3 Types of Sock Buns – Learn How to do These Hairstyles

Sock buns are one of easy to attain hairstyles worth considering. Furthermore, they are easy to design. Sock buns also bring out a classical look. Check out these three types of sock buns and learn how to design these hairstyles from the comfort of your house.

Sock Bun

You will need an old sock to design this hairstyle. Consider using mid shin or ankle length socks. Short socks can stretch or damage your bun. On the other hand, long socks increase the risk of damaging the look of this amazing hairstyle. Sock Buns

How to make sock bun

Start off by enhancing the looks of your hair through blow dry. This will improve the general outlook of your hair once it is complete. Look for a sock that doesn’t form numerous loose threads. Try and look for a sock color that looks exactly like that of your hair. This makes a person look at the general outlook of your hair instead of the color of the sock. Take a sharp scissor and cut off the toe ends of your sock. Commence and design a tube from the sock. Check out online guidelines on how to properly design a tube from a sock. Proceed and style you hair to for a ponytail. There is no specific ponytail design you should adopt. Feel free to choose a ponytail style you deem fit. Afterwards, roll your tube made from socks into a ring shaped look. Commence and slip it on your ponytail. Ensure all your hair is gathered inside your tube. Slowly role the sock tube up to the end of your ponytail. Try and place it far end as possible. Take hair ends forming the bun and use it to form a bun. Take some bobby pins to hold your bun together on your scalp. Feel free to use some hairspray.

Sock Bun with Short Hair

Do you have short hair and still desire a sock bun? If yes, you are at the right place. There are two ways you can design sock bun with short hair. Sock Bun with Short Hair

First Option

Take your favorite brush and comb your hair. Remove all the tangles on your head and make it as smooth as possible. Smooth small hair makes it easy to form a bun. Apply gel on your hair if you desire a wet look throughout the head. You can avoid gel if you want a dry look on your hair. Take your hair and form a ponytail. A traditional ponytail works better on this hairstyle. Don’t pull your hair too tight when designing your ponytail. Hold your hair still with an elastic band. Take an elastic sock and design a tube. Use a scissor to design a tube from you selected sock. Choose a dull colored sock if you can’t find the one that complements the color of your hair. Take the sock tube and pull all your hair into it before sliding it. Divide your hair into several sections before tucking them under your sock tube. Carry on and form a bun with your hair. Use bobby pins to hold your hair still once you have finished the designing process.

Second Option

The second design option suits women who desire a messy look on their hair.

Wash your hair with shampoo a few hours before designing sock bun with short hair. Let it dry on its own to attain a messy look. As a result, you shouldn’t use any comb or hair brush. Carry on and form a ponytail with your hair. Take all your hair and twist it upwards. This is the point you form a bun. Make your bun look as messy as possible. Take the loose hair on your head and hold your bun still. Take bobby pins that match your hair color and hold it still.

Sock Bun with Long Hair

Do you have long hair and still desire to form a sock bun? Long hair is easy to design sock bun. Additionally, this hairstyle is still trending. Therefore, you are assured of a classy look. Sock Bun with Long Hair

The Process

Choose a sock that complements your hair color if you cannot afford a tube. A one inch sock is enough. Cut your sock and use it to form a donut shape. Sock a sock that doesn’t leave threads hanging. Move on and focus on your hair. Use the right brush to comb your hair. This gives your hair a smooth texture by removing all the tangles. Use your fingers to remove stubborn knots. Use a hair texturizing spray to enhance the looks of your hair if you haven’t been washing it. Afterwards, take your hair and form a ponytail. You should also identify a spot in which your ponytail will be formed. Most people designing this hairstyle prefer a high bun. Above all; there is no limit on the bun size you should design on your head. Take a brush and comb the top of your head. This helps remove any bump on your hair. Feel free to hold your ponytail still with a hair tie. Take the tube made from your sock and place your hair inside. Ensure all your hair is wrapped inside your tube before rolling it upwards. Rolling your tube upwards through your hair can be tough or frustrating if you have never done it before. Use your finger to systematically pull it upwards without damaging your hair. You should also consider spraying your hair to enhance its texture. Carry on and form your bun. As earlier stated, you are free to choose the location your bun should be situated. The same statement applies to its size. You are free to use bobby pins you hold your entire hairstyle intact. This ensures it doesn’t get spoiled within a short period.

Use the above guidelines to attain your favorite hairstyles today.

Sock Buns Hairstyles

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