When it comes to stylish cuts and styles for men, medium length hair has been a popular trend in recent years. Fashionable and trendy, medium length hairstyles can range from classic looks to modern styles. From the effortlessly cool brush back to the smooth middle part and flowing comb over, many medium haircuts are low-maintenance and look good. While mid-length is generally defined as hair that is at least 4 inches, guys can choose from medium short to medium long hairstyles to achieve the perfect length for their desired style. You may prefer medium hair all over for a youthful look or want a fade or undercut on the sides with long hair on top. To inspire you with ideas and styling options, we’ve compiled a list of the best medium length hairstyles for men to get right now. Whether you have curly, wavy, thick, or straight hair, explore these flattering medium-length men’s haircuts to find limitless possibilities.
1 Medium Length Hairstyles1.1 Bro Flow1.2 Quiff1.3 Blowout1.4 Slick Back1.5 Side Part1.6 Comb Over1.7 Messy Hairstyle1.8 Middle Part1.9 Faux Hawk1.10 Pompadour1.11 Mohawk1.12 Fringe1.13 Shoulder Length Hair1.14 Medium Thick Hair1.15 Medium Straight Hair2 Men’s Medium Length Haircuts2.1 Undercut2.2 Low Fade2.3 Mid Fade2.4 High FadeMedium Length Hairstyles
Bro Flow
Sleek and handsome, the bro flow is a charming hairstyle for men with medium length hair. Brushed back loosely, this trendy style is all about maximizing volume and body with a relaxed look. Perfect for thick straight hair, the look is as simple as letting your hair hang naturally and tucking it behind your ears to keep it out of your face.
These types of cuts are ideal if you’re starting to grow your hair out and need to regularly trim to avoid split ends. Whether you style a middle part or comb it over from one side, use a light matte styling product like wax for a textured natural finish.
Stylish and cool, the quiff is a fashionable men’s hairstyle that looks hot with longer hair. Combined with tapered or undercut sides for contrast, the quiff haircut is similar to the pompadour and offers volume and movement.
Ideal for guys with thick hair, you can pull off the quiff with cream, wax or clay for a clean finish. Create an iconic look with a full head of hair by maximizing lift in the front.
The blowout is a new men’s hair trend that’s become a barbershop favorite. Casual and fun, this hairstyle gives you a windswept look. Use a blow dryer to dry your hair and give it volume, then use your favorite styling product to define and keep the texture in your styling. Play it light with the product so you don’t dampen that blown-out style.
Slick Back
As one of the most popular haircuts with short sides and long hair on top, slicked back styles are masculine and sophisticated. Slick back hair is generally more refined and can be the perfect business professional hairstyle for men to wear to work.
If you want a low-maintenance look for medium length hair, the slick back is easy to get and simple to style. For a sleek wet finish, use a high-hold pomade with a glossy touch to keep your hair combed back all day long. Guys with thick, wavy or curly hair will want to apply a strong hair product.
Side Part
The side part is a classic gentleman’s haircut that will always impress. If you prefer the modern version, ask your barber for a hard side part and he will shave a part into your hair using clippers or a straight razor.
This cut is perfect for men who are looking to add a distinct edge to their style. You can pair this style with a low, mid, or high bald fade on the sides for a classy medium length hairstyle.
Comb Over
Versatile and good-looking on guys of all ages, the comb over has made a huge comeback in recent times. Like a parted haircut, the comb over is styled by sweeping the hair to one side. Great for wavy, thick, and straight medium length hair, comb over hairstyles are easy to maintain and style.
You can feature a fade, undercut, or tapered cut on the sides to complement the longer style on top. To get the look, work pomade or clay into your hair and comb your hair across the head. Leave it loose and hanging to one side for an easygoing vibe.
Messy Hairstyle
Also known as a bedhead or a tousled look, messy hairstyles are all about looking casual and effortless with appearing sloppy or unkempt. Popular with teenagers, college guys and young men, tousled styles are youthful and fun.
To produce the right look, you’ll need medium length to longer hair and a quality styling product. For some, the shaggy top comes easily after towel-drying hair; others will need to apply a light cream, pomade or putty for a clean, textured style.
