Artificial or synthetic hairs are those hairs that look like natural hair but made by technology or chemicals by various companies. Synthetic hair is easy to use for various hairstyles without damaging the natural hair. There are various varieties available in various colors, lengths, etc. With various methods and techniques, you can easily change their color according to your choice or dress by yourself. These synthetic hair are glossy and shinier than natural hair. It is helpful for those who have very short hair or damaged hair; they can use these wigs for adding a spark in their outfits or looks.
Tips And Methods For Coloring Synthetic Hair
1. Coloring Methods
Synthetic extensions are a little expensive so, keep in mind that you are using proper composition and follow all the instructions. Mostly chemical color or dye is used to color synthetic hair, but sometimes these chemical dyes not work properly. Always mix a 1:1 ratio of alcohol-based color and water to make a dye according to your color choice. For an average wig use 29.6 ml of ink with water. If you want to get pastel color like mint green etc. then add more water to achieve more translucent pastel shade. The coloring base is applied from the roots to the ends using hair spray or brush. For color fixing, apply fixing balm on the wig. It is not recommended to increase the exposure time of the coloring base because it will spoil the fibers and make it brittle. There are two to three methods of coloring synthetic hair. One of the methods is mixing rubbing alcohol with the ink from sharpies. Pull out the ink from sharpie and add water into the spray bottle. Three to five coats of color should be must to properly apply the color on the wig. Use the watercolor method if you want only highlights. In this method, a hairdryer is used to create or set colored highlights. The result produced by this watercolor technique will not be permanent. Another cheap method is to mix acrylic paint with lukewarm water and use a small brush for coloring synthetic wig. Take acrylic paint of your choice, and the mixing ratio will be 50/50. This method is affordable but makes hair stiff. After you make the dye, then detangled all the hair strands with a wide-tooth comb. Make small sections (5.1-7.6 cm wide) of all your hair and apply dye or color with the help of hair spray or brush. Instantly after coloring, hangs your hair outside to dry after that rinse your wig with water. It may only take one to two hours to be dry.2. Choosing The Right Colors And Wigs
3. Washing, Drying, And Styling
Some Points To Remember:
If chemical compounds not properly mixed, then it should burn some strands of synthetic hair. Changing the color of synthetic hair weekly, then they become fragile and rough. Synthetic wigs are not suitable for regular use. Don’t wash your synthetic wig regularly; it will decrease their shelf life. After coloring with sharpies or inks, wig smells horrible. Synthetic hair coloring is expensive.Process Of Coloring Human Hair Extensions
Human hair extensions are more like natural hair. So you can easily change the color of your extensions according to your choice. Few steps are involved in this coloring process:-
1. Choose Perfect Color
Select a color that matches your natural hair color. If you have done, highlights then choose double shades for variations. Choose a color from professional hair color and developer. Always add a 10-20 volume developer more than this will damage your hair extensions. Choose branded products for better results. After that, arrange or buy some other supplies like a color bowl, gloves, tin foil, brush, a Wide-tooth comb, and a towel.
2. Mixing of Color
Place a newspaper or plastic sheet on your tablespace. Read all the instructions given on the back of the pack and follow them. Take an equal ratio of color and developer. Usually, 20-30ml color and developer are necessary for medium hair. Remove tangles with a wide-tooth comb. If you want double shades after coloring, then take a 20:30 ratio of a lighter and darker shade. For example, If you want sea green color, then use a blue and bright shade of green to achieve sea green.
3. Apply the Color
Cover your hands with gloves. Make small sections of hair and evenly spread hair color on each strand. Start coloring from top to end and completely coats both sides. Dono applying color in the upward direction will leave frizziness after drying.
4. Process the Color
After coloring cover hair strands with the help of foil and plastic bag to prevent the color from drying. Leave it to the room temperature of about 20 to 40 minutes. Check a small part of the hair after every 15 minutes and rub extra color by a towel. When wet color appears darker, then the processing has been completed.
5. Rinsing
Rinse the color from your extensions with normal water. Gently use your fingers to remove color. Usually, it takes 20 minutes to remove all the colors properly. After rinsing use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to clean.
6. Comb and Dry
Excess water is rinsed through the towel. Do not use any blow dryer for fast drying. Hang your hair extensions for natural air dry. It will take 40 minutes to completely dry. Comb them gently and remove all the tangles. Your extensions are ready to use or styling. Coloring makes hair more shiny and glossy. But cheap colors do not provide shine instead of this; they dry out the natural shine.
These are common tips you can use while coloring your artificial hair, both synthetic and human.