Over the last few years, professional business hairstyles for men have blurred the line between stylish haircuts and traditional styles. While some lucky men might be able to rock a man bun or top knot in the office, most business haircuts are part of a strict dress code. Yet strict doesn’t necessarily mean boring.
Today, men’s professional hairstyles can be classy, versatile, and functional without being too stuffy. In other words, guys can go from the office to the bar and still look appropriate for both with styles like the modern comb over, quiff, pompadour, crop top, and crew cut.
If you’re looking for modern haircuts for men that are stylish and appropriate for both work and your personal life, there are plenty of great business hairstyles to choose from. So how exactly do you know which hairstyle is right for you? We’ve put together a list of our favorite professional styles for both seasoned and young businessmen.
1 Professional Hairstyles1.1 Crew Cut with Beard1.2 Low Fade with Comb Over1.3 Quiff with Beard1.4 Long Hair1.5 Short Sides with Comb Over1.6 Ivy League1.7 Slicked Back Hair1.8 Short Sides with Brushed Back Hair1.9 High Fade with Brush Up1.10 Buzz Cut Fade1.11 Messy Quiff with Stubble1.12 Side Part Comb Over1.13 High Fade with Thick Crew Cut1.14 Thick Textured Slick Back with Beard1.15 Long Flowing Parted Hair1.16 Undercut with Textured Messy Hair1.17 Thick Quiff with Short Sides and Beard1.18 High Skin Fade with Hard Part Comb Over1.19 Long Slicked Back Hair with Thick Beard1.20 Classic Crew Cut1.21 Long Side Swept Hair with Beard1.22 Messy Hair with Short Fringe1.23 Long Flowing Brushed Back Hair1.24 Long Textured Side Part1.25 Low Skin Fade with Hard Part and Brush Back1.26 Side Swept Hair1.27 Slicked Back Undercut with BeardProfessional Hairstyles
Companies and office jobs typically required more conservative haircuts such as the side part, Ivy League cut, and classic taper fade. If you want the classic look often referred to as the “businessman’s haircut”, then we recommend you stick with those short and simple business hairstyles.
For others who are willing to buck the trend and stand out from other employees, here are the top professional haircuts for men. There’s plenty of variation in these hairstyles to accommodate men with different face shapes and hair textures, so whether you have straight versus curly hair or thick versus thin hair, you’ll find something you love!