Selecting the right kind of hairstyle is an art and should be done after carefully examining the alternatives. There are large varieties of hairstyles available to be adopted. One can select the one which is most convenient to be chosen by an individual. This will help them to represent themselves most elegantly and attractively.
Different people have their traits which are depicting their behavior and the way in which they are reacting. It will be helping in ensuring that they select the right kind of hairstyles for themselves. It will help them to express themselves in front of other people adequately. One can build their first impression in front of them by creating a similar kind of hairstyle which is depicting their nature.
Numbers of hairstyles are developed with a unique combination of traits and styles. They are prepared to ensure that it matches the requirement of each and every individual who is going to adopt it. Even it is required to maintain the hairstyle which is adapted for ensuring that the individual is having the right kind of looks over their face.
Let’s explore the stunning box braids hairstyles
Different types of box braids hairstyles are available which one can easily adapt. They are mainly prepared by creating a box from which hairs are collected to form the braids. These braids are then inter-woven to form the hairstyles which are as per the liking of an individual. It will help in ensuring that we can get the desired hairstyles which are having their unique looks.
We have discussed here different kinds of hairstyles which are available in the market. It also includes the unique features which these hairstyles are carrying and the way in which one can prepare these kinds of hairstyles. Many of the hairstyles are also providing a unique color tone which is mainly intended for enhancing the overall looks of the hairstyles which are prepared.
Hair extensions are also applied in many of the cases for enhancing the way in which hairs are looking. Mostly these hair extensions are curly which is beneficial for preparing the desired looks of the braids. One should adequately organize these hair extensions so that they be effectively used for improving the overall looks of the hair.
Many different methods are available to be selected upon for creating the braids. Each of these methods is having their unique means of creating a particular kind of hairstyle. It will help in ensuring that the braids are created with the desired way to have the desired outcome in improved aesthetics of the hairstyle. Check out here how to make box braid and how to care box braids.
Braids with xpression hair
This hairstyle is quite expressive for the individual who adopts it. It will help you to showcase the creativity which you are having and will also represent your young nature. Small boxes are prepared over the head which will be having corresponding braids made out of them. Additional hair elements are added to these braids for providing them with a color stint which will be enhancing the overall looks of the hairstyle which is prepared.
Mostly this kind of hairstyle is preferred for an individual who is very young. It will help them to improve their overall looks. In this hairstyle, additional red colored hair is added. You can even match it with the same colored dress to have a more glittering look at whichever event you visit.
Poetic justice braids
In this case, the braided hairstyle is done sideways. Boxes are prepared by collecting the hair from a particular place and then respective braids at that place is created. Usually thicker braids are prepared in this hairstyle as it will help in having lesser worries about the hair damage.
A unique type of curly hairstyle is made at the top of the head which improves the overall look of the hair. The scalp is also visible between the box braids, which are made over the head, making the style look more elegant.
Medium braids
If you have a medium sized hair which is not silky in appearance, then you should try to adopt this kind of hairstyle. It will help you to get the desired looks and also assist in improving the way in which braids are represented over your head. Some of the braids are also provided with the colored hairs which are woven while preparing the braids.
Braids at the top of the head are moving toward the back side while covering the entire head and the rest of the braids are in the overhanging fashion. Even beads are provided over the braids which are prepared for improving the way in which they look. Curly hair is highly suitable to adopt this kind of hairstyle as it will get easily intermingled with the others forming the braids.
Waist length braids
This hairstyle is best for you if you like to have long hair. You will be creating a longer hair by using this hairstyle of creating the long braids. Each of the longer braids is created with a thicker section at the top so that they can easily support the kind of weight which it would have to bear. At the bottom portion, it will be having a thinner section which is in the straight form.
For improving the looks some external features or beads are provided over the braids which will be useful for improving the way in which their hairstyle is represented. The braids are prepared by collecting hair from the square section over the head. This is why it is termed as the box braids. One can create the braids by using three of their forefingers and thumb for intermingling the thin strands of the hair.
Goddess braids
This hairstyle is given this name due to the kind of feeling which it will provide to the ones who are adopting it. It is having a shaved part at one side of the head which will have smaller hairs. Even scalp is made visible due to the way in which hair is arranged over here. From the left side and back side box braids are prepared which are quite long and overhanging.
One can even provide curls to these braids to enhance the way in which they are looking. Each of these braids is having a medium cross-section which will help them in case of proper supporting over the head of an individual. Color stints are also provided in case you are fond of a particular kind of color to be applied over your hair.
Crochet braids
In this hairstyle, braids are getting prepared from the scalp by using the same technique which is required for preparing them. These braids are thinner in cross-section which makes it possible to create many braids over the scalp of an individual. Each of the braids formed is joining at a particular point over the scalp.
It is quite difficult to form thinner braids, but once created it will have an enhanced look. This will help us in ensuring that we can have more enhanced looks with the help of these braids. Each of the crochet box braids prepared in this hairstyle will appear straightened enough which is beneficial for having a more attractive look.
Box Braids for brown skin
It is quite common to find brown skin among a number of individuals. This will require having a hairstyle which is matching this kind of skin tone. From that one can have enhanced looks and helps them to look different at the events. Even the box braids prepared are shaded with the brown color. Few of the braids are tied at the top of the head and rest are kept overhanging from the sides.
