amish Beard Oil continues the company’s tradition of making high-quality products with organic, all-natural ingredients.

Made with jojoba oil, avocado oil, virgin pumpkin seed oil, sweet almond oil, apricot oil, argan oil, and kukui oil, this beard oil for black men moisturizes and hydrates all day while encouraging growth.

In addition to beard growth and conditioning, it works to penetrate the hair and moisturize the skin under your beard. This process keeps your face soft and smooth while getting rid of dandruff or flaky dry skin.

This grooming product is also not sticky or greasy, and does not leave any residue or buildup behind. It won’t clog pores or irritate your skin. In fact, because this beard care product’s formula consists of natural ingredients, it’s great for black men with sensitive skin.

Finally, this beard oil smells good. The scent is light with a blend of clove, cinnamon, and cedarwood. While it starts off strong, the smell dissipates after a few minutes and you won’t notice it throughout the day.

Containing a number of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, Honest Amish Beard Oil aims to keep your beard healthy. For a beard oil that works with proven results, you can’t go wrong with a bottle.

Honest Amish - Classic Beard Oil - 2 Ounce 23,618 Reviews Honest Amish - Classic Beard Oil - 2 Ounce Hand Crafted in the USAOrganic Virgin Argan, Golden Jojoba and 6 More...All Natural and Organic Ingredients $12.22 Buy Now

Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner

Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner

Made with organic argan and jojoba oils, the Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner is great if you have sensitive skin. The main benefit of the oil is the protection is gives from the elements in cold conditions. If you work or spend a lot of time outside and want to shield your beard from dryness and irritation, it’s a great option.

If you’re susceptible to itching or even dandruff, only a few drops of the beard oil conditioner will get your beard back to its best form.

It’s also unscented and therefore fragrance-free. This is great for black men with sensitive skin or smell because the formula has no artificial chemicals and it won’t clash with any cologne you may be wearing.

It’s 100% natural too, so it’s safe for both your hair and skin. If you’re looking for a product that is high-quality, protective, and affordable, Viking Revolution’s Beard Oil is one to consider.

Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner - All Natural Unscented Argan & Jojoba Oils – Softens, Smooths & Strengthens Beard Growth – Grooming Beard and Mustache Maintenance Treatment, 1 Pack 10,885 Reviews Viking Revolution Beard Oil Conditioner - All Natural Unscented Argan & Jojoba Oils – Softens, Smooths & Strengthens Beard Growth – Grooming Beard and Mustache Maintenance Treatment, 1 Pack Tame Your Beard: Even the burliest of beards can...No Itching or Scratching: Get rid of the dreaded...No Scent Clash: We’ve made our beard grooming... $9.88 Buy Now

Leven Rose Beard Oil

Leven Rose Beard Oil

Leven Rose has certainly established itself as a top men’s beard care and grooming brand. The company’s Beard Oil and Leave-In Conditioner comes unscented with natural ingredients. The fragrance-free formula means no artificial chemicals or fillers. This is the perfect beard oil for guys with sensitive noses or who may be allergic to certain smells.

This product also contains jojoba oil and Moroccan argan oil, giving your beard a nourishing balance of vitamins and nutrients. It will moisturize effectively, protect your sensitive skin, stop beard itch, and completely get rid of dandruff.

Absorbing promptly into your beard, it doesn’t take long to work. If your skin is prone to irritation, it’s unlikely to cause any discomfort for you. Plus, this beard oil is great at dealing with any growing pains like itchiness and dryness.

With all these benefits for your facial hair, Leven Rose’s Beard Oil deserves your serious consideration.

