Best Tips to Regrow Your Hair Naturally

Hair loss is a common phenomenon in both men and women. All try to solve it by using chemical solutions, hair plugs and resort to surgery. However, the best way to regrow hair is to do it naturally. Scalp massage, dietary changes, beneficial oils these are gentle and inexpensive ways that can help you to regrow your hair naturally.

Taking good care of your hair will most definitely help you to maintain a healthy mane.

Here are a few Best Tips to Regrow Your Hair Naturally:

#1. Applying Natural Treatments

Daily Massage Your Scalp

Massage Your Scalp Massaging your scalp boosts circulation around hair follicles, building a right atmosphere for hair growth. With the tips of your fingers, gently massage the scalp in circular motion. Take adequate time and massage every part of the scalp to stimulate blood flow to all areas where you want the new hair to grow.

Inculcate the habit of massage by doing it every time you wash your hair in the shower. For gentle scalp massage brush your hair daily with a soft looped bristle brush, it is more effective if you have long hair. Going for a professional massage could be helpful as you will learn the best way to massage the scalp.

Do An Oil Massage

Oil Massage Adding oil further aids the regular head massage. The oil helps to unclog hair follicles and promotes the growth of new hair. Once or twice a week massage your head with oil. It is easy to massage head in the shower and rinse away the oil when done.

A few of the oils that can help to boost hair growth are as follows:

Coconut oil– the rich emollient oil is beneficial for the body in many ways, and also promotes hair regrowth. Heat the coconut oil and rub it between your palms and with the fingertips massage it to the scalp. Jojoba oil– this is again in the texture of sebum and is a natural oil produced by the scalp that conditions the hair and keeps it healthy. Almond oil– it is traditionally used oil in India to promote healthy hair growth. Castor oil– it is thick oil and is quite celebrated for hair regrowth. It should be mixed with coconut oil or olive oil and massaged in the scalp to get the best results.

Apply Hairs Masks

Apply Hairs Masks A good hair mask nourishes the hair and promotes the growth of hair. Everyday kitchen products like honey, vinegar, egg whites, aloe, avocados should be used for hair regrowth. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and cover the scalp after this shampoo your hair as usual. Avoid shampoo that has sulphate or silicon.

A few of the best hair masks are as follows:

Extra dry hair, mix honey, egg whites and argan oil in equal quantities and apply. Normal mix hair, honey, aloe and olive oil in equal portions and then apply. Oily hair mix honey, apple cider vinegar and castor oil in the same quantity and apply.

Along With Other Hair Products, Use Essential Oils

Essential Oils Using certain essential oils have said to promote healthy circulation and promote hair growth. Adding a few drops of these oils to the oil treatment, masks, and shampoo can give your scalp the required nourishment.

A few of the beneficial oils are as follows:

Tea Tree Oil Lavender Cedarwood Argan Oil Rosemary oil Coconut oil

Don’t Use Shampoo With Harsh Ingredients or Sulfates

Quite many of the commercially produced shampoos have sulfate as its primary cleanser. Sulfate strips of the natural oil from hair causing it to be dry and brittle, this causes the hair to become dry and fall off eventually. With the help of gentle, natural shampoo, the hair becomes healthy and strong. Within a few months of change from sulfate shampoo to natural shampoo, the result will be seen.

Get Treatment for Any Medical Issue

At times hair fall is due to certain medical issue, which we are not even aware of. Consult a doctor if you are not sure of the reason that is causing the hair fall. Commonly thyroid, hormonal imbalances, anemia, alopecia are few of the reasons for massive hair fall.

#2. Change Your Diet

Take Protein Rich Diet

Protein Rich Diet Protein is the building block for healthy hair. Consuming a diet that is high in protein can help the hair to grow faster. Check the diet and make sure that you are getting the daily requirement of proteins. A protein-rich diet has the following:

Eggs, nuts, meats, leafy vegetables and legumes are rich in protein Vegans and vegetarians consume less protein than the meat eaters thus they should firmly vouch for the amount of protein that you are having in your diet Proteins, when consumed with the complex carbs, provide the best results. Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils when consumed with whole grain rice and other whole grains and starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn are the best option.

Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential thing for hair growth. If there is a deficit of this, the hair can become brittle and dull. Incorporate more omega 3 in your diet on a regular basis. Omega 3 is also beneficial for skin. Food that is rich in omega 3 are as follows:

Nuts, Avocadoes, eggs, and fish like salmon, are full of omega 3. Including fish oil or flax seed oil could also be of help. Almond, walnuts, carrot, yeast, seafood, are foods that are high in biotin, consuming these foods can be of immense help.

