100 Attractive & Unique Cornrow Braids Hairstyles

There are many different kinds of hairstyles that are popular in one or another way. One can select the cornrow braids hairstyle which is best matching their requirement and also the one which is matching their looks.

It will help them to suit their style and help them to enhance their own personality. This will result in an enhanced look and personality for the other individuals who are watching you. Keeping this in mind, a number of different kinds of hairstyles are developed. Each of them is having its own unique benefits and looks which are helping us to enhance the way we are looking.

This will raise the importance of the right selection of the hairstyle which one can select for improving the way they are looking in terms of looks and also the personality.

It is important to consider the way hairstyles are designed to ensure that they are looking in the most elegant manner. This will also help in improving your overall appearance and the way you represent yourself to others. Even it will help you to build your own brand image in the mind of another individual with whom you come across.


Cornrow Braids

cornrow braids

Looking at the number of innovativeness available in the hairstyle, it is required to ensure that we are able to develop the right kind of hairstyle for ourselves.

This has made possible the development of the Cornrows which is also popular by the name of Carneros in the Caribbean. They are basically the ancient traditional African hairstyle that is used by their people for the sole purpose of grooming themselves.

In this hairstyle, one will find the hairs to be braided quite close to a scalp. It will help to make them look quite continuous and forming a structure of the raised row. This will help in the formation of the simpler straight lines over your head which is helpful in the case of enhancing your looks.

Even many of those structures which they are using are having complicated geometry which is difficult to generate. There exists great variation in the number of different locations around the world as cornrows are worn by both men and women in different locations of the world.

One can also provide them with extra features by adding beads and cowry shells. This will help in increasing the way they appear to the other individuals who are watching them. They are developing a unique hairstyle based on the location where it is adopted.

It will help in ensuring that one can have the best possible design of their hairstyle which can have the desired elegant look. Even it will be helping in properly maintaining the hair with proper washing them and also ensuring their desired look to the other individuals who watch them.

The selection of the cornrow braids is quite relative and is dependent on the occasion over which you are selecting this kind of hairstyle. Even there is a number of different styles developed in cornrow braids. Many of these styles are discussed here with their respective benefits and peculiarities which they have for being used over a specifically targeted destination. Learn here to make cornrow braids.


Different Types of Cornrow Braids

We have discussed here different types of cornrow braids with their own unique peculiarities. One can consider these peculiarities before selecting them for a particular task.

It will help them to have a right choice of the same and also showcase the best version of themselves at the occasion which they are going to visit.

Straight Back Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is having cornrow braids over the head top with the straightened hairs available over the back. Straightened hair will help in providing the improved looks of the hairstyle which is developed.

Numbers of hair straightener equipment are available which one can utilize for straightening of one’s hair. Many people even find this kind of hairstyle sexy, trendy and stylish one as it is a unique way of styling your hairstyle.

The main important parameter for this kind of hairstyle is to make it last for a long duration of time. This will require proper care of the hairstyle which is selected and taking proper steps in maintaining that kind of hairstyle. Even one can add creativity in the kind of hairstyle which you showcase based on your own liking.

Straight Back Cornrow Braids


Cornrow with Natural Hair

It is always beneficial and preferred to ensure that an individual is having natural hair. This will help in ensuring that they can showcase the kind of natural beauty which they are having without adding the artificial stint to that.

One can design this natural hair in a manner that can be good in terms of presenting to another individual. Even this will help in improving your own personality in front of the individuals who are noticing you during a number of different events which you are going to visit.

In many of the cases, the kind of design which one adds are depending on one’s own personality as it will help them to enhance the way they represent to other individuals. This will even help in showcasing the way they are to the people they meet by the way they look.

It will also help in building the right first impression in the mind of the individuals who are in contact with you.

Cornrow with Natural Hair


Six Braids Cornrow

Different braids are provided in this kind of hairstyle. It helps in making the hairstyle look unique as compared to the other hairstyles. This hairstyle is providing an amazing design with the scalp which is visible from the braids which are developed.

Braids are made longer in length so that they remain overhanging from your head scalp. It will help to also have long hair which is in the form of braids and will also help you to provide a unique hairstyle.

The braids provided are having a unique design of thicker at the top with a sharp edge. They are interwoven with each other to create a unique appearance of the braids which are developed. It will help you to enhance your personality over the location where you are going to visit.

You can simply tie up the individual strands so that it creates a unique design that will be having six braids attached to the same.

Six Braids Cornrow


Cornrow with Kanekalon Hair

This kind of hairstyle is the foundation of the tradition which people are maintaining. It will help in ensuring that you are having the right hairstyle from the list of hairstyles which is quite endless. One needs to have a careful examination of this list in order to select the right one from them.

You can use your comb to create the section in your hair that will be used for revealing the scalp in your hairstyle. Once you have done this you can separate the hair in the sections which you are willing to entangle for creating the desired combo.

You can create a braid in your hair by properly using your three forefingers to intermingle the hair for creating the desired design. This way you can create other braids over the other side of your hair to provide them with a creative look. As all this is finished you can combine them in form small strands which will help you to improve the overall look.

Cornrow with Kanekalon Hair


Cornrow for Long Hair

Long hair is quite common for women in recent times. It gives them an attractive look with the long decorated hair as they are properly showcased to the other individuals. In this hairstyle, individual braids are created in your hair which will be having their own long strands. This kind of braid is capable of giving you a unique look in this hairstyle.

It is required that your hairs are not straight in order to provide the cornrow for long hair as it would turn to be slippery and will not produce the desired curls. One can initially provide the curls to their hair so that it becomes easier for them to create braids for them later.

They can then be easily intermingled with each other for creating the cornrows. You will also be getting more decorations over the tail portion of the braids which you create which will enhance their looks.

Cornrow for Long Hair


Goddess Cornrow Braids

Many of the cornrow braids which we are using are having long hair. These hairs can cause us trouble in one or the other ways to people who normally don’t like long hair. One can try out this hairstyle if she is not comfortable with long hair.

It will give you a pleasant look without causing you trouble with the long braids which are overhanging and causing you trouble during your tasks.

You can create the braids available in this by using your forefingers for creating the desired links. It will help you to get in the shape which is desired and improve upon the looks of your hairstyle. Once all the braids are equally made and of a uniform size, you can combine them to form the hairstyle which is showcased in the image.

This will help you to create the desired look. People tend to use this hairstyle over different business events where there is a need for a professional look. Even you can add additional components to this hairstyle for enhancing their looks.

Goddess Cornrow Braids


Creative Cornrow Braids

One can have a unique style of looks by adopting this hairstyle. It will be useful in ensuring the way their hairstyle is appearing to others at different events. This will also help in providing a unique combination of creativity to the braids which are combined in a unique way.

