Hair dyeing existed even during ancient times. The ancient Egyptians were among the first to dye their graying hair by applying henna. Ancient Greeks and Romans, on the other hand, used plant extracts to color their hair. It was the Romans who discovered a way to permanently color their hair jet black but it took them hundreds of years to introduce other color choices.
While the prostitutes in ancient Rome were required to dye their hair blonde, warriors from the early civilizations dyed their hair as a way to mark their ranks and intimidate their enemies on the battlefield.
Hair color in modern history was accidentally discovered by English professor William Henry Perkin while searching for a cure for malaria. French chemist Eugene Schueller created the first commercial hair color in 1907 and called it Aureole, which later became well-known as L’Oral.
Table of Contents
TypePermanentDemi-PermanentSemi-PermanentGradualTemporaryDye PlacementFull HeadFull Head HighlightsPartial HighlightsRootsFeatureNaturalOrganicParaben-FreeCruelty-FreeAmmonia-FreeType
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If you want to change the color of your hair without worrying that the color will wash out over time, then you need to opt for permanent hair dye. These dyes have four major components that will allow them to permanently color your hair. Ammonia is the main component of permanent dye and makes it possible for dye precursors to actually enter into the shaft of your hair.
Once there, the hydrogen peroxide that is present in the dye will work. The hydrogen peroxide is responsible for removing the natural color of your hair and then applying the new color. By first removing the natural color of your hair, these dyes are able to allow the small molecules of the dye to enter deep into the shaft of the hair.
One of the main benefits of this type of hair dye is that they provide uniform coverage and color to all of your hair. Of course, this can be a problem for some people, especially if you choose a shade that is too dark, which will tend to look unnatural, or if you choose a dye that will considerably lighten your hair. As your hair grows it will stay the color that you have dyed it, although new root growth will be the color of your natural hair.
One major problem that people run into when they use permanent hair dyes is that they experience an allergic reaction to the dye. To decrease the likelihood of this occurring, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test on your skin with the dye. Doing so will allow you to determine whether or not you are going to have a reaction and what it will be.
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If you are interested in permanent hair dyes, but you are worried about the strong chemicals that they use to strip your hair of its color and then dye it a new color, then demi-permanent hair dye may be a good option for you.
These dyes do not contain any ammonia and have much less hydrogen peroxide in them than permanent hair dyes do. This means that they are not as harsh on your hair, and you are less likely to have an allergic reaction to these dyes. The color molecules of this type of hair dye will be deposited not only inside of the strands of hair but also on its cuticle.
You can’t use demi-permanent dyes to lighten the color of your hair, as they do not contain enough hydrogen peroxide to strip the color from your hair, which will limit the colors that you can choose for your new look.
You can only opt for a color that is similar to the shade that you already have or choose something that is darker. Even though demi-permanent dyes are very similar to permanent dyes, it is important to note that the color will wash out of your hair in around 12 -28 shampoos.
These hair dyes are a great option if you are interested in getting rid of the gray in your hair, but you want to stay relatively close to your natural hair color. Since these dyes don’t produce a finished color that is quite as uniform as other types of hair dye, they are going to provide you with a more natural color and appearance.
In addition, your roots will tend not to be as obvious. These dyes are much easier on the hair itself, and they won’t damage your strands as much as a permanent dye. They are ideal if you are worried about the sensitivity of your scalp or accidentally damaging your hair with a dye.
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Unlike demi-permanent and permanent hair dyes, semi-permanent hair dyes do not contain any hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. This means that the dye molecules of this product are not able to actually enter into the cortex of your hair and will only be deposited on the outside of your strands.
There are two types of semi-permanent hair dye: natural and synthetic. The most natural type of semi-permanent hair dye is henna, while another is indigo. When mixed together you are able to achieve superior results. Synthetic dyes are ones that contain nitrobenzenes or nitro amines.
Because this type of hair dye is so much milder than more permanent options, it’s a great choice for people to use if their hair is already damaged or is very fragile. They are only used to darken your natural hair color since they do not contain any chemicals that can be used to lighten your hair and will wash out of your hair in around 4-8 shampoos.
Because these dyes do not have a lot of different chemicals in them, they are not at all likely to cause an allergic reaction, so a patch test is not necessary when using a semi-permanent hair dye.
