How to Figure Out Your Face Shape – Hairstyles Ideas 2022

Do you often wonder how to figure out your face shape? Well the answer isn’t quite so easy to figure out, but don’t worry I’m here to help with that too by telling you all about it and how it works for hairstyles because who doesn’t love a good hairstyle? Let me help you determine what shapes your appearance into one of these seven different face shape types: oval, round, square, diamond, triangle, heart, or oblong-shaped.

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With so many styles to choose from, you’ll never be bored again. And if you need help deciding what style would work best for your face shape or personality type, we have an extensive guide that will walk you through all of our options. So don’t wait another minute before finding the perfect haircut for yourself!

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I’m going to take you through how to figure out each of these shapes, and how this can help your hairstyle!

1- Oval Face Shape

how to figure out your Oval Face Shape

Oval-shaped faces are characteristically long with a pointed chin. These people typically wear bangs or short layers that highlight the hair at their temples, framing their faces. People with oval-shaped faces should use styles that create volume around the crown area for balance! This will make them appear more attractive in photos as well.

They may also want to avoid wearing anything too high on top of their head because it might not suit an oval shape face type very well remember how important balance is when figuring out what works best for your face shape, I recommend straightening curls rather than curls with volume in this case.

2- Round Face Shape

how to figure out your Round Face Shape

Round-shaped faces are typically wide and their hair is usually not very long, with all that space and it’s easy to wear a variety of different styles on top without worrying about how the rest might be balanced or how it will look if you have an oblong face shape.

They should experiment with a lot of shortcuts like choppy bobs or shags – these kinds of hairstyles frame a rounder face type well and can make them appear more elongated by contrast, Long layers also work great for people who want to keep some length yet still show off those cheekbones.

3- Square Face Shape

how to figure out your Square Face Shape

Square-shaped faces are characterized by broad jaws and high cheekbones this shape is best for people who want to show off how their jawline shapes their face, and they should wear styles that are longer on the top with some volume at the crown.

The angles of these faces create a lot of widths, so you might find yourself wearing your hair in sleek waves or curls rather than letting them curl naturally as this will make it look more angular (How to figure out your face shape and hairstyles ideas for 2022)

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4- Diamond Face Shape

how to figure out your Diamond Face Shape

Diamond-shaped faces are characterized by their sharp jaws and high cheekbones. These types of facial features tend to have rounder eyes and fuller lips,

which make them great for an updo hairstyle because less hair around the scalp means more weight distribution. As long as there’s enough height, don’t worry about how much hair is in it;

5- Triangle Face Shape

how to figure out your Triangle Face Shape

Triangle-shaped faces typically have a wider jawline and slender cheeks, which means they should wear styles that cover the forehead area so their face isn’t too narrow. The key is to create volume by wearing layers or waves of hair on top to balance out how wide it can look from certain angles.

This will make them look more balanced when they’re not looking directly at you because you don’t want your photos to be too much about how thin your face looks from one angle, you probably find yourself gravitating towards choppy layered cuts because these create some movement in an otherwise static hairstyle, If this doesn’t work for how your facial features shape up, try something longer on top but shorter on the back to create volume.

6- Heart Face Shape

 how to figure out your Heart shaped faces

 Heart-shaped faces are characterized by a prominent forehead and narrow chin, these people’s face shape is very vertical so they should style their hair with some height to frame how it falls naturally on top, or else wear something that will make them appear rounder like an updo

The key here is balance – if you have a heart-shaped face then try not to go too high or low (like wearing your hair down as opposed to up), keeping this general guideline in mind when deciding how best to style your locks

7- Oblong Face Shape

how to figure out your Oblong shaped faces

Oblong-shaped faces are typically longer than wide and can often seem taller because of how long their faces are. With how elongated this type of person’s facial features appears, they should wear styles that cover the forehead area to balance how narrow it can seem from one angle

The key here is volume – anything with lots of layers or waves will work well for these people as it will make their faces look more balanced when you’re not looking directly at them in a photo.

It’s time for you to start thinking about how your hair is going to look in 2022

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It can seem like a long way off but it could make the difference between having an outdated hairstyle or looking fabulous and let me help by walking you through how to figure out your face shape and hairstyles ideas are trending right now and some of their best haircuts options so that we don’t have any surprises when 2022 comes around

Bullet Points:

How do I figure out what my face shape is?

Round shaped faces have wide foreheads and short hair; Square shaped faces have sharp jaws and high cheekbones; Diamond-shaped faces have rounder eyes and fuller lips which makes updos preferred over curly hairstyles; Triangle shapes are characterized by narrower jawlines and slimmer cheeks, and need to wear styles that cover the forehead area; Heart-shaped faces have prominent foreheads and narrow chins which means hair should not be too high or low on your head

FAQs about how to figure out your face shape and hairstyles ideas for 2022

Q: how do I know my face shape?