People will be overwhelmed by the creativity which is shown in this hairstyle. So, one should try to bring maximum creativity to this particular hairstyle. It is also possible that you add creativity to this hairstyle by adding unique methods which can enhance the way in which they look.

You will be helped in terms of developing your personality by incorporating creativity in this kind of hairstyle. Even some of the external items are added by many individuals to enhance the way your hairstyle is appearing to other people.

Creative Cornrow Braids


Protective Cornrow Braids

In this kind of cornrow braids, there will be a quite lower amount of scalp visible. This will help in enhancing the way we appear. Even the braids which are created are of thinner size and length. It will enhance the looks as each individual braids will have their own individual strand.

One can also enhance the looks by means of providing earrings over this cornrow braids design. The visible scalp design in this hairstyle is quite low and even it’s not of the straight form. The visible scalp will be having a curvy design which is made according to the likings and needs of the individual persons who are going to adopt this kind of hairstyle.

You can create the scalp design with the help of the sharp edge of the comb and then create braids by using your three forefingers and thumb in a unique pattern.

Protective Cornrow Braids


Four Cornrow Braids

This kind of hair design is having four designs over their heads where cornrow braids are made available. In this even there will be more designs available in the cornrow which are prepared. It will help you to provide an enhanced look to the hairstyle which is prepared.

Even one will get a unique personality from making this hairstyle which will help them to stand out from the others at the event which they are attending. As this hairstyle is having four cornrows, it would be required to create the braids four times and each time with a specific pattern based on where they are located.

This will help in making a pattern that suits the way you want to appear. Even this hairstyle will be having a little tail at the back from each of the braids which are prepared. It will be enhancing the way your hairstyle is appearing to other individuals.

Four Cornrow Braids


Mohawk Cornrow Braids

There are many people who are having massive heads. They can try out this hairstyle for increasing the way they are appearing to other individuals. Even in this hairstyle, individual braids are created with numerous of them over the sides face.

The topmost portion is having a dense amount of hair which is giving it a unique look and an impressive design to suffice the need of the individual who is using this hairstyle.

The braids which are created are further combined to form a dense structure at the back of the hairstyle. It will help in improving the overall way in which your hairstyle is appearing to other individuals. All of the braids are forming a thinner long structure that is joined together without forming any kind of bond.

Mohawk Cornrow Braids


Cornrow Braids for Child

In today’s scenario, there are a number of different kinds of hairstyles developed even for children. It will help them to develop the desired look which they want to represent to the other individuals who are going to notice them.

This hairstyle will be having a large number of braids prepared for the child which is prepared by use of the sharp edge of the comb. One can do this by use of forefingers which can help in the creation of the desired braids in their hair.

The braids which are created is having unique curls in the hair which are overhanging from the back side. Even the braids are quite thicker at the top and having a thinner section at the bottom portion.

This will help in creating a unique design of the hairs which are developed. It will even have a hairy tail at the end which is mainly kept to enhance the way in which it looks to the other individual who views it.

Cornrow Braids for Child


Cornrows with Ponytail

The ponytail is getting quite popular in recent times. It is a kind of feature which will enhance the way you appear. In this hairstyle, each of the braids which you have prepared is combined together for forming the ponytail. They are combined together at the back of your head from where they will be overhanging downward.

You can use gel to combine the braids generated to create a combined ponytail at the top of your head. This will help in creating a long ponytail that is bonded together by means of the band and also the gel which is applied to the hairs.

It will give you a kind of unique look as your hair will give a classic look to your face. One can keep the ponytail by wrapping it over their head or even keep it overhanging based on their own individual requirement.

Cornrows with Ponytail


Cornrow V-Side Part Braids

This kind of hairstyle is developed to create a number of braids without actually revealing the scalp. It is helpful for creating a kind of design which is revealing the way you are.

Most teenagers will prefer this kind of hairstyle as it gives them an amazing look with the small strands of the braids which are created. Though it will be quite a time-consuming process to create these individual strands and make them elegant enough to be worth presentable.

Each of the strands which are developed is overlapping the other and in this manner, different strands are carrying their own unique peculiarity in the hairstyle which is developed. People are using a number of different kinds of gel for binding these strands together for forming this unique hairstyle.

Cornrow V-Side Part Braids


Cornrow Tiwa Side Part Braid

This kind of hairstyle is also having a smaller individual braid which is created right from the scalp. It will help in having more strands of the braids which are overlapping one another.

The hairstyle is having a large number of individual braids turned in one side part and the rest over the other side. These braids are generated by using the procedure of the forefingers and intermingling the individual strands together.

Strands that are developed are kept in the overhanging state at the backside which will help in enhancing the looks which you have. Even it will help you to make people wonder about your hairstyle which will make them admire your hairstyle more closely.

Cornrow Tiwa Side Part Braid


Side Part Cornrow

If you are having long hair that is quite elegant in appearance, then this hairstyle is best suited for you. You can make the individual braids over your hair and make them appear over the sideways so that they are overhanging on each other in the kind of hairstyle which is prepared.

One can even develop the cornrows over the top section of their head by using the different sharp combs which they are using in their daily lives. This hairstyle will suit you the most if your face is of oval shape and will help you to make your face look more attractive.

A gel is being applied for keeping the hair in its place for a longer period of time and maintaining the desired design which is prepared in the hair. One can even place these hairs over the front side of the face which is capable of improving your appearance at the event which you are going to attend.

Sidepart Cornrow


Half Head Cornrow Braids

If you want to try out the cornrow braids and want to look elegant and attractive then you should definitely try out this kind of hairstyle. A number of creative designs are prepared in the head by use of the sharpened comb tool and the respective braids are prepared too.

The curly hair which is prepared is kept on a single side with the other side having braids. It is thereby having a combination of both the looks.

People are normally preferring this look when they are about to visit any of the events or places where they are willing to look most different from the others. It will be giving you a sense of self-confidence when others notice you as you will be looking quite elegant as compared to the other people who all are having varied kinds of hairstyles.

Half Head Cornrow Braids


African American Cornrow Braids

It is quite common in recent times to try out the combination of the two hairstyle designs from two different locations. This kind of hairstyle is having very thin strands of hair that are combined for forming the braids. Even these braids are provided a unique design with external items for improving the way in which they appear.

Mostly this kind of hairstyle is chosen by women who are having long hair. This particular hairstyle will provide a design consisting of dense hair woven over at the top of the head. It will gradually come down from the sideways or back based on the individual requirement.

One can wear an attractive American dress with this hairstyle to make yourself more attractive. The kind of look which you will develop with this will prove to be quite confusing for the viewer about whether it’s an American or an African.


long cornrow braids

Small Cornrow Braids

There are a large number of women who like to have small hair. They can try out this hairstyle for improving the way in which they appear. One can create the braids in this hair by spreading the hair from the location where you want to reveal your scalp.