Even though this type of hair dye does not have the staying power that others do, there are a few good reasons that so many people reach for this option when they want to update their style. Not only is semi-permanent great for helping to hide some of your grays if you can’t get to your hairdresser for a major dye job, but they will also make your hair look much shinier and glossier.
They are an easy way to touch up your roots and help you grow out of a permanent color. People who have thinner hair will find that semi-permanent dyes will last for longer in their hair and require more washes before they finally wash out.
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If you are interested in changing the color of your hair, but you are worried about having an allergic reaction to the hair dye, then gradual hair dyes may be a great option for you. They are a solution of metals that will, over time and with a number of applications, slowly change the color of the hair.
They are great for darkening hair from gray to light brown to burgundy and happen very gradually so that the final appearance isn’t a shock. The color produced by these hair dyes will fade easily when you shampoo, which is why you need to make sure that you have this product applied on a regular and consistent basis if you want to update your color and ensure that it stays once it is changed.
These dyes don’t have harsh chemicals in them, which means that users are much less likely to suffer from an allergic reaction when using them. They don’t require a patch test before use.
Generally speaking, the best way to make sure that you are using your gradual hair dyes correctly is to go to an expert who can dye your hair for you, as they will be able to make sure that you get the results that you want without any problems.
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This type of hair dye is also called hair colors and consists of dye compounds that have molecules so large that they are unable to penetrate into the hair shaft itself. This means that the color will remain on the outside of the hair shaft, close to the surface of the hair.
While this is a great way to make a huge impact on your hair, it’s important to note that the color will generally wash out with just one shampooing. However, if you have very porous hair that is quite thin and damaged, then your temporary colors may be absorbed deeper into the hair itself, which means that it will stay for a lot longer.
These dyes are a great way to brighten up your natural color or to enhance or tint your hair. They not only come in natural shades that will look great and are a wonderful way to update your hairstyle, but also in unnatural colors like gold, blue, pink, green, purple, and more.
If you want to really highlight your hairstyle, then choosing an unnatural color and using it on a few strands or throughout your entire head is a great way to make sure that you can express yourself and enjoy the fun of bright hair colors without the commitment of dying your hair.
People love temporary hair dyes because they are a fun and easy way to test out a new color or choose something very bold and bright without a full commitment. This makes them ideal for parties, dances, or weekends out with your friends.
Dye Placement
Full Head
If you want to achieve a whole new look with your hair dye, then it’s time to consider dyeing all of your hair. Unlike highlights, which will only change the color of certain strands on your head, when you dye all of your hair all at once then you can achieve a very dramatic look. This is the best way to ensure that you do not have any roots showing and to be sure that you have covered any grays that you have.
One problem with dyeing all of your hair at once is that the color can tend to look a little flat. This happens most often with lower quality dyes, or when you choose one that doesn’t have enough light in the product, as your hair will appear all one color.
Natural hair has a variety of shades and colors in it, and if you want your dye job to appear as natural as possible, then you will want to mimic this. It’s important to make sure that you choose a dye for your full head that will provide you as much depth of color and movement as possible so that your hair will look natural and won’t look flat and boring.
Full Head Highlights
If you have particularly dark hair, haven’t had your hair highlighted in a while, and want to lighten up your whole head, then it’s time to consider getting full head highlights. These highlights will be all over your head from your bangs to the nape of your neck and everywhere else in between. It is very normal for these highlights to be very bold so that your hair appears much lighter than it actually is or for people to opt for more natural highlights that won’t lighten their hair as much.
Partial Highlights
These highlights are only applied to part of your head, as opposed to all over your head as they are when you opt for full head highlights. They are generally only placed along the top of your head and along the fringe around your face, although each stylist has their own opinion of what constitutes partial highlights, which is why you need to make sure that you ask if you go to a professional for your new hair.
These highlights are usually designed to look very natural as if your hair has lightened in the sun, although some people prefer their highlights to be much chunkier and bolder. When you opt for thick and bold partial highlights, you can draw attention to a specific area on your head. One of the benefits of opting for partial highlights instead of full head highlights is that they are generally much less expensive.