Sale Fragrance Free Beard Oil & Leave in Conditioner, 100% Pure Natural for Groomed Beards, Mustaches, and Moisturized Skin 1 oz by Ranger Grooming Co by Leven Rose (Beard Oil) 7,557 Reviews Fragrance Free Beard Oil & Leave in Conditioner, 100% Pure Natural for Groomed Beards, Mustaches, and Moisturized Skin 1 oz by Ranger Grooming Co by Leven Rose (Beard Oil) #1 RATED BEARD OIL FOR MEN - Keep Your Beard...Contains Only 2 Ingredients - JOJOBA OIL, MOROCCAN...AS FEATURED IN GQ - Soaks in quickly to treat and... $13.97 Buy Now

Mountaineer Brand Beard Oil

Mountaineer Brand Beard Oil

Your beard can often be neglected as part of your everyday grooming routine, and sometimes it is in need of some TLC. That’s where Mountaineer Brand Beard Oil comes in. Not only does it look after and protect your beard, but it’ll help you to look your best when out with family and friends.

With all-natural and organic oils including grapeseed oil, almond oil and castor oil, it restores your beard back to its former glories. Also hydrating your beard and skin, it keeps your face feeling smooth and soft, while also reducing itching and dullness.

This oil has a light rugged scent, but it is a pleasant smell that sets it apart from many other beard products. However, as a result, it might not be best if you have more sensitive skin.

Ultimately, Mountaineer Brand’s Beard Oil is a great option to keep your skin and beard hydrated, particularly if you have a shorter beard.

Beard Oil by Mountaineer Brand, WV Timber, Scented with Cedarwood and Fir Needle, Conditioning Oil, 2 oz bottle 7,140 Reviews Beard Oil by Mountaineer Brand, WV Timber, Scented with Cedarwood and Fir Needle, Conditioning Oil, 2 oz bottle TWICE AS MUCH AS OTHER BRANDS. 2-Ounce Bottle....HANDMADE IN USA WITH 100% NATURAL OILS. This beard...REDUCE ITCHING AND FLAKING – Mountaineer Beard... $10.95 Buy Now

Jack Black Beard Oil

Jack Black Beard Oil

If you want an alternative to the beard oils naming jojoba oil and argan oil among their ingredients, consider Jack Black Beard Oil. Jack Black is one of the top men’s grooming brands on the market, and this beard oil promises a multitude of impressive results, from hydrating hair to treating dry skin.

This formula comes with a variety of oils and botanicals, including kalakari melon oil, marula oil, brown algae and carrot extract, vitamin E, and plum oil. These oils work together to moisturize your dry skin, treat brittle facial hair, keep your skin and hair fully hydrated, and minimize itchiness.

With a fresh scent that smells light and pleasant, men and women alike will love the natural fragrance. While this beard oil is approved by dermatologists for safe use, if you have very sensitive skin, you might prefer an unscented product.

While Jack Black as a brand is a little more expensive when compared to most of its rivals, the company is known for using the finest ingredients and delivering excellent results. If beard care and growth are important to you, Jack Black’s Beard Oil is worth the money.

Jack Black - Beard Oil with Kalahari Melon Oil & Vitamin E, 1 Fl Oz 3,357 Reviews Jack Black - Beard Oil with Kalahari Melon Oil & Vitamin E, 1 Fl Oz Plum Oil softens brittle dry facial hair for added...Free of synthetic fragrance parabens or colorantsDermatologist tested $26.00 Buy Now

The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil

The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil

Handmade in the USA, The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil is one of the most highly-rated beard products around. Perhaps its major selling point is that this beard oil and conditioner is completely all-natural and fragrance-free. With no artificial scents, this product is the best beard oil for black men with sensitive skin.

Made from organic ingredients, the formula includes evening primrose oil, jojoba oil, extra virgin coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, argan oil, and vitamin E oil. With no fillers, additives, parabens, or GMOs, this all-natural beard product was engineered with your health in mind.

Together, these ingredients work to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin underneath, stimulate hair growth by supporting follicles, and generally stop beard itch and dandruff. The end result is a stronger, softer, and smoother beard.

Great for short and long beards, this oil is also well-suited for all skin types. Only a few drops are needed and your skin and facial hair will readily absorb the product.

Because it is unscented, it won’t mask any smells. To keep a clean, nice-smelling beard, we recommend you always wash yours with a quality beard shampoo before applying.

In the end, if you want to promote beard growth while moisturizing and conditioning your hair and skin, Gentleman’s Beard Oil continues to be a very popular choice.