It will help you to create a more elegant design for your hair. Even this is beneficial for creating a more professional design of the hairs which you possess.

In this design, the scalp is quite evident easily in the design which is selected for the hair. This will help in having a more unique hairstyle design which will help you to look more professional and different from the rest who are joining you at the event.

Small Cornrow Braids


Cornrow for Short Hair

It is quite common for a number of the individual to have short hair. One can try out a unique design of cornrows which is discussed here if you are having short hair.

The kind of braids which are formed is providing a unique look to the hairstyle which is developed. Each of these strands is having its own looks which are helping in enhancing the way your looks are looking enhanced.

The strands which are developed can lie over each other with a unique design developed. This will help you to have an attractive look for the people who are going to admire you. It will help to create your own personality in front of the people who you are going to meet.

Cornrow for Short Hair


Two Braided Cornrow

In this hairstyle, there will be two braids over both sides of the head. The remaining hairs are pulled and created hairstyle by combining it with the braids which are created. This will help in increasing the appearance of the scalp and enhancing the appearance.

These two braids which are prepared are also overhanging at the back side which will be quite long in length. This hairstyle is chosen by a number of youngsters to ensure that they look attractive and sexy. One can even add additional features to this hairstyle based on their own requirements or the way they want to represent their hairstyle.

Two Braided Cornrow


Dutch Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is quite unique to have a celebrity look. One can have this hairstyle which is having a number of individual braids which are combined from the top of the head. It is then overhanging downwards in form of individual strands.

They will be able to give you the desired fancy look which you require to have in the public. The strands which are developed are combined together at the top of your head giving it a kind of ponytail look.

Most celebrities are adopting this kind of hairstyle. It will help you to get the desired enhanced look which everybody can admire and improve your personality among a large number of individuals. One can also try out numerous ways of enhancing this hairstyle to make it look more elegant based on the external factors which are provided.

Dutch Cornrow Braids


Havana Twist Cornrow Braids

This kind of hairstyle will have braids developed from the desired scalp developed on your head. Braids developed in this style are thicker in nature than the conventional ones. You will have unique braids developed in this which are all thicker in nature and also appear shiny to the people. It will help you to enhance your overall looks as your hairstyle will shine in a unique way.

These braids are also of a longer length. It will help you to enhance your looks as you are having a longer hairstyle which is developed with the use of braids. Use your forefingers and the gel to create this kind of hairstyle such that everybody will notice it.

Havana Twist Cornrow Braids


Jamaican Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is mainly developed for the individual who is having denser hair. It will develop braids that are quite thin and overlapping each other.

Due to the density of the braids available it will have a more enhanced look over your face. Even it will help you to provide an attractive look with the kind of braids developed over your face. Mainly the individual having an oval face will be most suited for this kind of hairstyle.

The overhanging braids which are present in the hairstyle will give you an enhanced look. Many times these overhanging braids are also used for hiding some of the features which are present over the neck of the women. Even the braids are developed by use of the various gels which are used for binding the hair together for forming the braids.

Jamaican Cornrow Braids


Criss Cross Cornrow Braids

A number of different kinds of cornrow braids are available which makes it difficult to select the right one for us. It is therefore required to have a clear idea about the kind of personality which you have to select the kind of hairstyle which suits you the best.

Mainly this hairstyle will suit the individual who is of the lower age group and wants to showcase the creativity in their hairstyle by trying out many different possible traits. In this hairstyle, braids that are developed are intermingled for forming the crossing over the head.

The scalp will be visible from in-between this inter minglement which is prepared. Even the hairs are combined at the top over the different braids which are created to form a unique design in the cluster of hair. This thick cluster is also provided with a unique design that is almost similar to the braids.

One can do this by creating individual braids and then interviewing them at the top for having an enhanced look.

Criss Cross Cornrow Braids


Double Dutch Cornrow Braids

If you are having long black hair then this hairstyle is right for you. You can develop two of the braids which will be over both sides of the head. Even there will be appearing a scalp at the center portion which will be enhancing your overall appearance.

Many people are adopting this hairstyle if they want themselves to look younger as it provides you a younger look. There is also a spread hair look at the end of the overhanging braids which are created.

Scalp which is visible in this hairstyle is having a unique design that makes it more elegant in appearance. This will help you to make your hairstyle look more elegant and unique to the individual who comes in contact with you.

Double Dutch Cornrow Braids


Box Braid Cornrow

The hairstyle which is developed is developing braids from the scalp which is made visible in the middle portion of the head. Each of these braids is made overhanging from the top portion.

They are even covered by means of the shiny component which will give an amazing look to the braids which are created. Even it will lead to the braids getting thicker than the conventional ones as they are applied with additional material over them.

The material applied is to the ends of the braids. It will help in improving the overall looks as whole strands are provided with an enhanced look. Even it will help you to showcase your uniqueness which you have in your hairstyle at different events which you are going to visit.

Box Braid Cornrow


Zig Zag Cornrows

This type of hairstyle is having a zigzag hairstyle which is having corresponding braids developed in this type of format. There will be a scalp visible over the head in this format which will help them to give a proper look.

Each of the braids developed is extending backward to form an overhanging structure. They are normally used for the long hair or even over the hair extensions applied. Braids are forming a thin strand that forms the unique peculiarity of this hairstyle. Each of these strands is overlapping over each other to give it a unique shape.

These braids are also formed in a similar manner by combining the three strands from the existing hair with the help of fingers. They will be interwoven to form the desired shape and creativity in the design.

Zig Zag Cornrows


French Cornrow Braid

You will find a unique French stint in this kind of hairstyle. It is having cornrows over both the sides of the head with the braids developed in between these cornrows. Even you will find a thicker braid in between the head which will be extending from the front to the back and there they will be interwoven to form a knot.

If you want to create this kind of hairstyle, you would be required to create four different sections in your hair. These sections can help you to create the hairstyle in your hair with the help of cornrows and the braids which are created. This will help you to enhance the way in which your hair is looking.

French Cornrow Braid


Straight Up Cornrow

Cornrows are created in a straight fashion towards the top of the head. They will all meet at the top forming a knot of the braids which are prepared. Cornrows that are prepared are having a unique look that is almost similar on all the sides which will look amazing over your head. One can use this kind of look at different events where they are attending.

Braids that are prepared are also woven in a unique fashion so that they can represent unique designs over their sides. It provides a unique look to the way this hairstyle is represented. The knot provided at the top is created by combining the braids prepared is giving you a unique look that will allow you to stand out at the event from others.

Straight Up Cornrow


Weave Cornrow

In this hairstyle, there are individual braids prepared are kept separately hanged. They are separately overhanging from your head and are of a little thicker section. Each of these braids will appear separately as it is mostly applied to an individual who is having thinner hair. You can create these kinds of braids by using the three forefingers which you are using.