Many people who dye their hair struggle to then make sure that their roots do not look obvious as their hair grows out. This can be a major problem, especially if you chose to dye your hair a color that is very different from your natural color, as your roots will tend to be significantly darker or lighter than the rest of your hair.
If you want to get rid of your roots and ensure that the hair closest to your scalp blends in with the rest of the hair on your head, then you need to consider having a root touch up. There are a number of different root products on the market that range from permanent to temporary so that you have complete control over what your roots will look like.
Some options on the market include sprays that will spray onto your roots and are reminiscent of hairspray, while others are a dye that will need to be carefully applied to the area that you want to color. Knowing what types are available and which types are the best for you will help you to make a decision regarding the right root dye for your needs.
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People who are worried about using a lot of harsh chemicals on their hair can still easily update and change the color of their hair; they just need to make sure that they take time to choose a natural product that isn’t full of dangerous chemicals and won’t cause any problems.
It is important to note that permanent colors are always going to have some of the chemicals in them, as they otherwise would not be able to dye your hair the way that you want. While you will still be subjecting yourself to some of these more dangerous chemicals when you decide to dye your hair with permanent dye, you can opt for hair dye that is a little less dangerous and damaging.
This is a good idea for anyone, but especially if you like to dye your hair on a regular basis and want to limit your exposure to harsh chemicals.
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The only way to make sure that you are not putting any dangerous chemicals on your hair is to opt for a hair dye that is completely organic. It can be difficult to find these products, and one problem that a lot of people run into when they opt for them is that they do not provide the staying power that traditional hair dyes tend to.
This is very frustrating if you want to change the color of your hair, but you don’t want to have to worry about constantly touching up your hair.
It can also be a little more difficult to make sure that your new hair color is consistent throughout your strands. With practice, however, you will quickly learn how to dye your hair using organic products and will be able to enjoy a completely natural look without the fear of what dangerous chemicals you may be exposing yourself to.
If you have sensitive skin or are dealing with allergies, then you need to make sure that you consider the pros of organic hair dye. While the results may not last as long as traditional hair dyes will, because you donâ’t have to worry about dangerous reactions or other problems with the dye, this option may be the best choice for you.
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Even if you choose a hair dye that is labeled as organic or natural, you need to make sure that it does not have any parabens in it. These are chemical preservatives that are used in a wide variety of different beauty products, including hair dye. In recent years there have been a lot of concerns raised about the safety of parabens and whether or not they actually make products toxic.
Scientists and doctors are especially concerned about the effect of parabens on women’s health and fear that the parabens can actually travel through a person’s skin and into the bloodstream. This can have a major impact on a person’s health, which is why it is so important to make sure that you only choose products that are safe and healthy for you to use.
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Nobody wants to think that the hair dye that they have chosen would have harmed an animal, but unless you opt for cruelty-free hair dye, there is a very real chance that the product you are considering was tested on an animal. This can be very cruel for the animals, as the manufacturers are looking for any allergic reactions or problems with the product before they sell it in stores.
To ensure that you are not using a hair dye that was tested on animals, you will want to make sure that you opt for cruelty-free products. These will not have been tested on animals, which is likely to give you peace of mind when you dye your hair.
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Ammonia can make your hair dye very dangerous to use, even though it is a common ingredient in permanent and semi-permanent dyes. It’s used to ensure that the color of the dye can enter into the shaft of your hair, which is what allows the color to stay in the hair and be permanent through washings.
However, ammonia in hair dyes has raised a number of concerns, and it is a good idea to consider hair dye that is ammonia-free so that you are not causing undue damage to your hair.
When you opt for a hair dye that doesn’t contain ammonia, you will be using something that is a lot gentler on your scalp. Ammonia can irritate the scalp, so choosing a product that is ammonia-free will be calming. Hair dyes that have ammonia can actually cause you to have split ends and damaged hair cuticles, while products that are ammonia-free will make your hair appear shinier and healthier.
Not only can ammonia harm your skin, but it also can cause problems with your sinuses. It is very normal for people to have breathing problems when they use hair dyes that contain ammonia.
Finally, because ammonia will actually raise the pH of your hair, which results in your cuticle remaining open and suffering from moisture and protein loss when you choose a hair dye that doesn’t have ammonia, you no longer have to worry about this being a problem or your hair being permanently damaged just because you decided to dye it.