How do you know what your face looks like? We are all shaped differently. You may have thought that looking at a picture of yourself would help but this is not true, it can take some time for any person to group their facial features into one or another category, so they pick out the best hairstyle

Q: how do I figure out if my face is wide or narrow?

A: If you are wondering how to figure out if your face is wide or narrow in shape, I can help all you have to do is take a look at how much the width of your forehead and how it compares with your chin, You may want to use a mirror so that you can see what angles are closest to your natural reflection

Q: how do I know if my head size is small, average, or large?

A: If you’re wondering how many inches around your head in circumference should measure from one side of the other ear lobe-the answer varies your skull’s length will also play into this measurement as well as how tall you are. The most accurate way would be for an expert such as me to examine their measurements by hand but they typically provide averages that can tell you how many inches around your head should measure from one side of the other ear lobe

Q: how do I know what hairstyle suits me?

A: You may have wondered how to find out if a particular hairstyle will suit you, but don’t worry! The answer is not as difficult as it sounds. If you’re looking for how to figure out which style looks best on someone with an oval face shape, this article will help, All anyone has to do is take a look at their facial features and compare them against the shapes below to determine which category they fall under-once they’ve done so, it’ll be easy enough to find the right haircut for any type of face frame

Q: how do I know what haircut suits me?

A: You may have wondered how to find out if a particular hairstyle will suit you, but don’t worry! The answer is not as difficult as it sounds. If you’re looking for how to figure out which style looks best on someone with a heart-shaped face frame–you’ve come to the right place. All anyone has to do is take a look at their facial features and compare them against the shapes below to determine which category they fall under–once they’ve done so, it’ll be easy enough to find the right haircut for any type of face shape

Q: What are my face measurements?

A: You may want to know how much space are between your eyes, how high a person’s cheekbones are, or how much space there is in-between their eyebrows-but the answer varies depending on how tall someone is and how wide their skull is. if you’re wondering what measurements to take off one’s face when trying to figure out which category they fall under, this article will help,

We’ll start with how to figure out your face shape where an individual falls within these seven different categories: round oval square diamond heart triangle oblong

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Round: How do I figure out what my face shape is?

If you have a round-shaped face frame then some things that might describe it would be smooth curves throughout the entire shape (round cheeks, chin, forehead) including an even facial symmetry making for perfect angles at all edges, your brow bone may give away if your frame is round by how high it goes up at the center point, but also how wide it extends outwards from that central point

Oval: How to figure out your face shape?

If you have an oval-shaped face frame then this would be a sign of symmetry with curves in both directions (around cheeks and chin, forehead) including straight lines across their entire shape. brow bones may give away if one has an oval frame by how much they stick out on either side or how far upwards they go towards the middle of your head-but these are not always dead giveaways for what any individual’s facial measurements will measure to

Square: How do I figure out what my face shape is?

Finally! If you have a square-shaped face frame then this might reveal itself instantly as blocky features which include perfect angles being found all around the frame including straight lines across their entire shape and your brow bone may reveal how square your facial measurements are by how high they go on either side and how far upwards they point towards the middle of your head

Diamond: How to figure out your face shape?

If you have a diamond-shaped frame, this means that your forehead is wide and your chin is narrow. You might also have cheekbones with sharp corners. Diamond-shaped people can usually see if they’re diamond-shaped because their nose bridge (or nasal bones) are very thin and their eyebrows are far apart from each other.


You might be heart-shaped if you have an upwards sloping forehead, wider upper lip, and chin with more of the shape being found in the lower part of one’s face. If someone can see their own heart-shaped frame from just looking in a mirror or taking a photo then some things that might give it away are: how much space

Triangle: How do I figure out what my face shape is?

If you have a triangle-shaped facial examination, this will show up as having perfect curves on all four of your sharp angles but with features that are more angled than rounded or symmetrical. If one were to consider how this face shape would look from the front then they might see how their forehead, nose bridge and cheekbones all have straight lines


If you have an oblong-shaped frame then some of its characteristics include having a longer base on your head which can mean wider cheeks (or heavier) as well as less space around either side of the mouth-but these aren’t always immediately obvious when looking in a mirror for oneself. this type will also show itself by how high up either side it goes towards the middle point of someone’s skull-since there isn’t symmetry across their entire frame like other categories might provide

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Ending paragraph:

Now that you know your face shape, what do you think? Can you tell the difference between a square and an oval-shaped face? What might be some of the differences in how to wear makeup for different shapes? How about hair cuts or hairstyles that looks good on various faces. Let us know in the comments below! (How to figure out your face shape and hairstyles ideas for 2022)

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