The individual scalp is not visible in this kind of hairstyle which makes it different from others. All the braids which are prepared will be covering all over the head. These strands will make you appear unique at the party which you are visiting making people notice you.

Weave Cornrow


Jumbo Cornrow

Cornrow is prepared in this kind of hairstyle by using the sharpened end of the comb. It will help you to separate your hair in a unique way without affecting the quality with which they are going to be groomed.

Once they get separated you can provide them with cornrow by providing the braids in-between. The braids which are made can be aligned on a single side to make it look more elegant.

This hairstyle will mainly be preferred for individuals who are having thinner hair and middle-sized ones. It will help you to properly arrange the hair in various forms of braids and cornrows. One will, therefore, be benefited from having their desired look over their hair.

Jumbo Cornrow


Updo Cornrow

Numbers of different kinds of braids are created in this kind of hairstyle. Each of the braids will be having its own unique appearance over the head.

They have tied with each other form a proper design with few overhanging braids at the back. A number of people are also using this kind of hairstyle for hiding different things around their ears and back.

Mostly the people who are having curly hairstyles are preferring this kind of hairstyle for themselves. It will help them to make a more confident look at the location where they are going to visit. This will make them look different as compared to the others who are going to visit over there.

Updo Cornrow


Cornrow Bun

Are you having very dense hair? Then you should try this kind of hairstyle. It will help you to create a number of braids over your hairstyle and then combining them in a unique way so that they create a knot at the top.

This will be done by creating an individual braid from the front of your face and gradually making the braids on each other which are further tied together.

Mostly the individual who opts for this hairstyle is having long hair. It is required as the hairs which are used in the braids are inter-woven while creating a knot with each other. This will help in creating a round knot which is quite unique in appearance to any of the individual who comes in your contact.

Cornrow Bun


Fishtail Cornrow

If you are looking for a creative design of your hair using the cornrow braids then this one is right for your dense hair. Thicker braids will be prepared which will be kept overhanging. The design of the scalp is in a manner that it depicts the design which is mostly observed over a fish. It will help you to give a nice look to your hairstyle.

Even the hairs braids which are overhanging are tied together so that they remain together in the overhanging fashion. Various braids prepared are having a design of getting thicker from the thinner section at the scalp and then again forming a thinner section at the end.

Fishtail Cornrow


Pineapple Cornrow

It is quite great to experiment with different creative designs for your hair. This hairstyle is forming the shape of the pineapple on your head. Braids that are prepared are inter-woven at the top for producing the desired pineapple shape. Even the scalp is revealed with a unique creative design which is created with a sharp edge of the comb.

Cornrows are prepared over the scalp by means of properly making it look elegant. Braids prepared are of a longer length so that they can be woven on each other for forming the circular pineapple-like structure. This will be useful in providing you with the desired professional look.

Pineapple Cornrow


Fancy Cornrow

Designs are always of unique importance for any individual. This kind of hairstyle has developed a unique design of the cornrow in the middle from where different strands of the braids are starting. Normally this hairstyle is adopted for the individual who is having long hair. As a result of that, hairs are overhanging in the form of braids that are prepared.

The additional gel material is provided over the hairs which helps in enhancing the way your hairstyle looks. Even it will help in making the people notice you at a particular event where you are going to attend. It will also help you to get the desired stylish look which will appear quite amazing for you.

Fancy Cornrow


Cornrow for White Women

There are a large number of women who are also trying to adopt the cornrow hairstyle. When you are a white woman wanting to adopt a cornrow then you should select this kind of hairstyle. You will get creative braids over your hair in this hairstyle which will be starting from your scalp and running down. Mostly middle-sized haired women are adopting this kind of hairstyle.

You can even enhance the looks of this hairstyle by means of providing interactive items over the braids prepared from your hair. This even includes shiny material which enhances the overall looks of your hair. Even you can showcase your hairstyle difference from the rest by means of adopting this kind of hairstyle.

Cornrow for White Women


Fishbone Cornrow

Fish designs are getting quite popular in recent times in a number of different ways. Even in this many people are opting for creating the design which looks similar to fish over their hairs. Hairs are prepared like a cornrow but the looks will more resemble like it’s a bone of the fish.

This is mainly done by making the designs curvy enough as it is present in the case of fish. The braids which are prepared in the hair are further combined at the top of the head. One can then keep it overhanging based on the size of their hair.

Mostly middle-sized hair is preferred for having this kind of hairstyle which can enhance the way you are looking at any special event which you are going to attend. Each of the braids which are combined at the top will then follow together in the overhanging fashion.

Fishbone Cornrow


Invisible Cornrow

It is not always required that you make the complete cornrow visible in the hairstyle design which you create. When you adopt this hairstyle, it will be creating braids with cornrows in-between but they won’t be visible to the individual who views them.

Each of these braids is going backward for combining together for forming a knot at the back. This will help in getting rid of the hair problems if you are having long hair. Each of the braids prepared is interwoven at the back for forming a knot which will remain there for the time you don’t untie them.

It will help you to remain stress-free from the problems of hair and have an enjoyable moment at the event which you are visiting. The braids are quite interlinked for creating a unique design which is quite pleasant for any individual who is viewing your hairstyle.

Invisible Cornrow


Crochet Cornrow

This design of the hair is having thicker braids that are overhanging from your scalp. The hair design is for medium sized hair and is creating a design that will look quite unique in its own appearance.

You won’t find much of the cornrow in this kind of design of hair. It is even used for the purpose of hiding the unwanted things from the neck of an individual which is not required.

Women who are having thicker hair are mostly preferred for using this kind of hairstyle. It will give them a creative look that will make them look different from the rest at any of the events which they visit.

Crochet Cornrow


Burgundy Cornrow

If you are younger and willing to have a creative hairstyle then this one will best suit you. You will have braids developed from the criss-cross which is developed in your scalp. This hairstyle will provide your hair with a red stint which will make it more elegant as compared to the others.

Normally this hairstyle is adopted by women who are having medium sized hair which is converted into braids.

Some of the braids which are prepared are combined together at the back for forming a knot. Other braids are going through this knot for the means of overhanging downwards. It will provide more looks to your hair due to the way your hairs are arranged.

Burgundy Cornrow


Colored Cornrow

Long hair? Willing to adopt a creative design in cornrow? Well, this hairstyle is the right choice for you. It will not only create the braids in your hair but also help you make its appearance more elegant for the individual who is willing to see it. The braids which are prepared are of a thinner section so that they are looking like a thicker section of the hair in your hairstyle.

This hairstyle will not allow the individual to differentiate between the actual hair and the braids which are developed. It will make your hairstyle to be the most different among the people who are going to visit the place where you are.

Colored Cornrow


Neat Cornrow

It is always required by any of the women that the hairstyle which they are developing appears to be of the neat style to other individuals. This will attract the attention of a number of people over them. If you adopt this hairstyle, it will be giving you a celebrity look with the neat braids prepared right from your scalp.

