When it comes to fashionable looks for men, light skin haircuts are cool and classy styles that look great on mixed guys. These light skin hairstyles offer a range of classic and modern cuts that can help create flattering and low-maintenance styles. If you’re searching for a new look, these hairstyles for black men with light skin have become a fashion trend where different styles and colors are used to complement the skin tone.
Whether you want a business professional style or a cool casual cut, there are several hairstyles for light skin guys to consider. Some light skin men will want a taper fade haircut with short curly hair on top, while others may prefer dreads or braids for a bold and trendy style. With so many fresh looks, it can be a challenge choosing the right hairstyle.
To inspire you with ideas, we’ve compiled a list of the best light skin haircuts. From dreads to curls, explore these popular light skin hairstyles for men to find a stylish look!
1 Light Skin Hairstyles1.1 Taper Fade1.2 Dreads1.3 Braids1.4 Light Skin with Short Hair1.5 Light Skin with Long Hair1.6 Curly Hair1.7 Mohawk1.8 Afro1.9 Cornrows1.10 Man Bun1.11 Undercut1.12 Boys HaircutsLight Skin Hairstyles
Taper Fade
The taper fade is a popular haircut for guys who want a clean and low-maintenance cut on the sides and back. The light skin taper fade will take your hairstyle to the next level, creating style and contrast that will draw attention to the longer hair on top. Light skin men can experiment with many different fade haircuts to achieve their desired look.
The low taper fade offers a classy and professional cut, while the mid and high fade haircuts can provide a sleek and edgy finish. You can also ask your barber for a drop, burst, skin or bald fade to further tailor the look. The taper fade can be paired with dreadlocks, braids, curls and mohawk styles to create a stylish look.
Being light skin with dreads is a trendy look for those who want a cool and low-maintenance style. As one of the most versatile light skin hairstyles, dreadlocks can be rocked in several different ways. From long to short and loose to tied up, dreads and light skin guys are a natural combination.
Braids for light skin men have become a popular hair trend, offering a simple and unique style that looks flattering. Whether you choose box braids, cornrows or braided dreads, this low-maintenance light skin hairstyle can be paired with a taper fade, undercut or shaved sides to design an fresh look. Some may want to experiment with different designs and colors, resulting in brown, red or blonde braided hair.
Light Skin with Short Hair
If you have light skin and want short hair, there are many classic and modern men’s hairstyles to choose from, including the buzz cut, high top, cornrows, mohawk, twists and loose curls. Short light skin haircuts generally feature a fade on the sides and back with shorter hair on top. These charming styles will require guys to use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner to maintain moisturize, enhance thickness and minimize frizz. When styling, you may need to apply a hair moisturizer for all day hydration before using a strong product to keep your hair styled.
Light Skin with Long Hair
Light skin guys with long hair will want to experiment with refreshing styles like dreads, braids, twists, Afros and man buns. To fashion a unique look, you may want to dye your hair brown or blonde to complement your skin tone. With the right styling products, long hairstyles can look great with wavy, curly and straight hair.
Curly Hair
Curly hair light skin guys have many cool haircuts to consider, resulting in the latest and hottest styles. From short to long, the most popular curly hairstyles start with a fade on the sides and back to create contrast, bringing attention to the curls on top. Whether you prefer tight or loose curls, the curly hair fade is a versatile lightskin haircut for men that will allow you to transform your look. For maximum volume and bounce, use a styling cream that will moisturize and control your curls without weighting them down.
The mohawk is a modern hairstyle for light skin men who want an edgy and youthful look. While there are different types, the mohawk fade continues to be the most popular haircut style. Most guys will get a burst or drop fade to customize the cut. With short hair on the sides and back, this hairstyle offers a great way to style thick kinky and curly hair.
If you have naturally kinky hair, the Afro is a retro hairstyle for black men that will elevate your look. An Afro always looks great on light skin guys and can be a great way to stand out in any crowd. While the classic look requires longer hair all around, some modern Afro styles combine a short top with a fade haircut on the sides for a sleek finish. You can feature dyed hair or highlights to create extra flair.
Cornrows are an iconic braided hairstyle for black men who want a fresh look and don’t mind the spotlight. By choosing a cool design and maintaining their scalp, mixed guys can pull off this stunning style and make a bold statement.
Man Bun
The man bun is a masculine long hairstyle for light skin men that can be styled with ease. Ideal for shoulder length to longer hair, the bun can be tied up in the back or on the top of the head. This hipster style is well-suited for all hair types, including straight, wavy and curly locks.
The undercut is a cool light skin haircut that starts by buzzing the sides and back short with one length. Whether you choose the classic or disconnected undercut, this low-maintenance hairstyle can be combined with straight, thick, wavy or curly hair to achieve a flattering look. For a ruggedly dark and handsome look, you can feature a short full beard to contrast your skin tone. Quality beard products can help maintain and care for your facial hair.
Boys Haircuts
Light skin boys have many stylish haircuts that look cool and are easy to maintain. Teenage guys and little boys may experiment with dreads for a simple and eye-catching style. Boys with curly hair who want a cute hairstyle for school should try a fade on the sides and back with thick longer curls on top, creating an effortlessly chic vibe. The curly hair can be cropped short for simple styling or left long and brushed out for a voluminous messy finish.