Eat Biotin Supplements

Vitamin B is in Biotin, and it contributes to healthy hair. Especially Vitamin B12 is vital for hair regrowth. Thus if you are not getting enough of vitamin B12 from your diet then consider having supplements of it. Organ meats, fatty fish, and other animal products are rich in Vitamin B12. Thus vegetarians and vegan should consider taking supplements for getting enough of vitamin B12.

Consume Iron Rich Food

Consume Iron Rich Food When you are not consuming enough of iron, the body produces less red blood cells, and thus a medical condition called anemia occurs. This results in massive hair fall. Adding more iron to the diet by means of green leafy vegetables, red meat and other iron-rich food can be of immense help. Iron supplements can also be of great help to fulfill the iron requirement.

In case of anemia consult a doctor and as per his advice take the medicines and bring the dietary changes.

Stay Hydrated

Consuming water can make your hair more healthy. Dehydration affects the hair quite negatively. Thus drink adequate water on a daily basis, eliminate soda, coffee, and alcohol from the diet. As per your weight and requirements consume water.

#3. Take Care Of Your Hair

No Need To Wash Your Hair Daily

No Need To Wash Your Hair Daily With every wash, there is undue pressure on the hair follicles. The natural oil that your body produces gets washed away with the pull and tug on your hair in the process of shampooing, drying and combing it.

When regrowth is your mission, then treat your hair and scalp very gently and leave it as it is. Washing twice or thrice a week is sufficient in between the washing days you can simply try dry shampoo. It is a powder that you can sprinkle on your hair and then comb it thoroughly; this will make your hair smell fresh and look clean all day long.

Combing Is Better Than Brushing

Combing Is Better Than Brushing It is advisable that as soon as you step out of the shower use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles from your hair gently. Starting from the tips move upwards towards the roots. Brushing can cause damage to hair, to leads to hair breakage, split ends and hair loss. Wet hairs are incredibly delicate thus they need extra care. If you have thick and curly hair use a wide-toothed comb.

Avoid Using Heat On Your Hair

Avoid Using Heat On Your Hair Heat can damage the hair. Even if you are using heat on your hair after the application of heat protectant, your hair will still be negatively affected. Avoid using a curler, straightening iron or dryer, if needed use them, but for special occasions only. It is better to let your hair dry in the air and style it with your fingers without any tools.

Get Trims, But Not Too Often

Get Trims, But Not Too Often Getting your hair trimmed regularly to remove the split ends is a good idea but doing it too often can cause damage. Having a stylish cut done now and then can cause severe damage to hair; thus it should be avoided. It is better to massage your hair daily, try to use oil treatments, and masks for better results.

However, whenever you are getting the haircut done do not use blow out and ask the stylist to use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair.

Don’t Use Hair Extensions or Other Damaging Styles

Hair extensions can be very hard for your hair and scalp, and thus they should be avoided. The weight of the extension pulls the hair resulting in breakage, and in worst cases, it could lead to bald patches. Going natural is the best option if you desire to get regrowth. Hair extensions, bleaching, straightening are nightmares for hair and avoid them for regrowth purpose. If you want to color your hair, try henna, as it is natural and will not damage your hair.

Use a Silk Pillow Case

Silk Pillow Case Sleeping on a silk pillowcase minimizes the friction and stress that is caused on hair. It helps to prevent the damaging, tangles and frizz and thus the hair retains its natural oil and moisture even during the night. Select a 100% satin or silk pillowcase for the best results. Also, the pillow cover should be of the same material.

Carefully Wear Wigs or Hairpieces

Wearing a wig and hairpiece can be alluring, but it should be avoided. With thinning hair it is all the more tempting to wear hairpiece or wig, but it will significantly damage the scalp and cause severe hair loss. Wigs and hair extensions interfere with circulation, and the result is all the more worst situation.

However, if it is vital to wear wigs or hair extension do it with the following caution:

Go for the wig that suits you properly and get it fitted by a professional Use the breathable hair extension or wig so that the scalp has adequate air flow. Do not use adhesives for hair pieces they usually made of materials that can cause damage and irritation to the scalp. Take off the wig or hairpiece as often as possible. Do not use them when at home.

Avoid Tying Your Hair Too Tightly

Avoid Tying Your Hair Too Tightly While working we prefer the hair to remain in place and thus tie it too tightly, this should be avoided as it can cause damage to hair resulting in hair fall and breakage. Tie your hair loosely to prevent this situation.

The above tips to regrow your hair naturally will help you to get the glory back to your mane and get super healthy and shiny beautiful hair.

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Tips to Regrow Your Hair Naturally

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