Even the braids prepared are only on the single side while you will observe cornrow over the other side. It will give a nice look to you showcasing the long strands of the braids on a single side and cornrows on the other. The braids prepared are also of the thinner section which will be very easy to maintain.

Neat Cornrow


Medium Sized Cornrow

This kind of hairstyle is suitable for individuals who are having hair of medium sized. The braids are prepared from the top of the head which will then be overhanging in the downward direction. In between these braids, cornrows are available which are revealing the scalp based on the design which is implemented in them.

You can showcase this hairstyle in the manner which you desire as it will permit placing the hair in many different forms of designs. Mostly this kind of hairstyle is preferred for individuals who are having rough hair and curly which can help them in forming the desired braids.

Medium Sized Cornrow


Ombre Cornrow

In this hairstyle, braids are developed from your scalp which is then tied together. This braids developed from the thinner section and are overhanging in the downward direction at the back. You can provide shade to this braids based on your own requirement which will be helping in enhancing the way your hairstyle looks.

There is separate hair at the bottom of the braids which are prepared. It will be helpful in giving a unique look to the kind of hairstyle which is developed. This will be helpful to showcase the uniqueness which you carry in your hairstyle.

Ombre Cornrow


High Ponytail Cornrow

A ponytail is quite popular in recent times. People who are trying the cornrow hairstyle are also opting to have a ponytail prepared from the braids which they are making. The braids which are prepared by them are of the thicker section.

These thicker braids are creating cornrows in between them. When they reach the top of the head they will be forming a knot from where they are overhanging in the form of a ponytail.

Even the braids which are visible from the ponytail is having their own unique appearance of having a thicker section at the top and thinner at the bottom section. At the location where there is a cornrow, your scalp will be visible in quite a smaller portion making it have a unique design.

High Ponytail Cornrow


Hispanic Cornrow

Most rockstars are using this hairstyle as it makes them look cool. It is having thicker braids prepared over their hair. These braids are prepared by using the sharper edge of the comb which is preparing the required scalp lining prepared over the head. The design which is prepared will ultimately be making you look attractive.

Even the braids which are prepared are combining at the backside by means of using a knot over there. From the knot, various braids are overhanging in the downward direction. Most people having middle sized hair are using this kind of hairstyle.

Hispanic Cornrow


Caucasian Cornrow

Women who are of the middle age are mostly preferring this hairstyle due to the kind of looks which it will provide them. It will be creating thinner braids that are developed from the top of the head and are overhanging in the downward direction. Even some of the additional components are applied over the hairs for improving the appearance of the hair.

If you adopt this kind of hairstyle it will be helpful or even detrimental as it will reveal the forehead of the individual who is having this hairstyle. As the braids developed are of a quite thinner section they can be easily arranged without causing much trouble.

Caucasian Cornrow


Cornrow with Curly Hair

A number of individuals are having curly hair, they can adopt this kind of hairstyle. It will help them to develop the cornrow at the top portion of the head and the rest portion will be having the overhanging portion of the curly hairs. Cornrows that are prepared are having the scalp revealed in quite thinner portions and will create issues while you are creating it with a sharp edge.

The curls which are present in the hair will be giving a unique look to the hair which is provided. One can help to improve the overall look of the hair to have a more unique representation of the hairstyle which is prepared. Even in many cases, these curls are getting intermingled with each other which can make it look more elegant.

Cornrow with Curly Hair


Micro Cornrow

Braids that are prepared in this hairstyle are quite thinner in cross-section. It will help in improving the overall appearance of the hairstyle which is prepared.

Cornrows will not be visible in this kind of hairstyle due to the higher denser nature of the number of braids that are prepared. One can arrange these braids in a proper manner to have a more effective look.

These braids are also having a unique design over them which are useful for enhancing their looks. It makes this structure look more elegant by means of the shiny structures prepared. Normally thicker hairs are preferred for this kind of hairstyle.

Micro Cornrow


Individual Cornrow

It is not always possible to always tie all the braids prepared in the hairstyle. In that case, people are preferring this kind of hairstyle which will have all the braids appearing in a separate fashion. They are prepared from the scalp while preparing cornrow over there.

Each of the braids prepared is tightly woven so that they can remain in those forms in a rigid manner for the time period which we desire.

All these braids remaining together will help in ensuring that the individual looks with denser hair which improves upon their appearance and helps them to look different. Even there are few of the denser braids prepared at the top of the head which are getting segregated while moving in the downward direction.

Individual Cornrow


Waist Length Cornrow

Having long hair and trying to have a cornrow hairstyle? Then this hairstyle is the most suitable for you. It is forming thicker braids at the top which are further overhanging in the bottom direction. Each of these braids is present in a separate form which adds to their appearance. Even there are cornrows prepared in the scalp of the individual.

The hair which is mostly selected is having a rough finish that can be easily tied together for forming this kind of hairstyle. Many times even curvy hairs are selected which can help in improving the overall appearance of the way one appears.

Waist Length Cornrow


Banana Cornrow

This hairstyle will be forming the shape which is similar to a banana in the hair of an individual who adopts this hairstyle. Braids prepared are arranged in a manner so that a structure that is similar to a banana is prepared in the head of the individual who adopts this. The braids prepared are of the thicker section which is getting merged together at the back end in the form of a knot.

In-between the braids prepared there lies cornrows which are prepared for enhancing the look. It will help in improving the overall look of them. People are also using gel for improving the way in which this hairstyle is appearing to the other individuals who view you.

Banana Cornrow


Lemon Cornrow

The main reason behind the name is the lemon-like structure that is formed in the braids. These braids are prepared from the scalp of the individual who is trying to adopt this hairstyle.

Different lemons-like structures are prepared in the braids and even cornrows are prepared on the other side of the braids. A sharp edge is used for creating these cornrows and moving the hair in a particular direction.

Attractive looks can be generated by using this hairstyle or creating some modifications in this hairstyle. As the braids are quite thinner in section, they are quite easier to manage for any of the individuals who create this hairstyle.

Lemon Cornrow


Big Cornrow

Quite a number of people are fond of creating a larger cornrow or the braids which are prepared. This hairstyle will be most suitable for those people. It will create a bigger route for the cornrow and also the braids are thicker in the section between these cornrows.

These braids are combined at the backside for forming the desired knot which is formed by providing them with a unique color.

One can even enhance this hairstyle based on their own individual liking and the way in which they are willing to showcase it to others. Many different additional items are also added over the hairs prepared when you select this kind of hairstyle.

Big Cornrow


Ghana Cornrow

Recently, there is a trend of forming thicker braids. This hairstyle is depicting a unique way of representing thicker braids in a creative way. Four different thicker braids are prepared with the cornrows being depicted from in-between. It will help in ensuring that people are having a proper means of showcasing their beauty to other individuals.