The Gentlemen's Premium Beard Oil - Conditioner Softener - All Natural Fragrance Free - Softens, Strengthens and Promotes Beard & Mustache Growth - Leave In Conditioner Moisturizes Skin 4,103 Reviews The Gentlemen's Premium Beard Oil - Conditioner Softener - All Natural Fragrance Free - Softens, Strengthens and Promotes Beard & Mustache Growth - Leave In Conditioner Moisturizes Skin Handmade in the USA: Warning! - Ask Where the...Completely Fragrance Free: Is it really unscented,...Promote Healthy Beard Growth - Softens &... $19.97 Buy Now

Grave Before Shave Beard Oil

Grave Before Shave Beard Oil

Grave Before Shave Beard Oil is useful in getting a healthy beard with a smooth, shiny finish. Reputable and well-made, this oil hydrates your skin underneath to minimize itch and flakes while conditioning your facial hair.

Made with tea tree oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, aloe vera, vitamin E oil, and other essential oils, this beard oil cleanses and disinfects while moisturizing and strengthening. Great for damaged, brittle or dry facial hair, it will leave your beard soft and smooth. Given its all-natural ingredients, its also good for sensitive skin.

The formula is rum-scented with a hint of coconut, something of a departure from the outdoorsy, natural scents of other beard oils. It’s a great smell by all accounts, but some guys might prefer a more neutral fragrance.

Nevertheless, Grave Before Shave’s Beard Oil fights beard dandruff and itchiness, while promoting healthy growth. Effective and affordable, black men love this organic product for its performance.

Sale Grave Before Shave™ Beard Oil (Bay Rum Scent) 2,625 Reviews Grave Before Shave™ Beard Oil (Bay Rum Scent) 1 OZ. Dropper Bottle or 1 OZ. Pump TopAmazing Bay Rum scent, with coconut afternotesHelps keep the beard shiny and healthy $12.50 Buy Now

Bossman Beard Oil

Bossman Beard Oil

Say goodbye to itchy beards and dry facial hairs with Bossman Beard Oil. With a jelly-like formula quite unlike the other oils available, this beard care product is thick, powerful and effective.

Made with shea butter, avocado oil, cocoa seed butter, soy bean oil, beeswax, castor seed oil, and sunflower seed oil, this jelly delivers deep moisture and hydration. Great for short beards where it can be worked in easily, this product will require more effort to spread smoothly in a long beard.

However, the benefit is you get a stronger hold for styling and all-day conditioning. Plus, it acts like a lotion on the skin underneath, so make sure to use a beard comb to distribute evenly throughout. The formula also encourages faster beard growth, while keeping your hair soft and shiny.

This oil comes with a masculine sandalwood scent you are sure to enjoy. However, it is important to note that the product does come in a variety of smells, including unscented, lavender, lemon, and a blend of leather and sweet tobacco.

Lightweight yet robust, Bossman’s Beard Oil is a very popular choice for many reasons. All-natural, long-lasting, easy to use, and proven to stop itchiness while promoting thicker growth this non-greasy product was formulated for black men’s beards.

Sale Bossman Beard Oil Jelly (4oz) - Beard Growth Softener, Moisturizer Lotion Gel with Natural Ingredients - Beard Growing Product (Magic Scent) 13,073 Reviews Bossman Beard Oil Jelly (4oz) - Beard Growth Softener, Moisturizer Lotion Gel with Natural Ingredients - Beard Growing Product (Magic Scent) A First of its Kind Beard "Jelly": More effective...Beard Growth Oil for Softening, Thickening, and...Natural Ingredients that Last Longer: Don't coat... $14.95 Buy Now

Cremo Beard Oil

Cremo Beard Oil

No matter the length of your beard, Cremo Beard Oil comes from a long line of products with a solid reputation. Cremo makes a quality product that both helps sensitive skin and enhances your beard’s look by reducing itch, moisturizing your skin, and generally supporting growth. If you suffer from sensitive or dry skin, it will hydrate, sooth, and soften your face quickly.

The ingredients list includes sunflower oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, rosemary extract, and vitamin E oil. Formulated with the best all-natural ingredients you can find in a beard oil, this recipe is great for your beard and skin.