Mostly younger people are adopting this kind of hairstyle as which is giving them nice looks and improved way of representing themselves. All the braids are moved at the top to tie a knot and keeping the other ends of the braids overhanging.
Twist braids
The respective box braids for both the sides are starting from a little left side and is then following their respective path. Box braids are then prepared by separating the individual hair and then arranging them in a manner that it is forming individual braids with the help of a comb and forefingers. These braids are kept in a straightened form till their end.
Ends of the braids prepared are kept straight for enhancing their looks. Curly hairs are prepared before opting for the Twist Box Braids. It will help in providing the desired twists to hair in a more effective manner. All the loosened ends which are left are then cut down for ensuring that the braids which are prepared have a smooth finish.
Long box braids
If you are willing to make longer box braids for your hair with a unique look then this hairstyle is the right choice for you. It will allow you to prepare thinner braids which will be starting from the scalp and bending around the head. This will help in keeping all the hair and the braids prepared together while the other braids are kept overhanging in the downward direction.
Braids are formed from a single direction of the head and are then bending over the other direction by means of turning completely from around the head. They will be forming a loose knot-like structure around the head which will be holding other braids together while they are in the overhanging fashion.
Jumbo braids
There are a number of people who like to have thicker box braids. They can opt for this hairstyle as it will provide thicker hairstyle which is also looking elegant. At the center portion of the head, there are thinner sections of the head which are getting linked with the scalp. One can create the braids from a little far distance from this point so that they can further be kept overhanging over both the sides.
Each of the braids which are prepared is thicker than the normal section. This section is created by taking larger bunches of hair while we are preparing the bunch of hair to form braids. Hairs are styled in the form of braids quite tightly to ensure that they are able to remain in their position for a longer period of time.
Box braids for light skin
It is important to also consider the kind of skin which an individual is having before selecting the right kind of hairstyle. If you are having lighter skin tone then this hairstyle in box braids will suit you the most. Hairs are picked in the form of box-like structures from the head. They are then combined for forming the respective braids which are then in the form of overhanging fashion.
All the braids prepared are moved backward to overhang over the back end. An even additional gel is provided over these braids to ensure the improvement in their overall looks. Normally people having longer hairs are preferred to have this kind of hairstyle as it will suit them the most.
Shoulder length braids
It is quite common to find a number of people having shorter hairs. This hairstyle is mainly preferable to the people who are having short or medium-sized hair. The box braids prepared are only having the length till the shoulder of an individual. Even additional hairs are provided over them to enhance the way in which they are looking in the braids.
Each braid is thinner in cross-section which makes their handling quite easier. One will also not be bothered about the rigidness which is normally observed in the braids which are prepared as they are of the thinner section.
African american braids
This hairstyle is combining the format of both the African and American which is helping it to have a unique look. The hairstyle prepared is just like the normal one with individual braids prepared at the respective section. Braids prepared are of the thinner section which makes their handling easier. People having longer hairs generally prefer to use this hairstyle.
It is also possible to provide the external features of improving the way in which braids are visible. By using the external gel, the shining of the hairs will be enhanced. People can use it when they are willing to participate in any of the special events of their own liking.
Hispanic braids
Hairstyle of this kind is having a little bit of the randomized structure with many of the box braids prepared all over the head. Braids prepared are of the extremely thinner section and are kept overhanging in a random fashion. Many people like to have a hairstyle which is having this kind of randomized look.
Even some of the braids prepared in the hair are having external other color hair added in the braids. This will help in improving the way in which different braids are appearing to other individual and how people are going to pursue it.
Caucasian braids
This hairstyle can give you an enhanced and creative look. The braids which are prepared at the top of the head are tied together for forming a knot. It will thereby form a circularly shaped knot. Even the other braids which are at the sideways are kept overhanging at their respective places which will be beneficial for improving the looks of the hairstyle.
Pink colored additional hairs are also added to the bunch which is getting entangled while creating few of the braids. These hairs will be visible in the hairstyle and will enhance its looks. Longer hairs are preferred for this hairstyle and the braids which are prepared are of the thin cross section.
Neat box braids
With the increasing competition even among the number of creative hairstyles prepared, it is important to have a wide variety of box braids too. This hairstyle will provide you with sharp braids prepared over the head in box section. Each of the braids prepared is quite neat over their surface and are properly aligned while overhanging at their back end.
As the braids prepared are quite thinner in section, it will be beneficial for its effective management. Each of the braids can even be easily bent and will not be a hurdle for us to manage them on the run. Normally medium sized hairs are provided with this kind of hairstyle for enhancing the way their hairs are looking.
Protective braids
Your hair will be suffering from a number of troubles while you are moving out. It is required that proper protective measures are applied to your hair to have it look in a more elegant manner. Each of the braids prepared is combined in a manner that they form a protective cover over the head. This will be beneficial in ensuring that we get different types of protection for the head and hairs.
Short or medium-sized hairs are mostly preferred while opting for this kind of hairstyle. Braids provided over the hairs are done till the end of each of the strands to ensure that they can remain at their location without facing any problem.
Big braids
In this hairstyle, bigger boxes are prepared by means of using the respective kind of sharp edge of the comb. Braids are prepared from each of these individual boxes which are then further kept overhanging. As the braids are having a very high thickness, it will be difficult to bend them and maintain them in proper alignment.
