How To Do Nigerian Braids? Step by Step Guide

When it comes to hairstyles, Africa is the center of creativity. Only look at the various nations, and you will be in awe of their signature designs. The older generations have been more creative in coming up with unusual hairstyles. The Himba in Namibia, the Fulani and the Wodaobe in West Africa, the Ochre in Ethiopia, the Masaai in East Africa, and the Shona in South Africa are some of the traditional hairstyles that will mesmerize you.

To flourish, Kinky African hair requires delicate and protective hairstyles. Most Africans and African Americans, for this reason, have adopted braided hairstyles. The hairstyles of Nigerian braids are in season and have grown over the last few years.

Nigerian hairstyles are as versatile as they could get. Just type “Nigerian hairstyles” into your search engine, and you can find so many images of different styles in different colors in unusual yet bold patterns that would catch anybody’s eye. You can see that each style is unique in itself and extensively makes use of threads, weaves, wool, beads, shells, and beautiful things like these that you normally won’t find anywhere else. A lot of artists and hairstylists have also made it a point to expose the rest of the world to the rich and colorful Nigerian culture and heritage through such versatile hairstyles. The styles are mostly a blend of modern and traditional patterns, and usually, each style, each color used, and each pattern designed on the hair will have a wonderful story behind it. The world is now increasingly accepting more of this Nigerian culture through these hairstyles, and the most common one among them is the Nigerian braids.

How To Do Nigerian Braids?

A stunning and unique hairstyle, the Nigerian braids are often done either the cornrow braided style or in the twisted braid style. Micro braids are also another popular look in Nigerian hairstyles. Half up half down hairstyles continue to grow in popularity with each passing day. Since most Nigerian braid styles are primarily done in the cornrow braids style, we will be looking at how you can do cornrow braids by yourself in this article.

The cornrow braids can be done in many different ways and a variety of colors. From the normal cornrow stitch to thick cornrow braids and everything in between, there surely is a style for everyone. You just need to understand what works on your hair best and then just proceed with the most suitable hairstyle.


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Various Nigerian Braided Hairdo

How To Do Nigerian Braids?

1. Suku Hairstyle

Suku hairstyles are a type of braided Nigerian hairstyles that take on different shapes. The typical Shuku is a hairstyle of braids running down from the forehead and forming rumps on the top of your head. Alternatively, from the back of your head up to the tip, it may be an elongated braid. You can, however, shape it to suit your preferences.

2. Kinky braids

Nigerian kinky braided hairdos are the new hairstyles of Nigerian braids. Except that they are twists instead of the three-strand braids, Kinky braids bear a close resemblance to the usual braids. Kinky braids from Nigeria are beautiful to the eye and flatter every face.

3. Hausa Hairstyles

The Hausa tribe is one of Nigeria’s main tribes and is in the top three. They’ve got a diverse and rich culture. As such, some of the Hausa tribe’s hairstyles are imitated by individuals.

Haircare Tips

Keep your head secured by braiding for long periods as it protects your hair from environmental influences. Also, make a washing and moisturizing routine to ensure that your hair develops or retains the same length. Like braid spray, several items on the market will help you control your hair. Whilst braiding and styling, you can also be imaginative. Once in awhile, take a break from the weaves and perm to give your hair the requisite rest.

How To Do Nigerian Braids?

Supplies You’ll Need To Make Nigerian Braids:

Hair extensions Comb

Steps To Do A Nigerian Cornrow Braids Style

Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner before you begin braiding your hair. This is an important step since your hair will be locked in for a long duration, and it needs as much moisture and hydration it can get, which the conditioner will provide. After drying the hair, make sure to detangle it before you start braiding Part your hair into different rows from the front to the back. Take the row in the middle in your hand, and divide it into 3 sections. Take the strands from either of the side sections and then overlap it over the middle section. Do the same with the opposite section. The former section has now become the middle section, just as in a normal three-strand braid. And with that, the first stitch is complete Repeat the above steps to create more stitches, but now, with each stitch, add a little hair from the underneath row and continue this till you reach the neck. Once you’ve reached the neck, there are no more hair strands to be pulled from underneath so that you can do the normal braid on the rest of the hair. Use hair extensions if you need more length for your cornrows. Continue the same process on each row until your head is completely done and filled with cornrows. Secure the ends with a hairband, and your Nigerian cornrow braids style is ready to flaunt. Instead of this straight front to back style, you can try different versions, such as the side-swept cornrows style where you repeat the same steps, except towards one side and not the back. You can also try the same cornrow style with alternate sections of thick and thin rows to create an interesting look. The process is the same, and you can experiment with many different patterns. Do cornrows help to grow your normal hair?

The cornrows act as a layer of protection for your real hair. It shields your hair from exposure to anything that might cause hair damage. So essentially, while it won’t make your hair grow very fast, it still allows your hair to thrive.

What is the minimum hair length needed to sport cornrows?

You should have hair of at least 2 inches long if you want to do the cornrows hairstyle. It may be possible to do cornrows for shorter lengths, but it would be a challenging process with no benefits at all. The hair won’t stay secure and locked in and thus offer no protection to your real hair.

Can I wash my cornrow braids?

Yes, washing your cornrows is generally advised to be done every once in a week or so. Daily washing is not at all recommended. Don’t rub on the cornrows while cleaning your hair; gently wash it from the scalp towards the hair’s ends.

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