The braids which are prepared are combined at the back with a respective kind of knot. After the knot, all the braids are moving further together for creating the desired design. Even many of the individuals are creating a unique design in their scalp by using the sharp edge of the comb which they are using.

Ghana Cornrow


Red Cornrow

Coloring the hairstyle design is quite popular. This hairstyle is one such unique example where color is giving your hairstyle a creative design for improving your overall appearance. Red cornrow is prepared by creating the braids which are covered by the red design which will make those braids colored while improving their overall appearance.

Braids that are prepared in this is starting from the scalp and extending downwards for creating the desired design. It will help in improving the overall look of that person.

Red Cornrow


Layered Cornrow

Fond of creating layers? This hairstyle is the right choice for you. It will create a number of braids that are arranged one after another.

Even cornrows are prepared in-between these braids prepared to improve the way one appears. Braids are then overhanging from the back end. A special gel is provided to improve the way your hair looks as compared to normal hair.

One can also provide additional features based on their own individual needs. This will ultimately improve the way their hairstyle is looking at different events which they visit. The cornrow design prepared are shaped uniformly which will create a unique image in minds of the people who view them.

Layered Cornrow


Feed-In Cornrow

In this hairstyle, three unique design of the cornrow is prepared. Two of the design are present over the sides and one in the middle. Each of these cornrows is having its own individual braids. These braids are then combining together at the end of the head and are then overhanging together for forming a denser bunch.

Cornrow which is prepared in this hairstyle is having unique designs prepared in them. These designs are giving this hairstyle a unique look and also improving the way in which an individual will appear to others. The braid which is present in the middle will be the thickest one as compared to the other two.

Feed In Cornrow


Cornrow Braids with Beads

It is quite popular to apply external items for improving overall appearance. Beads are having one such way of improving appearance. Cornrows are prepared over the head which is prepared by use of some of the sharper comb edges.

Braids prepared are overhanging from different locations over the head. Beads are attached over different locations of these braids for improving their appearance. Even the beads arranged are provided unique locations based on the way in which they are able to enhance the looks.

This will even depend on the overall looks of the face over which this design is to be applied. One should arrange the beads available in a proper sequence to make the design look more elegant for the people who are going to view them.

Cornrow Braids With Beads


Cornrow Braids for Teens

One should require the hairstyle design for teens too, as they are the primary means of adopting the newer hairstyle. This hairstyle is mainly designed keeping in mind the likings of the kids who are willing to change their hairstyle.

Braids are prepared from the top of the head which are then woven around the head. Extra braids available are then overhanging from the top of the head for creating an attractive design for the case of teenagers.

An additional external feature is made available over the braids which will be enhancing their looks. Many times, these additional items are also shiny in nature which will make your overall hair to look shiny and more appealing.

Cornrow Braids for Teens


Mexican Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is quite popular for having a celebrity look. Braids are prepared in a thinner section from the top portion of the head. Cornrows are prepared in the head which will be having braids in-between them.  These braids are moving ahead in a straight fashion until they reach the top of the head.

From there, these hairs will be moving further down in an overhanging fashion. Braids prepared are having a thicker section at their top-end from where they are getting narrowed down. It will thereby form a thinner section at the bottom-most portion which will have separate hairs at the end.

This hairstyle is most suitable for the individual who wants to build a celebrity look for themselves. Cornrows prepared are also having a unique look which is enhancing the overall look of the hairs.

Mexican Cornrow Braids


Cornrow Design

If you are having an oval face with toned skin then this hairstyle will suit you the most. Cornrows that are prepared are having a curvy design which is having a creative look.

Each of these cornrows is having the braids prepared in-between them which will be useful in ensuring that they follow a certain desired path. Even there is a thicker section of the cornrow at the bottom-most portion of the head.

At the back end, hairs are arranged in a unique fashion which is having curvy hairs covering the back end of the head. All the braids prepared are having creative designs forming a unique shape of the braids over the top of the head.

Cornrow Design


Blonde Cornrow

This design is having cornrows prepared from all the directions of the head. All these cornrows are then combining at the top. In-between these cornrows there are braids prepared which are joining at the top of the head. It will thereby be forming a knot at the top and finally a ponytail kind of structure at the back portion of the head.

A shiny glittering material is used over the hairs while forming the braids. It will help in enhancing the look of the hair structure which is prepared. Thereby this will help in creating a unique structure that appears like a celebrity one.

Blonde Cornrow


Half Up Half Down Cornrow

In this structure, two of the hair designs are present. One will be having half of the hair structure moving upward and the other half of the braids prepared to be moving downward. There will be three cornrows prepared in the hair structure which will be having braids prepared between them.

When we consider the top portion, braids over there will be moving in the upward direction while when we consider the back portion, braids will be moving in the downward direction.

These braids are overhanging from the back end to form the individual braids. Even extra features are added in this structure for enhancing the overall appearance of the cornrow hair structure which is prepared. It is quite a newer design which is beneficial for you to enhance the way you look.

Half Up Half Down Cornrow


Chunky Cornrow

A number of people are interested in having a creative design or some unique way of representing their hair. This hairstyle is creating a unique shiny appearance of the hair which you have.

Braids will be created with this shiny material on them for improving the way they are appearing. These braids are then joined together while moving backward and tied with a knot for forming the overhanging structure.

As the design is quite a nice one in terms of appearance it will help in terms of improving the overall looks of the hair design. Most middle-aged women are adopting this kind of hairstyle for improving their overall looks.

Chunky Cornrow


Thin Cornrow

Braids that are prepared in this case are of the thinner cross-section. They are further decorated by means of providing external elements which can enhance their feature. Each of these thinner braids are moving further ahead to form a knot at the topmost portion where a complete knot is prepared even by thicker braids which are prepared.

The knot which is prepared are having a unique design created by use of the braids. Cornrows are of quite a lower amount forming just to enhance the way one is appearing by using this kind of hairstyle. Even in some of the designs gel or external colors are provided which is useful in improving the overall looks of the way in which hairs are appealing.

Thin Cornrow


Three Cornrow

Three braids are created over the head in this design, with the cornrows in-between. These cornrows created are greatly helpful in creating the braids between them.

When the braids extend backward they will form a knot that will hold the hairs together. It will be helpful for you to ensure that your hair is maintained in a proper manner if they are of a longer length.

The main problem which is faced by the longer length hair is damage to them due to one or the other reasons. One can remain safe from that by adopting this kind of hairstyle. This will help you in ensuring that your hairs remain curly while remaining in this kind of hairstyle.

Three Cornrow


Large Cornrow

This hairstyle will be featuring a larger length of the cornrow in their hair. It will even include larger braids prepared which will be arranged in a separate manner. Each of the braids prepared is quite thicker in cross-section.