Middle Part
The middle part naturally lends itself to medium-length hair and has been growing in popularity. Much like the 90s-inspired curtains haircut, the middle part hairstyle looks best when the hair on top is kept longer and the sides are trimmed shorter to maximize contrast.
Whether you brush the longer bangs back or let the fringes hang on the sides will depend on your personal preference. Guys will need a top-rated shampoo and conditioner with a lightweight hair product to maximize fullness and minimize frizz.
Faux Hawk
If you want a bold and edgy hairstyle, the faux hawk is always a stylish choice. Traditionally associated with punk styles, faux hawks have become mainstream. To highlight the height and long top, most guys combine the fohawk with a fade haircut.
Providing flexibility and flair, you can rock a comb over or quiff by day and style a faux hawk at night. You’ll need a strong product to keep the spikes up toward the middle of the head, but the final look will be worth the effort.
With the right shape, height and volume, the pompadour can be a sexy way to style your medium length hair. The modern pompadour is cut with a taper fade or undercut on the sides and back to create a fresh take on the classic look. To style a longer pompadour, you’ll need to use a strong pomade and blow-dry your hair into place.
The mohawk is an awesome look for those who want to embrace an exceptional style. While you can always try a mohawk with shaved sides, the modern mohawk fade is less dramatic and more common. Trendy and badass, the mohawk hairstyle is a statement all by itself. Apply pomade to dry hair for a textured finish that will really stand out.
The fringe is an easy men’s hairstyle to pull off with medium hair. Also known as bangs, a fringe haircut requires long hair in the front with slightly shorter hair on the sides and back.
When styling this look, you’ll want to sweep your bangs to the side and leave the style loose and relaxed. Lack-back and simple to maintain, use a light hold product for movement, body, and texture.
Shoulder Length Hair
Shoulder length hairstyles are great for men with naturally thick long hair who want a unique and fashionable look. From the man bun to the ponytail, you can experiment with many different styles or just keep your hair layered, natural and flowing.
When styling, use a product like sea salt spray that will give your hair texture while offering control. While it may take some time to grow your hair longer, you’ll still need to regularly trim the tips to avoid split-ends. Make sure to use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner to cleanse, hydrate, and nourish your hair for a beautiful, healthy shine.
Medium Thick Hair
Medium length hairstyles work well with thick hair, allowing men to create virtually any look they want. From casual cuts to business professional styles, talk to your barber about the best men’s haircuts for your face shape, hair type, and styling needs. Whether you like the comb over, quiff, slick back, or center part, we recommend you experiment with all the coolest looks.
Medium Straight Hair
Straight hair offers men the opportunity to try all these medium hairstyles easily. Most guys with medium length straight hair can play with a range of styles. You can look like a pretty boy with a clean-shaven face or rock the masculine alpha male with a rugged beard.
As you grow out your hair, focus on medium haircuts that will take advantage of your natural locks and provide body, movement, and flow.
Men’s Medium Length Haircuts
The undercut is a men’s haircut where the back and sides are cut short and all one length. Unlike a fade where the cut is blended as you go higher up the head, undercut hairstyles offer contrast for a striking look.
As one of the most popular ways to cut men’s hair, undercuts look great with medium length styles on top. Always versatile and fashionable, ask your barber for short sides and leave your hair longer above to give you the freedom to get all types of styles.
Low Fade
The low fade is a style haircut for guys who want a cut they can wear anywhere. Low fades begin at the ear and hairline, taper slowly up the sides and back, and look great on professional men.
Ask your barber for a low skin fade to add flair to your trim. Not as dramatic as a high fade but still modern and sleek, the low fade is a barbershop favorite.
Mid Fade
A mid fade is a perfect cut for guys who want a happy medium between a low and high fade. Edgy and smooth but still classy, the medium fade haircut starts in the middle of the sides and back to create contrast.
When it comes to accentuating your longer hair, a bald mid fade may be the ideal complement.
High Fade
The high fade is a bold haircut that can instantly make any hairstyle stand out in a crowd. Starting near the top of the head at the temples, high fade cuts offer a sharp, low-maintenance look.
You can also customize how short you want the hair to be faded. A bald or skin fade is gradually shaved down to the scalp at the bottom. These fades will truly highlight your medium length to longer hairstyle on top.