Braids which are created at the top are combined together forming a knot. They are intermingled with each other in a circular form to combine all the braids together and keep them properly aligned together.
Senegalese twist braids
The name of this hairstyle is from the name of the country which is located in Africa by the name Senegal. It is signifying the kind of hairstyle which is quite popular among there. Each of the braids prepared is arranged in a twisted manner to be aligned to go backward. They are then kept overhanging from there for enhancing the looks.
Normally longer hairstyle is preferred for creating this kind of hairstyle with the braids having a thinner cross-section. Twists to the braids are provided at the top of the head from where bread is getting started.
Box braids for kanekalon hair
The hairs which are used in this hairstyle is consisting of synthetic fibre. It is useful for creating the desired kind of style for the hairs. Mainly the hairs which are used is consisting of the collagen protein. Braids for the hairstyle is prepared from the top of the hair which are kept overhanging over their respective sides. Even the braids are thinner in cross-section.
A number of braids which are prepared in this are also provided with extra hairs which are having their own unique color. It will be useful for creating the desired kind of hairstyle which is required for creating the desired kind of looks.
Natural hair braids
In this hairstyle, hairs used are the natural ones which one is carrying. This will be useful in showcasing the desired kind of natural looks which one can develop over their hairs. Individual box braids are prepared over the head of an individual which are all combined over a single side for combining all the braids available.
Braids prepared are of the thinner section which can be easily modified as per the desired requirement. Even each of these braids is kept separately for improving the looks which these hairs impart to our face.
Medium sized box braids
You can have box braids which are of the medium sized for comfortable hairstyle by adopting this. It will help you to even have long hair while you are selecting this hairstyle. Each of the braids is prepared from the top of the head which are combining with other strands of hair which are of different color. They are overhanging till the hips freely without any kind of intermingling.
As all the strands of the braids are kept separate, this will be giving more comfortable look specially for the case of long hair. Even the cross-section of the braids selected is quite low for providing benefits of improved flexibility to them while doing different kinds of tasks.
Light brown braids
The box braids which are prepared in this format are of the color of light brown. Even they are starting from the top of the head for having its enhanced looks. For providing the color, external hairs are provided which will be intermingled with the existing hair so that they can remain combined for changing the color of the final braids prepared.
Braids which are prepared are of the thinner cross-section which will be beneficial in their proper management. They can bend easily and can be aligned in the manner which is desired by the individual who has adopted this kind of hairstyle.
Dark red braids
The red color is provided in these kinds of box braids. They are getting started from the top of the head and are moving ahead at the top for forming the desired knot. This knot is prepared by winding the braids prepared over each other which will help in enhancing the way hairstyle is prepared. Rest of the braids are kept overhanging at the back end.
Braids are of a thinner section and one can use the external hair for increasing the length of the hair as per the desired kind of length and looks which is desired. Even beads are provided over these braids which are prepared which is making it look more enhanced.
Jet black box braids
Short hairs are highly preferred to adopt this kind of hairstyle. So, if you are willing to have short hair then you can think of this kind of hairstyle. It will be useful in creating the desired kind of box braids scalp of the head. As the hairs are quite short, braids prepared will only lie till your shoulders. Even the braids prepared are of the thinner cross section and placed together itself for making the hairstyle look uniform.
Once the braids are prepared, with the help of forefingers there will be many loose ends left which can be cut off by use of the scissors. This will make the braids look uniform and of the smooth surface to enhance the overall look of the box braids which are prepared.
Triangle braids
This kind of hairstyle is almost similar to the normal hairstyle of box braids with a difference that instead of using square boxes, triangle boxes are used for creating the box braids. As the box braids prepared are of triangular shape, it will be very easy to uniformly arrange them over the head. Braids prepared will be of the longer length which will help you to have long hair if you like them.
You can prepare box braids by using the sharp edge of the comb to create the unique scalp and collecting the strands of the hair. These strands are then separated into three equal strands and are interwoven together to form the braids. One can even remove the extra ends which are left outside the braids with scissors to improve the appearance.
Square braids
If you want to have a tidy hairstyle with everything properly arranged then you can opt for this hairstyle. All the box braids prepared are of the exact square shape for enhancing their looks. Even the braids prepared are having cleaner finishes which are overhanging on their respective sides together. Cross sections of these braids are kept low for ensuring its proper maintenance.
It is also possible to provide a decorative finish over these braids to improve their overall looks. The scalp which is visible in this box braids is made neatly visible by means of using the comb which is having a sharper edge which will be used for covering the hair on their respective sides.
Side part box braids
The name of this box braids is given by means of the hairstyle which it is providing. Each of the braids prepared is allowed to remain on a single side to improve their overall looks. Normally medium-sized or long sized hairs are prepared by using this method. Even the braids prepared are of the thinner section and are kept with loose ends at their tail.
As the braids are of the thinner section one should take proper care while preparing them with their fingers. This will require great expertise in managing the hairstyle of the box braids which are prepared, as the strands of hair which are to be managed are of quite a low amount of hairs.
Braids ponytail
The ponytail is quite popular in recent times due to the younger looking face which it is providing. Each of the box braids which are prepared over the head is moving ahead at the top of the head. From there they are tied together to form a knot. It will lead to combining all the hairs together and then all the hairs are kept overhanging over a single direction with their ends properly braid.