In addition to cleansing and keeping your skin clear and healthy, this product hydrates, revitalizes, conditions, and strengthens. By preventing irritation and nourishing dry or damaged facial hair, it helps your beard actually grow faster.

Lastly, this beard oil comes in a variety of smells, including unscented, mint blend, and forest. The no-fragrance option is ideal for guys with sensitive skin and noses, and the mint and forest smells are refreshing and subtle so neither will overpower your cologne.

Black men who value good beard care will absolutely buy a bottle of Cremo’s Beard Oil.

Sale Cremo Beard Oil, Revitalizing Wild Mint, 1 fl oz - Restore Natural Moisture and Soften Your Beard To Help Relieve Beard Itch 4,832 Reviews Cremo Beard Oil, Revitalizing Wild Mint, 1 fl oz - Restore Natural Moisture and Soften Your Beard To Help Relieve Beard Itch Moisturizes and conditions your beard and the skin...Keeps your beard and face smelling fresh and clean...Designed for beards of all lengths. $11.61 Buy Now

ArtNaturals Organic Beard Oil Conditioner

ArtNaturals Organic Beard Oil and Conditioner

ArtNaturals is one of the most well-known and reputable brands in the industry. Respected for using the highest-quality ingredients to maximize results, the company’s Organic Beard Oil Conditioner delivers another win.

Made with jojoba oil, Moroccan argan oil, and vitamin E, this beard care product keeps your facial hair and skin soft while hydrating and moisturizing. It also fights beard dandruff, prevents itching, and stops flaky dry skin.

No sulfates, parabens, phthalates, preservatives, chemicals or fragrances make this beard oil safe for sensitive skin as well as all skin types. The unscented, fragrance-free formula also means it won’t irritate your nose and you won’t even notice it on your beard.

Affordable yet effective at softening and conditioning your beard all day, ArtNaturals offers a great beard and mustache oil for any black man to use.

artnaturals Organic Beard Oil Conditioner for Men - 100% Pure Unscented - Beard and Mustache Growth w/ Argan & Jojoba Oil - Softens Your Beard, Stops Itching and Treats Acne (2 Fl Oz / 60ml) 1,854 Reviews artnaturals Organic Beard Oil Conditioner for Men - 100% Pure Unscented - Beard and Mustache Growth w/ Argan & Jojoba Oil - Softens Your Beard, Stops Itching and Treats Acne (2 Fl Oz / 60ml) CONDITION AND MOISTURIZE - ArtNaturals Beard and...ELIMINATES ITCH AND FLAKING - Soothing, hydrating...SAFE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES - Organic oils natural... $9.90 Buy Now

How To Choose The Best Beard Oil For Black Men

Best Beard Oil For Black Men


The ingredients are what make a beard oil, so the ingredient list and formula is very important to consider when choosing a product. First and foremost, natural and organic ingredients are critical to good beard care, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Also, think about the carrier oils and essential oils used. Carrier oils are suitable for applying directly onto the skin, and include such oils as jojoba and argan. These oils tend to show up in most of the top-rated beard oils. In contrast, essential oils, including lavender and peppermint, are more concentrated, and less suitable for skin use unless diluted by carrier oils.

Some of the most important ingredients to find in beard oils for black men include argan, jojoba, grapeseed, apricot kernel, moringa, tea tree, peppermint, rose, sweet almond, eucalyptus, coconut, avocado, virgin pumpkin, kukui, lavender, and rose oil.

A formula with these oils will nourish, protect, and moisturize your beard and the skin under while stimulating growth for a healthy look.

Beard Oil For Black Facial Hair

Skin and Beard Hair Type

Depending on your hair type and the condition of your skin, different oils will suit you better than others. If your beard is more greasy, you will likely need a different oil compared to those with dry hair and skin. For sensitive skin, grape seed and jojoba oil are ideal, whereas argan oil gives you the moisture and hydration you need if you have dry hair and skin.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that natural and organic products are better for your beard, if you want to keep it looking fresh and healthy. Oils containing artificial ingredients generally don’t help your beard to the same extent, and can even be damaging.