They will be arranged in a separate manner and are overhanging from your head. It will give you a cozy and comfortable look which is liked by most of the individuals who are adopting this kind of hairstyle.

Mostly the braids which are prepared are overhanging sideways from the top of your head. It is having unique looks by means of adding extra features from outside which can enhance their looks.

Large Cornrow


Purple Cornrow

In this hairstyle, extra beauty is applied to the braids which are prepared by providing them with a purple color. Braids are having a unique look with the cornrow between them. These braids are combining further to form a knot at the top of your head. Different side braids are available in the kind of hairstyle which is prepared.

Some of the braids prepared are used for creating two knots at the top of the head. While other braids are kept overhanging from the head of an individual. People are also adding extra features by providing color over the face of an individual which can enhance their beauty.

Normally purple color will be used for improving the looks over the face of an individual who is adopting this kind of hairstyle.

Purple Cornrow


Pink Cornrow

This cornrow is popular by the color which is provided over the braids which are prepared. Some of these braids are starting from the front of the head and is extending backward.

The rest of the braids are inclined over the sideways to improve the way this hairstyle looks for other people. The pink shade is provided by winding an extra hairy item which will provide the desired color over your hairs.

Color shading provided is lighter at the top which extends further downward in a denser manner for the braids. These braids will be in the form of the overhanging section while improving the overall looks of the hairstyle which is prepared.

Pink Cornrow


Beyonce Cornrow Hairstyle

Providing the gold look to the hairs is quite unique in this kind of hairstyle. This is provided by applying extra components over the hairs which are combined in the form of braids. Even the braids prepared are quite thinner which are easier for any of the individuals to handle. Normally people having middle sized hair are using this kind of hairstyle.

Cornrows which is prepared are having thinner sections along with the head of the one who is adopting this kind of hairstyle. As the hairstyle is quite shiny in look it will have more enhanced looks for the party where you are going to visit.

Beyonce Cornrow Hairstyle


Asian Cornrow

The cornrow is prepared in this area of the thinner section with the hair between them. They are running from the front to the back and also sideways. Even the braids prepared are of the thinner cross-section which will mostly be permitted by the individuals who are not having denser hair.

It is a kind of unique way of representing your hair which is less dense and placing them in a comfortable manner.

Asian Cornrow


Cornrow Braids with Bob

In this hairstyle, cornrow is prepared a little sideways as compared to the conventional at the center portion of the head. This will help in ensuring that a unique look is prepared for you to enhance the way you are looking to others. The braids prepared are having a reducing cross-section which will be beneficial for having an improved representation of the hairs.

Some people also apply decorative things over the braids. It will help in enhancing the way in which your hairstyle is looking. Even the braids prepared are covering the whole head from front to the back and cover the head in an effective manner.

Cornrow Braids with Bob Cut


Simple Cornrow Bun

In this design, a cornrow is prepared from the bottom to the top of the head. With the cornrow, there are braids prepared which will further be combining to form a bun at the top of the head.

This bun is prepared by combining the braids and forming a knot. It will help in ensuring that the long-haired women are having more elegant looks by properly arranging the hair to form a bun.

Many times even some of the creative things are provided over the bun which is prepared. It is mainly done for enhancing the look of the hairstyle which is prepared. You will not be caused a problem due to long hair as they are tied at the top by using the braids which are prepared.

Simple Cornrow Bun


Tiny Cornrow Braids

Braids that are prepared in this hairstyle are quite thinner in cross-section. Even they are used for the medium-sized hairstyle which will help in improving the way hairstyle is appearing to other individuals. You won’t be able to see much of the cornrow’s in this hairstyle as they are covered by the use of the hairs which are forming braids.

This hairstyle will mainly suit individuals who are of the lower age groups. It will help you to get a unique look at whichever place you are going to visit. One can even apply additional items over the braids of the hairs which will help in improving the overall looks of the hairstyle.

Tiny Cornrow Braids


Blue Cornrow Braids

Unique braids design is prepared in these hairstyles which are forming the curved design. They will be gradually moving towards the back side while helping in the overall looks of the hairstyle which is prepared.

For improving the overall looks additional implements are provided over the hair which will be providing it with the blue color. Tiny thin braids will be overhanging from the hair which will be useful for improving the overall looks of the hair.

Cornrows are prepared in-between the braids which will be giving unique look to the hairstyle. Medium sized hairs are mostly preferred for adopting this kind of hairstyle as it will help in improving the way you represent yourself to others.

Blue Cornrow Braids


Cornrow Braids for Girls

The braids which are prepared in this design will be following uniform and single side patterns in this design of hairstyle. Cornrows are prepared in quite small sizes which are located between the braids which are prepared. Braids that are prepared are quite thinner in cross-section which will make it comfortable to easily manage the hairs.

Small knots are also prepared at the top for properly arranging the hair at the top of the head. It will help in ensuring that hairs are arranged in a proper manner without causing any trouble. Even this will result in improved overall looks.

Cornrow Braids for Girls


Cornrow Braids with Bangs

In this hairstyle design, bangs are provided by means of keeping the hairs to come in the front head portion only on a single side of the head. Another side will be forming the cornrows which will be also having respective braids in-between them. This will be even decorated by applying respective decorative items over the braids which are prepared.

When these items are applied, braids prepared will turn out to be shiny ones and it will be following the path of the remaining hairs. Mostly the middle sized and curly hairs are preferred for having a proper design in this kind of hairstyle.

Cornrow Braids with Bangs


African Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is having thinner cornrows prepared from the middle portion of the head to its sideways which will be having braids in-between them. All of the braids which are prepared are of the thinner section which will help in improving the overall looks. Even decorative items are added at the end of the braids for improving their overall looks.

People having shorter or middle-sized hairstyles are normally adopting this kind of hairstyle. It will be helping them in improving the way in which they are appearing at any of the events.

African Cornrow Braids


Middle Part Cornrow Braids

Cornrow is prepared in the middle portion of the hairstyle which is developed. It will have braids prepared over the side portion which will be helpful in improving the overall looks of the hairstyle developed. Mainly curly hairs are preferred for adopting this kind of hairstyle which will help in improving the overall looks.

Each of the curly hairs used will be beneficial in improving their intermingling with each other. They will form a strong braid based on the curly nature of the hairs which are used for forming the braids. One can even form the cornrows based on the way they like them so that they can represent them in an effective manner.

Middle Part Cornrow Braids


Grey Cornrow Braids

This design is quite unique with the grey-colored external component applied over the hairs. Braids are prepared from the top portion of the head which will be forming a knot at the topmost portion and then are overhanging in the downward direction.

Each of these braids is quite thicker in cross-section which is forming by means of the collection of a number of hairs together.

Many of the braids are being formed only over the single side of their head. Another side is quite empty due to the cornrows which are depicted. The braids which are prepared over there are moving backward and are then overhanging from the back side of the head.

