Braids look beautiful on long hair as well as short hairs. It goes well with any outfit and gives you a perfect look for the function, outing, evening, office, etc. Braiding is a very simple process that can be done quickly. Instead of going to a parlor, Learn here How to Braid – Traditional Braid, French Braid & Fishtail Braid.
Learn How to Braid – Traditional, French & Fishtail Braid
Here are the three most common and popular styles of a braid. Learn to make them on your own.
Style 1: How to Braid – Traditional Braid
This style goes well with any outfit but looks mesmerizing if you are going for a traditional or ethnic look. Follow the simple steps.
1. To make a smooth & neat braid, you need to brush your hair properly
You can use any brush to comb your hair to make them smooth. Brushing will prevent knots to appear while you will be making a braid. Never start making a braid when you have wet hair. Once it gets dry, it will expand and may loosen your braid. Do not use a lot of hair products in the starting; instead, you can use a dry shampoo to clean your hair and to avail the proper texture. It will even help you in holding the strands while making the braid.2. Decide the side where you want your braid to fall – It’s better to decide in the start only, which side you want your braid. It can create different hairstyles for different occasions as well as can go along with various outfits. You can have a casual, elegant look with it, depending on its fall.
To make a side braid, pull your hair to either side. Brush well, to make sure there are no bumps to get a more elegant look. For beginners, a side braid can be a good start, since they can easily see it and control it. You can start with a braid down at the back in an unsecured low ponytail to avail a more classy look. It is unstructured and relaxed sort of braid. You can also go for a ponytail in the middle of on the top of your head. Though it will give a casual look, still it will also add more stability to the back braid.3. Divide the hair into three equal parts – Make three sections, Left, Right and Center, namely
Use your left thumb and forefinger to hold the left section of your hair Use your right thumb and forefinger to keep the right part of your hair Leave the center section loose for now.4. Start the braid – Cross the right section of hair over the center section
Once you do that, hold it between your left forefinger and middle finger Use your left forefinger and thumb to grab the center section. Pull the sections of hair in both the hands to tighten the braid. It will make sure that there is no gap and the braid is even. In case you have long hair, put your fingers to the tips, to make sure they didn’t get tangled while making the braid. Now cross the left section of hair over the center section by rotating your wrist a bit. Hold it with your right forefinger and middle finger. Keep holding the center section with your left thumb and forefinger, pull the parts tightly to prevent any gaps.5. Continue Braiding
Repeat the above steps till you reach the end of your hair. Make sure to tighten the sections while doing so to avoid any gaps. If the braid gets too long, you can pull your hair over your shoulder and continue the steps keeping the hair in front of you. Once done, tie a hair-tie at the bottom tightly. If it’s not tight enough, the sections of your braid will come out.Here are some beautiful Traditional Braid examples you will love to explore.
Style 2: How to Braid – French Braid
French braid is a bit different and challenging than the traditional braid. But, it gives even better and more sophisticated look.
Comb your hair – It will help in detangling your hair and will give a smooth and neat braid. Smooth hair can easily be braided. Do not braid while your hair is wet or don’t apply too much of hair product. Use a dry shampoo instead. Divide Section of the hair at the front of your crown – With the help of a comb, pick the hair section at the crown of your head. This section must extend from your temples to the top of your head. Brush it thoroughly to smooth it. Divide the section for braiding – Divide your hair equally into three parts, by holding the hair high on the head. Grab one section in your right hand and the other two in the left hand, separated with your index finger. Don’t lose the grip. Start braiding – Twist the right section over the middle section, then move the left part over the one which is in the middle, just like you do in a traditional braid. It’s the start and begins high on the crown, looking like a regular braid. Don’t lose the grip, pull the sections tightly. Continue on the right side – Take a small section of hair and add it to the right section of hair, the one you are holding in your right hand. To get a neat braid, pull the parts tightly, with each crossover. Continue on the left side – Do the same you did on the right side. Pick a small section of hair and merge it with the hair you are holding in your left hand. Cross it over the center section of hair. Repeat it, for left and right side alternately – Continue to pick and add hair to the sections. It will create a cohesive braid. Take equal portions on both the sides to get an even and straight braid. The braid will follow a straight shape from the crown to the neck. Continue Braiding – Once you will include all the hair on the crown into these three sections, you have to use a traditional braid. Once you reach the end of your hair, tie it with a hair tie.In case you have long hair you can use the variations like French Pigtail braid or French lace braid. Below are some of the top examples of French Braid.
Style 3: How to Braid – Fishtail Braid
Follow the simple steps to learn it:
Comb your hair – Before you start braiding, comb your hair to make it knot or tangle free. It is easier for you to do a side fishtail if you are a newbie. Divide your hair into two sections – Part your hair from the middle to avail two large sections at the base of your head. Divide them evenly to get proper braid. You can brush them again to make sure hair is smooth. Start Braiding – Pull small sections of hair, about half inch in thickness from the outside of each large section. Start it from the right side. Take a small stands of your hair, with the help of your index, from the right section. Cross it over the right section and tuck it behind the left section of hair. Do it on the left side – Hold both the right sections in right hand and left section of hair in left hand. Once you pull a strand from the outside, merge it with the other part to get back only two strands. It might be a bit complicated, but once you get a hack of it, it won’t be that complicated. Go slowly without dropping any strand. This style is different from others because in this there are only two sections, and in each step, a third strand is created. If you want to have more intricated braid, you can select even smaller strands of hair. Continue Braiding – Cross the smaller right strand closer to your face in the center and merge it with the larger hair section in your left hand. Do the same with the right strand and keep doing it till all your hair is braided. Pull the strands tight to get a neat and tight braid. Tie with a hair tie – Use a small hair tie to tie the end. Stretch the strands gently to get a thicker looking braid. In case you want a messy braid, you can pull few small strands out to get the look.Below are some of the inspiration of Fishtail Braid. Check these style ideas and choose the best one for you.
These are unique and stylish Hair braids which can make your hair look much more Beautiful. These hairstyles are suitable for every dressing style or occasion.