Beard Oil For African American Men

Promotes Beard Growth

One purpose of beard oil is to help beard growth, although it probably shouldn’t be the deciding factor. By using the oil, it works as a sort of fertilizer, proving the best conditions for your facial hair to grow.

However, beard oils don’t really make your hair grow any faster. Sure, they help your beard as it’s growing, but they don’t generally speed up the process. When your beard is growing, the best thing to do is ensure that you’re using your beard oil in the correct manner, so that your hair remains healthy and in good shape, not frizzy and dry.


It might seem more trivial than the other aspects here, but the scents of different beard oils can be a deciding factor. A downside to strong fragrances is that these beard products can clash with your cologne or body spray. Scents are often woodsy or “outdoorsy”, or more citrus-based in nature – it comes down to personal preference.

Alternatively, unscented oils can be the best for you. If you have sensitive skin, they are less likely to irritate you, and will not clash with any other fragrances you might be wearing. You know your hair and skin best – trust your judgement.

Beard Growth Oil For Black Men

Price vs Quantity

It might be tempting to go for a cheaper product, but it’s usually worth paying a little extra for a better product that’s more suited to your skin and hair, while larger products might be more expensive on the face of it, but work out to be cheaper per ounce.

Ideally, you’ll want a high-quality product with natural, organic ingredients from a company you trust, that’s approved by dermatologists, and that’s comes in a decently-sized bottle so it lasts for a while. If that means paying slightly extra, it’s a sacrifice that’s well worth making.

Why Use Beard Oil For Black Men

Why Use Beard Oil For Black Men

Beard oil brings a number of benefits to both your skin and facial hair. A key factor is that it softens your beard, keeping it hydrated and soft. However, it moisturizes both your beard and skin, stopping it from drying out and becoming too brittle, which can be an issue in colder weather, particularly if you work outside. For a beard that’s smooth and manageable, black men need good beard products.

There are several other uses and benefits as well. Quality oil can stop beard itchiness. An itchy beard is a result of dry skin that gets irritated when beard hairs are growing. A moisturizing product like oil can soothe sensitive skin.

Similarly, beard oil can make your facial hair look better. Cool beard styles require control and styling. While oil is designed more for care than style, it can make it easier for you to brush your beard and remove tangles. Moreover, once you’ve straightened your beard with a comb, you can shape your facial hair effortlessly.

Black Men Beard Care

When your skin is too dry, it can lead to beard dandruff, so that’s another issue that beard oil can help you with – you’ll be saved from the potential embarrassment or awkwardness that beard dandruff can entail. Avoid dry, flaky skin on your beard by keeping it hydrated. The vitamins and minerals included in many products also help to improve the quality of your skin.

Beard oil also helps to promote beard growth by creating the best conditions for your facial hair to grow. It doesn’t actually grow the hair itself, but provides the right conditions for your mane to flourish. It then gives your beard a great finish, to round off your look.

How To Apply Beard Oil

How To Apply Beard Oil For Black Men

If you’re looking for the best results, you should apply beard oil in the correct way. First of all, it’s usually best to apply your beard oil as soon as you leave the shower. You’ll have just cleaned your face in the shower, and the heat from the water will have opened up the pores of your skin.

Before you begin, dry your beard with a towel but only slightly – you want it to remain slightly damp. Then, your skin pores are ready to best absorb the oil.

Pour the oil carefully into your hand, and then work it into your skin before getting to work on your beard. Make sure that you spread the oil around your beard evenly, going with the grain and ensuring that the oil goes to the roots of your facial hair. After you’re done, you should comb your beard for best results – a good-quality beard comb is ideal.

Good Beard Oil Products For Black Guys

When applying the oil, ensure that you have the right amount. There’s no point putting ten drops on a thin, new beard just as you wouldn’t only put a couple of drops on a thick beard that you have been growing for years.

As a general rule, use three to four drops on a new beard, no more than six on a beard that’s had between one and three months of growth, six to ten on a beard that’s been growing for less than a year, and at least ten drops for a beard that’s been growing for over a year.

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