High ponytails are very versatile and trending. These are a few reasons you should try them out. You can either adopt the traditionally known designing options or get creative.
You can either design the three different high ponytails on your own or visit your stylist. Check out guidelines on how to these glamorous High Ponytails hairstyles.
1. High Ponytails
There are three ways you can attain high ponytails hairstyle. Go through the three designing methods and choose the one that meets your needs.
First Method
This technique suits hair that was washed a few days or hours before the designing process.
Use shampoo to wash your hair a few hours before designing your hair. Shampoo enhances the texture of your hair and makes it easy to style. Take the right brush and thoroughly brush your hair. Using the right brush reduces breakage on your hair when combing it. It also removes knots and tangles on your head. You can go further and blow dry your hair. This enhances its texture. Take a section of your hair and comb it straight towards the back of the head. A teasing comb works perfect during this process. Go ahead and form a ponytail on your head. Take hair directed towards the back of the head and form a ponytail. You can use a comb to keep your hair intact before holding it still with an elastic band. Try your best and go for a transparent elastic band or the one that complements the color of your hair. Be cautious on the band you use on your hair. Some bands can tangle your hair or even break it. Consider thick bands because they are easy to manage. There is no limit on the size of ponytail you should form when designing high ponytails hairstyle. It all depends on your preferred look. Finalize the designing process with a hairspray. You can use a toothbrush to evenly distribute your spray residue throughout the head.
Second Method
Start off by brushing your hair out. Direct your hair towards the direction you want it to face. Use the right comb when combing your hair for various reasons. First, it will properly cut through your roots. Secondly, it will protect your hair from breakage, among others. Carry on and take hair on the back of the head. Use this hair to form a ponytail. You can secure your ponytail together with an elastic band. Choose a point to hold your ponytail still. This is what brings uniqueness in this hairstyle. Gather any hanging hair and conjoin it with your ponytail. You are free to use a hairspray on your head.Third Method
Use a brush to take out a section of your front hair through teasing. Commence and take your bottom hair and form a p0nytail. Comb your ponytail to attain a straight look. You can also use a volumizing spray to enhance its looks. You can also use a curling iron to attain waves on the head. Here, you are free to design a messy ponytail.
2. High Ponytail with No Bumps
3. High Ponytail using Clip in Hair extension
Are you looking for some challenge and uniqueness? If yes, consider high ponytail using clip in hair extension. This hairstyle will bring out a unique look on your hair. Below is a step by step explanation on how to design this hairstyle:
Check out these guidelines on how to efficiently design your desired high ponytail hairstyle.