In case of any of the loose ends of the hairs over the braids, they are cut down by use of scissors which will make the braids to look neat. Box braids prepared over the head will be visible quite easily with the intermediate scalp which is left down. This will help to give you a younger look with a more finish provided over the braids prepared in the hair.
Box braids updo
The braids prepared in this hairstyle are based on their name itself. Each of the braids is moving upward to form a cluster together at the top of the head. While moving at the top of the head they are even forming a curvy style which is beneficial for making it look more elegant. People are also providing additional outer colored hairs in the braids which are prepared for enhancing the way in which they are looking.
All the braids prepared are combining at the top for preparing a knot. This knot is prepared for keeping the braids entangled at their desired location without facing any kind of issue with their movement. Rest of the part of the hair at the sides are shaved to provide this hairstyle a smooth finish and clearer hairstyle.
Box braids bob
Hairstyle prepared by this kind is of the shorter hairs. Box braids will be prepared from the top of the head from where they will be kept overhanging over the respective side of the face. Even these braids are having a curvy look towards the front of the face. Braids are having a sharper edge at the end which will help in maintaining these braids with a cleaner finish.
Cross section of each of the braids prepared is low which will be helpful in enhancing the way your hairstyle is appearing to other individuals. Extra hairs which are protruding out from the braids are cut down for the smoother finish over the surface of the braids.
braids bun
This hairstyle is having a bun prepared at the top of the head which is useful for enhancing the looks of the hairstyle. The box braids which are prepared over the head are moving ahead to form a bun at the top. It is mainly formed by means of creating a knot at the top. Braids are intermingled for creating a bun which is having a unique look.
People who are not used to long hairs would prefer this hairstyle as they won’t be bothered by the hairs during their work. All the braids are properly arranged while forming the knot which will help in ensuring that hairs remain like that for a longer period of time without facing any kind of changes.
Cornrow braids
Cornrow is quite popular in creating braids. In this hairstyle, cornrows are prepared over the head and then correspondingly boxes are prepared from where braids are created. This will give a unique look to the hairstyle which you have created. Each of the braids is attached to the head till the back side of the head and are then left in the overhanging fashion.
For improving the looks of the braids they are even provided with colored hairs which are added to the hairs while forming the braids. It will impart the desired color to the hair with the thinner section of the braids which are prepared. One can keep the braids either of the medium-sized or longer length based on the one which is most comfortable to them.
Box Braids Fringe
In this hairstyle, fringes are provided over the ends of the braids which are prepared which is giving it a unique look. Each of the braids is prepared from the top of the head with the least cross section so that maximum number of braids can be kept overhanging. All the braids used are also covering the forehead and the area around the neck of an individual.
One can also add additional materials over the braids which are prepared for enhancing the way in which their hairstyles are looking. Even the beads which are provided over the braids are useful for enhancing the overall looks of the braids which are prepared.
Short box braids
It is quite common among a number of individuals who like to have short hair. They can adopt this kind of hairstyle to suit their likings. Braids which are prepared are collected at the top of the head for the sole purpose of intermingling them with each other. This will create a denser collection of hair at the top of the head.
Rest of the box braids prepared are kept overhanging over their respective sideways. These braids are having the maximum length till the shoulders of an individual which will not prove to be detrimental while working of an individual.
Thick braids
In addition to thinner, many people also like to have thicker box braids. Even due to the thicker section of the braids prepared they are also kept longer while overhanging which will enhance the looks. Braids prepared are properly inter-woven to keep them together without facing any kind of trouble with the hair. It will even help in keeping the hair flawless.
While preparing this hairstyle there are chances that there are extra hairs which are poping out from the braids prepared. One can cut down these hairs to ensure that each of the braids is having a smoother surface for enhancing the overall looks.
Small braids
This box braids are highly used for enhancing the looks of the women who is having a flawless skin. All the braids prepared are of the very thinner cross section due to the small kind of boxes selected for creating them. These braids are kept separately overhanging for improving the overall looks of the hairs which we have kept.
Mostly this kind of hairstyle will be more suitable for women’s who are having flawless skin. Even the braids are having a flawless surface which is enhanced by removing the extra hairs which might be entangling outside. All the braids are uniformly aligned in a straight manner beside each other without forming any kind of entanglement.
Different color braids
Providing color to the hair is getting quite popular among a number of youngsters. This has led to this fashion to even penetrate the box braids hairstyle. One can use different hair shades to prepare the box braids which are made. It will help in adding the respective shades to each of the braids. Even it will lead to creativity in terms of a large number of colors available for shading each of the braids which are prepared.
Braids are tightly prepared at the top of the head and are kept loose at its lower end. This loose end is provided the desired curly look with the use of hot water and the tools to add curls. Curls are highly preferred by a number of individuals due to the kind of enhanced looks which it has to offer.
Burgundy braids
It is always unique to experiment in many different ways with the hairstyle to showcase creativity in them. Box braids are prepared from the scalp which is done by use of the additional hairs which are of different color. Using both the natural hair and additional hair will give a unique look to the hair of two different colors. Even additional rings are provided over the braids which are useful for enhancing the look of the box braids.
