As one of the most popular styles for men, the military haircut is a clean and low-maintenance look. A military hairstyle offers a short cut on the sides, back and top of the head, creating a functional style for a soldier or law enforcement officer. While the traditional Army haircut was the induction cut, modern gentlemen can combine different styles to customize their look.
Whether you need a short business professional style for work or a simple cut as a police officer, there are several military hairstyles to consider. Some men will want a buzz cut with a fade on the sides and back for a masculine hairstyle, while others may prefer a crew cut paired with an undercut for a versatile longer style.
With so many cool military haircut styles, it can be a challenge choosing the right look. To inspire you with ideas, we’ve compiled this list of the best military haircuts. From the buzz cut fade to the crew cut, explore these popular military hairstyles for men to find a stylish look you’ll love.
1 Military Haircuts1.1 Buzz Cut1.2 Crew Cut1.3 Military Fade1.4 Ivy League1.5 Induction Cut1.6 Regulation Cut1.7 Flat Top1.8 High and Tight1.9 Butch Cut1.10 Burr Cut1.11 Comb Over1.12 Police Haircut1.13 Skin Fade1.14 Hard PartMilitary Haircuts
Buzz Cut
The buzz cut is a short military haircut that offers a clean and bold look for men who want an easy style. The buzz cut fade offers a modern and high-contrast look that can take your style to the next level. Guys can choose between a low, mid or high fade haircut on the sides and back to create an edgy and stylish finish. To take it a step further, you can ask your barber to further tailor the cut with a skin fade that will taper the hair into the scalp. For a rugged handsome look, you can pair a full beard with your cut.
Crew Cut
The crew cut is one of the most common short haircuts for men who want a business professional style that always looks great. A crew cut can be a great way for military men to get a masculine look while maintaining longer hair. The crew cut fade offers tapered short hair on the sides and back with a slightly longer length on top, adding definition and style for the perfect finish. When styling, guys can brush the hair forward, sweep it to the side for a comb over or leave it messy for a casual look. Whether you’re a cop or in the Army, the crew cut hairstyle is a universally-flattering and charming option.
Military Fade
The military fade is a popular haircut for men to get on the sides and back, offering a sharp and modern style that will elevate your look. The fade haircut involves gradually tapering the hair, going from long to short down the sides. There are many different types of fades to consider, including the low, mid and high fade. For an edgy vibe, guys can also feature a bald or skin fade. Some guys like to add a low fade to their military cut for a soft and versatile finish, while others choose a mid or high fade to create a very short and masculine look. For a bold touch, a skin fade haircut can blend your hair into the scalp and give you a sleek style. The fade can be combined with a buzz cut, crew cut, high and tight, flat top or hard part for the perfect hairstyle.
Ivy League
The Ivy League is a smart and classy men’s hairstyle that will allow you to create a side swept look, resulting in a cool and preppy style. The Ivy League haircut combines a taper on the sides and back with a longer crew cut on top. Guys can add a fade to get a military-inspired look. With extra length and volume, you’ll want to style the Ivy League by sweeping the hair in front to the side for a classic gentleman’s style. You can use a matte styling product for a textured finish or a high-shine pomade to get a retro wet look.
Induction Cut
The induction cut is a very short military haircut for guys who want a masculine look that requires no styling. The induction hairstyle is given to recruits on the first day of boot camp and can be cut using hair clippers with no guard. To experiment with this very short cut, you’ll want to ask your barber for a high skin fade on the sides and back to create some contrast with the hair on top. Similar to a shaved head, this look is suited for men with a square head shape and sharp facial features like a chiseled jawline.
Regulation Cut
The regulation cut is a longer Army haircut that has become a barbershop favorite for business professional men. A regulation haircut starts with a taper fade on the sides and back with a short crop on top that allows guys to style a side part. This military style is easy to maintain, looks good and works for most occasions. You’ll want to apply a medium to strong hair product for control and volume, resulting in an elegant and clean-cut style.
Flat Top
The flat top is a short haircut characterized by the hair on the top being cut flat and styled upright. With a fade on the sides and back, the flat top haircut is an edgy military style that looks great with thick, straight hair. Similar to a high and tight, you’ll need a strong styling product to keep your hair spiked all day. For a softer and more natural finish, guys should use a matte pomade or gel.
High and Tight
The high and tight is a very short hairstyle for guys who want a shorter variation of the crew cut. The high and tight haircut can be characterized by a high fade on the sides and back with short hair on top, creating a simple and youthful style. You can ask your barber for a high skin fade to focus all the attention above. Whether you style your hair messy or sweep it to the side, the high and tight military hairstyle is a functional cut that you can get at home with clippers.
Butch Cut
The butch cut is a modern haircut that comes with short hair all-around for a masculine look. Butch haircuts are great styles for military men and athletes who need functional cuts that minimize styling and distractions. There are many different types of butch hairstyles, ranging from the shorter burr to the longer brush cut. For a stylish look, talk to your barber about getting a medium to high fade on the sides and back. When trimming the hair on top, you’ll need a number 1, 2 or 3 clipper guard depending on short you want to cut your hair.
Burr Cut
The burr cut has become a popular style for guys who need a very short and low-maintenance look. A burr is a type of butch haircut that is cut to less than 1/4 inch of hair on top. The burr cut hairstyle looks best with a skin fade or shaved undercut on the sides and back, giving you another dimension and some necessary contrast. Great for guys with thin or thinning hair, this military haircut offers an aggressive vibe that would be perfectly acceptable for a Marine or MMA fighter.
Comb Over
The comb over is a classic men’s hairstyle that has become a fashionable look for modern gentleman. The comb over haircut is a style that starts with a fade or undercut on the sides and longer hair on top that is combed to one side for a parted finish. As a stylish business professional cut, the comb over fade offers a versatile look and can be a great look for military men. Whether you have straight, wavy or curly hair, you’ll want to experiment with this charming style.
Police Haircut
The police haircut is a short style that looks clean-cut and professional while being convenient and practical. Police officer hairstyles have utilitarian features and tend to include styles like the short crew cut with a high skin fade, comb over tape, high and tight, buzz cut, flat top and shaved head. Similar to military styles, your short hair can be tailored to create the perfect look to suit your needs. With a fade on the sides and back, your cop haircut will look stylish and flattering all around.
Skin Fade
The skin fade is a military-style haircut that blends the hair on the sides and back into the scalp to create a fresh cut. The skin fade haircut can be added to any modern hairstyle, making the style low-maintenance and cool. Great for the Marines, Navy, Army and all branches of the military, there are several fade haircut styles to explore for a stylish look.
Hard Part
The hard part has been a classic haircut for gentlemen who like to comb their hair to the side. The hard part cut features a thick shaved line into your hair with a razor. The part can separate the sides and top of your head or where you style your parted hair. This military style can be a unique way to get a cool and classy look.