We chose 7 colors suitable for each cit shade for you. Here are the shades that will suit you in every way. 1. Emerald green – Emerald green clothing adapts to every skin tone and makes it look very vivid. 2. Fuchsia – Fits all skin types. It will not only shade your skin color but also make it shine more. 3. Charcoal color – It will suit every type of skin, as well as every shade of clothing. 4. Dark blue – You can always wear this stylish and sporty color tone on your skin. 5. Cobalt blue – A piece of this color that is suitable for all occasions in every season should definitely take its place in your closet. 6. Teal blue – This shade of blue, which fades to green, resembles the sea and suits both dark and light skin. 7. Purple – Purple, the color of nobility, will make you look very stylish both in summer and in winter.