The box braids which are prepared is having a thicker section at the top end and the thinner section at the lower end. Ends of the hair are also kept in the combined manner with the braids to ensure that they don’t remain separated from the braids prepared.
Purple braids
This hairstyle is also featuring smaller boxes from which braids are prepared. Additional hairs are used which are having the purple colors. It will help in providing the braids prepared with the desired color. Even you will have longer hair by adopting this kind of hairstyle. You can change the length based on your requirement and how you are using the extension hair for preparing the braids.
You will also have cleaner braids prepared by removing any of the extra hairs which are protruding outside. It will help you to have a neat look of the hairstyle which you have prepared for improving the overall looks of your face.
Blue braids
This hairstyle is having a unique style with one side shaved and box braids are prepared over the other side. These braids are prepared by combining them with the blue colored hair to give a combination color of blue with black. They are inclined over one side to improve the way one’s face is looking and also to make one’s face glow by using the different forms of braids over their hairs.
Braids which are prepared in the hairstyle are quite minute in cross-section to improve the appearance of all the braids stuck together. Even one can arrange these box braids prepared in a manner which is most convenient and comfortable to them for having an enhanced experience.
Grey braids
Grey color is liked by a number of individuals. They can opt for using the grey color in their box braids which are prepared. In this case, the boxes which are prepared are of the triangular shape for collecting the hair from that section. This collected hair is then divided into three sections with the additional hair which is of grey color and then combined to form the braids.
Different braids prepared are arranged one over another but as they are of the thicker cross-section, they will be easily visible as separate braids. Each of the braids is overhanging on the respective side where they are prepared.
Mohawk box braids
In this case, box braids are prepared at the top of the head. The sides of the head are trimmed to have small sized hairs which are arranged in a proper linear sequence. All the box braids prepared at the top of the head is swirling around each other to form a knot over the remaining braids which are overhanging.
For making it look elegant even brown colored hair is also added while preparing the braids in their root. These braids are then entangled over the remaining box braids which are prepared. They will be showing this other colored hair mixed with the natural color while being entangled.
Dreadlock braids
A single strand of the braid is prepared at the top of the head which is moving ahead in a linear manner. Other strands which are prepared are moving downwards in their respective directions. Even each of these braids is having a lower cross-section which will make it have an enhanced look. For further improving the looks the front strand of the braid is provided with another hair strand which is of a different color for preparing that.
As a new strand is used in the first braid they will be visible in the braids entanglement. One can see it entangled in the braids in the same manner as the braids are prepared.
Top knot braids
This hairstyle is different from the normal box braids in form of the knot which is prepared at the top of the head. It is prepared by combining the braids which are present over the top of the head and making them entangled with each other. Remaining braids present will be overhanging over the respective side where they are prepared.
Braids prepared are made quite tighter so that one can have a smooth finish over the braids. Some of the extra hair strands left are cut down by using the scissors. Braids are having a slightly thicker section at their top end as compared to what they are having at the bottom most portion.
Dark purple braids
Purple is quite a popular color among a number of women. As a result, many of them like to have them used over the box braids which they prepare over their head. One can apply the additional hairs which are present to have the dark purple color which will provide the desired enhanced look to the hairstyle which is prepared.
Even the braids prepared are of the thinner cross-section. This will help in ensuring that they can be shaped according to the requirement of the individual. Mostly people having an oval face would be adopting this kind of hairstyle as it will suit them the most.
Bohemian box braids
The name of this hairstyle is derived from the location from where it belongs. It will be having one of the thicker braid section prepared at the center of the head. Braids are also prepared over its sides which are kept overhanging on their respective sides. Even some of the braids are tied with a circular knot around the head to keep all the braids attached closer to the head.
In this hairstyle, even beads are added to the braids which are prepared. They are mainly added for improving the way in which this hairstyle is looking. It will provide brown shade to the hairstyle which is prepared which will be useful for enhancing the way in which hairstyle is being appeared.
Curly box braids
Curly hair is liked by a number of individuals who are fond of trying new tricks over their hairstyle. It helps them to give a unique look to their hairs when they try something new or creative over their hairs. Box Braids are prepared over the head of an individual who is having the curly hairs. These curly hairs will help to have hairs form curls while they are overhanging from the head.
Even there are loose ends kept at the end of the curly hair which is prepared. These loose ends will have overhanging hairs which are also of curly nature. It will help in improving the overall appearance of the hairstyle which is prepared.
Braids for dark skin
It is also important to have the right kind of hairstyle even for woman who are having dark skin. This will help them to have a more elegant look and enhance the way in which their hairstyle is appearing at different events which they are visiting. In this case, the braids prepared at the top of the head are tied over the head to combine the rest of the braids which are prepared at the back end of the head.
Each of the braids is prepared in a neat fashion to ensure that they are having enhanced looks. Loose ends are kept at the tail of these braids which are even tied in the form of braids. The braids prepared are having a medium cross-section which is quite easier to manage and showcase effectively to other individuals.
Individual braids
Box braids prepared in this case are of the individual sections over the scalp. One can have these braids overhanging over their respective side which will enhance the looks. Braids prepared are of the thinner section and arranged together for improving the overall looks of the hairstyle which is prepared. Additional gels can also be applied for improving the way braids are getting represented.