Grey Cornrow Braids


Side Shaved Cornrow Braids

Hairs are shaved in this hairstyle over one of the sides. Braids prepared from the top are moved to the other side with braids from that side. These braids are having a thicker cross-section and are overhanging quite away from each other.

They are provided with external materials which are used for providing the color to your braids. Curly and thicker hairs are preferred for having this kind of hairstyle. It will help in preparing the braids more effectively and having a stronger bond of the braids which are prepared from them.

Side Shaved Cornrow Braids


Skinny Cornrow Braids

In this case, cornrows are prepared in a straightforward manner from the forehead to the backside. These cornrows will be revealing your scalp with the braids in-between them.

The braids which are present are moving backward and are then tightened together in the form of a knot. After crossing knot they are present in the form of overhanging over there.

Beads like structure are formed over the braids which are prepared. This is mainly provided for improving the appearance and the way in which one can manage their own hair. It will help them to maintain the hair without getting bothered by them.

Skinny Cornrow Braids


Cornrow Braids for Round Face

It is always difficult to select the right kind of hairstyle for a round face. If you are having a round face and are willing to adopt cornrow braids then you can think of this as an alternative.

This hairstyle will create cornrows in your head in an attractive manner. Even the braids prepared are around the cornrows created which are actually improving the overall appearance of your hairstyle.

All the braids are extending to the back side where they are combining together for forming the knot. This knot is formed by overlapping of the braids with each other. One can even provide beads or other extra elements over the hairstyle for improving the way in which this hairstyle is looking.

Cornrow Braids for Round Face


Cornrow Braids for Chubby Face

This hairstyle is creating braids from one side of the head. They are then headed over the other side in a manner that they are covering the face of an individual.

Braids which are appearing are covered with the help of beads to improve the way they appear to other individuals. Even they can hide the unwanted things which are located around your neck for improving their appearance.

Normally medium sized hair or long sized hairs are preferred to be selected for this kind of hairstyle. It will help them to look in a unique way to the event for which they are preparing the hairstyle.

Cornrow Braids for Chubby Face


Lemonade Cornrow Braids

In this hairstyle, large cornrows are prepared over the right side of the head which will be having braids between them. Even thicker braids are prepared over the left side of the head which are left in the overhanging fashion from the front head portion. These braids are having a reducing section from the top of the head to the bottom portion.

You will even find some of the extra items added to the braids used for enhancing the way your hairstyle is looking. It will help you in having an overall proper look of the different hairstyles which you are using.

Lemonade Cornrow Braids


Five Cornrow Braids

As the name suggests, this hairstyle is having five cornrow braids prepared. They are inter-woven around the head in a manner to improve its overall look.

After that these braids are kept overhanging from the back side of the head. Additional materials are also applied for improving the aesthetics of the cornrow braids prepared.

Five Cornrow Braids


Cornrow Braids with String

Braids are uniquely prepared from the side of the head. Each of the braids is overhanging on their respective side.

Unique designs are prepared on the scalp of an individual who is adopting this kind of hairstyle. Even additional materials are applied over the hairs for improving the way in which they appear while they are present in the form of braids.

Additional materials are also provided over the braids for enhancing the way in which they appear. It will help you to make your hairs look more elegant and unique as compared to the other individuals who are having the similar hairstyle to you.

Cornrow Braids with String


Kinky Cornrow Braids

This hairstyle is having thinner braids which are prepared from the scalp. These braids are arranged in a random manner which is the reason for giving this name to them.

Even a bead-like structure is provided to them for enhancing the way in which they are appearing to the other individuals. These braids are arranged in a random manner over each other without any particular sequential pattern.

Kinky Cornrow Braids


Traditional Cornrows for Fine Hair

If you have thin hair, these classic cornrow braids will work the best for you. This is one of the most famous hairstyles from the African heritage. The best part is that the beauty of cornrow braids do not depend upon the length or thickness of your hair.

cornrows for short hairsource


Two-toned Cornrows

These funky two-toned cornrows are perfect for you if you love to play with colors. The neon color adds a youthful spark to your hairstyle and makes it even more unique. This hairstyle is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it is sure to catch everyone’s eye.

cornrow braid hairstyles for women


Platinum and Blue Combo

Adding color to your cornrow braids is a modish way to level up the uniqueness of this distinctive hairstyle. This traditional African hairstyle only gets better the more you experiment and play around with your hair look.

This beautiful combination of platinum and blue color is a perfect example as it looks breathtaking on cornrows.

cornrow braids with grey highlights


Micro Cornrows

Micro braids are one of the most subtle cornrow braid hairstyles of all. It is perfect for people who like to keep simple hairstyles that are low maintenance and don’t have much time to prep their hair in the morning.

You can count on these fine braids to look beautiful without the hassle.

black woman with cornrow braid hairstyle


Silver Accents

You can never go wrong with the combination of black and silver hair, especially when it is braided in protective hairstyles.

The pop of silver is accentuated even more in the dark shade of the natural hair and allows you to show off every shadow and highlight of your hair perfectly.

funky cornrow braids


Dirty Blonde Cornrows

The dirty blonde hair trend will never go out of style as it is a classic way to spice up your hairstyle, especially when braided in cornrows.

The shades of brown and blonde with the braids adds a lot of texture and dimension to your hair which instantly steps up your hair game and makes it appear more voluminous.

cornrow braids with blonde highlightssource


Accessorized Cornrows

There’s no hairstyle that you can’t make better by some accessorizing. In terms of cornrows, little beads or cuffs can go a long way in dressing up your braided hairdo without too much hassle or looking overdone.

thick cornrow braids with beadssource


Hot Red Statement

The hot red color combined with your natural brown hair is one of the most modish ideas to make your braided hair even more alluring. The pop of red attracts every eye and it is one of the most popular fashion colors to combine with your natural hair color.

feed in red cornrow braidssource


Light Brown Highlights

If you’d prefer to go for a more natural look, these light brown highlights with your natural dark brown roots will make your braids look beautifully textured. This hairstyle is perfect for people who are too lazy to style up their hair daily, in new and different ways.

brown cornrow braidssource


Cornrow Ponytail

Last but not least, this is one of the most distinctive cornrow braid hairstyles. The reason cornrows are so universally adored is that you can style them in beautifully different ways and make variations of your choice, whether in colors, accessories, or some other style.

These beautifully thin braids pulled up in a ponytail are the easiest way to make the most of your braids.

ponytail with cornrow braidssource


Thus, we can say that there are a number of different kinds of Cornrow Braid hairstyles are available. Each of them is having its own peculiarities which are making them popular.

One should select the hairstyle which best matches the requirements and personalities which they carry. It will help them to ensure that they adopt the best possible hairstyle which makes them look unique to other individuals whom they meet at any of the events which they are going to attend.

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