Auburn box braids
It is always encouraged to show creativity in the kind of hairstyle which is prepared. In this hairstyle, hairs used are of the golden yellow color which is converted into box braids. Braids from the front portion of the head are moved upwards for forming the knot over there. This is mainly prepared by winding them over each other and forming a circular knot.
After forming two of the knots over both sides of the head, remaining braids prepared are kept overhanging from the respective sides. Each of these braids is prepared with a tight fit to ensure that they are not unwound during the normal operations.
Ombre braids
Twin color is applied in this kind of hairstyle. One will be having a natural color which is near the scalp and other is the hair extensions which are applied from half portion of the brad. Each of the braids is prepared and kept overhanging over their respective direction. This will help in improving the overall looks.
Looks are further enhanced by means of using the hair extensions in the braids prepared. These hair extensions are also merged with the previously made box braids to extend these braids in a sequential manner. Ends of these braids are having loose ends of the hairs which are kept loose intentionally for making the hairstyle more creative in looks.
Faux locs braids
If you are interested in having a hairstyle which looks randomized then you should opt for this. Each of the braids prepared is having a curvy feature which is moving in their own direction. Additional braids are also prepared which are having a unique color. It will help in making them look different in the kind of hairstyle which is prepared.
Even the hairstyle which is prepared are in the form of a zigzag manner and is moving from one direction of the head to another. The braids are also prepared quite rigid enough which can’t be easily bent which gives its unique feature of having a new hairstyle.
Red braids
This hairstyle is featuring additional hairs which are added while preparing the braids. This will help in imparting the red tint of color to the braids which are prepared. Small boxes are prepared over the scalp from where braids are prepared. The braids which are located at the top of the scalp are moving backward for covering the head so that other braids which are overhanging are kept close enough with the head.
Remaining braids which are present around the head will be kept overhanging. A thinner section is preferred for these braids with the hair extensions which are of red color for improving the overall appearance of the hair which is prepared.
Blonde braids
This hairstyle is suitable for you if you want to showcase your sexy look to others. It will help you to enhance the way you are representing yourself. Normally celebrities are adopting this kind of hairstyles which you can try out based on the occasion which you are going to attend. The box braids which are prepared at the top of the head are provided with a curve covering the front face of the forehead too.
These braids are then moving towards the back side where it is forming the knot. This is even covering the rest of the braids available for ensuring that they are kept closer to the head as much as possible. Even the ends of the braids prepared are kept sharp enough by means of providing braids till the ends too.
Box braids for summer
Summer is a season where we have taken proper care of the extreme heat which is available. One should opt for a hairstyle which can provide the desired cooling effect to the head. Thicker sections are prepared by means of box braids from the scalp of the head which will help in keeping the scalp of the head open to atmosphere.
As the scalp is open it will ensure that you are not faced with your head suffering from any kind of extreme temperatures. Even the thicker section of the braids will not create problems by touching the skin as it can cause an irritating effect on many of the individuals.
Box braids for wedding
The wedding is an important occasion for any of the individual. One needs to have the best hairstyle during this occasion. In that scenario, this hairstyle will prove to be the best alternative for them. It is having thinner box braids prepared which are forming the curvy shape over the head of an individual. Even the braids prepared are forming a knot-like structure at the back of the head.
All the curves prepared are provided with additional elements like a feather for improving the looks which your hair is providing. As the hairs are quite tightened over the head there won’t be any of the problems of irritation being caused due to the loosening hair over the neck.
Braids design
This hairstyle is the right one for you if you are so much fond of having creativity in your hairstyle. Most of the head portion is shaved with very few left where braids are prepared with the hair extensions. Braids prepared are then combined to form a circular pillar=like structure at the top of the head which will turn out to be quite creative in appearance.
Even there are some of the braids prepared at the back of the head which are entangled with each other for forming the desired hairstyle over the back side of the head. It will help in having the lowest length of the hair which will even solve the problems which are caused due to the longer hairs.
Maroon braids
The maroon color is quite popular among a number of individuals. In this hairstyle, box braids are prepared with the additional hairs combined with them which will be having maroon color. It is also possible to match your dress with the color of your hair for improving your personality. Braids prepared are of the thinner cross-section from the top of the head.
Scalp will be made visible from one side of the head due to the kind of hairstyle. As braids are of a thinner cross section it will help in maintaining them for elegant looks. If you are fond of longer hairs then hair extensions are used in this for enhancing your looks.
Dark brown box braids
This hairstyle is having shorter hair for enhancing their looks. Box braids are prepared in the hairstyle and are inclined on their respective sides. Braids are prepared till the end so that they are having the ends tightly combined together. It will ensure that all the braids are enhancing the looks by remaining together while forming the desired hairstyle.
Braids prepared are only having length till the shoulders. So it will be preferred by the individuals who are fond of having shorter hairs. Even the cross-section of the braids is quite low to ensure that one can effectively manage them.
Green braids
People are quite fond of coloring their hairs. This hairstyle will provide green color stint to the braids prepared by using the additional hair which is of green color. Each of the braids is kept separately so that they can be distinguished easily without difficulty. Even the braids prepared are kept overhanging over their respective side.
It is required to have these braids tight enough for ensuring that it is providing a smoother finish. People also tend to ensure that the braids prepared are not having the loose ends of the hair. This is required as they will deteriorate the overall looks of the hairstyle prepared.
Pink braids
It is quite common to find a number of woman’s who likes to have hairs of Pink color. The braids are prepared by combining the natural hair with the hair extensions which are of pink color. There will be a gradual transformation of the natural color of the hair into the pink color which is useful for enhancing the looks of the hair.
Loose ends of the braids prepared are also combined with the braids to avoid any kind of loose hairs. Even the extra hairs which might be entangling out of the braids can be cut down by use of the scissors for enhancing the overall looks of the box braids prepared.
Silver box braids
This box braid is giving a unique look to the hairstyle which is prepared. Each of the braids prepared is having the combination of the natural hairs and the silver colored extension hairs. It will lead to twin color being visible in the braids. All the braids are of a very thin cross-section and are arranged in a proper sequence.
Some of the thicker braids are also prepared at the top of the head. This is mainly done for improving the way hairstyle is looking. Each of these braids at the top of the head is moving from front to the back end by means of following a curved path.
Braids with highlights
Most of the box braids prepared are having the same style throughout the head. In this hairstyle, this is quite different by providing extra braids of a different color. Thinner section of the braids will help in having a larger number of box braids in the hairstyle with few of the braids having color stint. Even these braids are provided with a smoother finish for improving the looks of the hairstyle.
All the braids prepared are having loose curly hairs at their end. These hairs are kept loose as a means of enhanced hairstyle. Even hair extensions are used in this hairstyle if someone requires to have long hairs in their hairstyle.
Color Box Braids
Are you fond of having numerous colors in your hair? Well, then this hairstyle is right for you if you are thinking of adopting box braids. All the braids prepared are randomly arranged so that it gives a randomized look. Some of the braids prepared at the front end of the head are of shorter length while those at the back are of longer length.
Different colors used and the way it is represented are mainly due to the improved way of representing the hairstyle. Color combination is done taking into consideration the one which can help to have an enhanced look.
Dark Blue braids
Many people would be loving to have their hair of dark blue color. This hairstyle is prepared with the box prepared in their heads which will be having braids emerging from them. Each of these braids is forming a curved portion which is getting intermingled with each other. It is mainly used for enhancing the way your hairstyle is looking.
Hair extensions which are used in the hair will be having the color applied to them with a shiny appearance. One will thereby be able to have a hair which is having a shiny appearance and slightly curved hairs over their front head.
Orange braids
This kind of hairstyle is having shorter braids which are prepared by creating the box structure over the head. The orange color is provided over the hairs before combining them in the form of braids. Each of the individual braid units is having sharply combined hair which will not have loose ends of the hair.
Braids formed will be having a rigid structure with the curve forming over the face. One can select the thickness of the braids based on the kind of hairstyle which they are intending to prepare. Even the box braids prepared will be covering the box structure prepared over the scalp.
Rihanna Box Braids
Musical Star Rihanna is a great inspiration for many people to have a hairstyle like her. This style is having a thicker section of the braids prepared from the top surface of the head which will be overhanging at a single side. Even they are having a random shape which is actually improving the look of the hairstyle.
Thicker braids will form a rigid structure which will help in keeping the hairs in their desired style for a long duration of time. Even their ends are tied together to ensure that there are no loose ends left to the braids prepared.
Beyonce braids bun
This hairstyle is famous by the name of Beyonce who is an American Singer. Box braids are prepared and are tied together to form a bigger knot at the top of the head. It will have all the braids entangled with each other to form a bigger loop of the braids. To have a bigger size of this knot one can also use hair extensions for increasing their size.
Different braids prepared are moved further over the head over a curved portion. One will, therefore, have a uniform box braid structure over their head which is enhancing their looks.
Janet Jackson box braids
Janet Jackson is a popular American Singer and this hairstyle is popular by the hairstyle which she showcased. Individual box braids prepared are moving further ahead at the top for combining together in the form of a knot at the top. This knot is provided by means of some external elements over the hair.
After crossing the knot each of the braids is held loose and overhanging over the back side of the head. Each of these braids is having a low cross-section and are colored with silver which is giving them an elegant appearance.
Jhene Aiko box braids
Jhene Aiko is a popular American singer and also a songwriter. This hairstyle is popular by her as she has used this hairstyle over her hair. It is having box braids prepared over the head with thin braids overhanging on their respective side of the head. Even there is a possibility of using hair extensions based on the individual requirement over a particular length of the box braids prepared.
Shiny gel material can also be applied over the hair to improve the way it is represented. This will enhance the way they are looking at any of the events.
Zoe Kravitz braids
This hairstyle is popular by the name of Zoe Kravitz who is an American Actress. In this hairstyle, there are minute box braids prepared over the head which will be having a thinner cross-section of the braids. Each of these thinner cross sections is kept overhanging. Braids prepared are also not tightly combined to form a rigid structure of the braids which will have smooth braids prepared.
As the braids are not properly prepared, they might turn loose over a longer period of time. One should ensure its constant maintenance for having a better look at their hairstyle.
Braids cuff
It’s common to experiment with different hairstyles to find the most suitable one. This hairstyle is having box braids prepared over the head which are moving ahead at the top of the head. Each of these braids is forming a knot together by means of entangling with each other. People are also using external hairs of different color which is useful for making the hairstyle to have twin color combination.
Hair Extensions are also used for ensuring that all the hairs are forming a bigger knot at the top of the head. This knot is like a rigid structure which is enhancing its looks.
Braids with headband
It’s quite common to find external items getting used for improving the looks of the hairstyle which you are adopting. The headband is one such element which is important for keeping the hairs together. Braids are prepared from the box patterns which are further overhanging in the downward direction over their respective ends where they are prepared.
Both the side of the head is having their own individual hair colors which are making your hairstyle to look different from the rest. The kind of color which you select can be dependent on your liking, events where you are going to visit and many more parameters.
Braids for white girl
This hairstyle is quite random in nature where all the braids prepared are getting entangled with each other. Thinner box braids are getting prepared from the head which is kept overhanging from the heads. The silver color is applied to these braids as many of the individuals likes to have this color over their hair.
Even a mix of two color is applied by combining the natural hair with the extension hair which is of the silver color. It is quite a good experience of keeping these braids overhanging as they are thinner in cross-section and will provide you with an elegant experience.
Large braids
Having a longer length of the box braids is liked by a number of individuals as it gives them a beautiful look. The thicker section of the box braids is prepared from the top of the head with the use of the hair extensions of a different color. Each of these hair extensions is tightly bound for ensuring that there are no loose ends of the hair left from the braids.
Braids prepared are thicker in the section which is useful for ensuring that they remain in their desired form for a longer duration of time. People are also adding external elements which can improve the appearance of this hairstyle.
Braids with beads
Beads are an effective way of improving the way your box braids are appearing. Individual thinner section box braids are prepared which are kept overhanging at their respective sides. Even the lengths of the braids are limited only till the shoulder. It is also quite easy to manage these braids as they are having a lower cross section.
Braids with string
This hairstyle is having box braids prepared to have thinner sections and to overhang at their respective sides. It will even have strings attached to the head of an individual which are combining with the rest of the hair. Even there will be loose ends of the hair visible over the braids prepared. Strings attached can even have a different color than the normal hairs of an individual.
Box braids for thin hair
It is quite important for any of the hairstyles to have a unique feature which makes them different from the rest of the styles available. This hairstyle is having smaller box braids prepared over the scalp of an individual and are arranged with a curvy style till the end of the head. They are covering the remaining braids prepared from the head which are overhanging over the back end.
There will be the remaining portion of the scalp which is shaved for having a decent look of the hairstyle prepared. Even hair extensions are used for providing dual colors to the box braids prepared.
Micro braids
As the name suggests, box braids prepared in this hairstyle is having micro-sized braids available. Each of these braids is having curvy look which can possibly lead to the entanglement of these box braids with each other. Box braids prepared over the scalp is having the shape of triangular form which is mainly adopted for enhancing the looks of the hairstyle.
Loose ends of this hairstyle are also combined in the box braids. This is mainly done to ensure that individual hairs are not left in the form of loosened ends.
Parting braids
Box braids prepared in this hairstyle are parted off from each other to make them visible in the form of individual strands. All the braids strands which are made available are overhanging in a separate manner from the head. Mostly medium sized hairs are used for preparing the braids to make it appear till the waist of an individual.
Even loose ends are not left in the hairstyle to prevent loose hairs from appearing. This is mainly done for ensuring the required finish to be achieved over the braids prepared and enhancing its looks.
Keri Hilson braids style
This hairstyle is popular by the name of Keri Hilson who is an American Singer and songwriter. Each of the individual braids is overhanging from the back end of the head which is covered by the box braids prepared from the sides of the head. Loose ends of the braids prepared are in the separate form to even have loose hairs over there.
Imani Hakim box braids style
Himani Hakim is a popular American Actress and this hairstyle is popular by her name. It is having box braids prepared from the scalp which are overhanging over their respective sides. Some of the box braids prepared from the top are forming a knot at the top. Even the cross-section of the braids is quite low which is useful for ensuring that the hairstyle is having an elegant style and good appearance characteristic.
Latina box braids
Boxes prepared in the head for this hairstyle is covering quite a larger cross-section. Even the box braids prepared are of the thicker cross-section which is kept overhanging over their respective sides. It will make the hairstyle look quite elegant by having the braids to have loose hairs at their respective ends. One can even shave the unnecessary hairs from the sides where they are not required.
Braids with bangs
In this hairstyle, box braids are prepared with the hair extensions at their ends which is of a different color. It will help in having twin color for the hairstyle which we are going to adopt. Even bangs are provided for the purpose of covering the forehead. This is used by many individuals to hide unwanted things from their head.
Box Braids with shaved sides
Box braids are prepared and brought at the top of the head for the purpose of forming a knot over there. The remaining portion of the hair at the sideways of the head is shaved down for creating a unique look of the hairstyle adopted. Even the knot is prepared by properly tying the braids over each other and forming the close knot.
Thus, we can say that there are a number of hairstyles available for the Box Braids. One can select the hairstyle based on their individual likings, their personality, their face shape and size, and many other parameters.
All these parameters and the final hairstyle selection will govern the way in which we are looking to other individuals who are coming in our contact. People are also enhancing their hairstyle by means of providing it with the external elements which are useful for improving the way in which hairstyle is appearing at any of the events.