35 Lemonade Braids Hairstyles for All Ages Women

Lemonade braids hairstyles are renowned across the globe. These hairstyles were inspired by Beyonce, a renowned American musician. The term lemonade got its inspiration from her album.

Lemonade braids hairstyles entail either cornrow or braids. Some hairstyles highlighted below contain both cornrows and braids. Some hairstyles below the list can be attained through natural hair whereas others can only be attained through braids.

Lemonade braids hairstyles focus on bring out versatile hair looks. These hairstyles are also marvelous protective options. All hairstyles on this list will efficiently protect your hair against damage. There is a limit level your hair should attain in order to adopt any of the hairstyles listed below.

Ensure your hair attains the required length before plaiting it. Don’t strain your hair or you risk damaging it. Learn here step by step guide on how to make lemon braid.

Here are a couple of reasons you should try out lemonade hairstyles:

You get the opportunity of trying out the African look. Braids hairstyles are mostly linked to Africans. It gives your hair ample time to grow. Ladies with coarse hair should try out braids if they want their hair to grow fast. This hairstyle brings out a classic look. The thickness of braids depends on the selected hairstyle.

Here are 35 lemonade braids hairstyle worth trying out:

1. Arched Crown Lemonade Braid

Start off by dividing your hair into two equal parts. One part should be on the right and the other one on the left side. Commence and plait equal braids on both sides of the head.

Additionally, all braids should be equal in terms of size. All braids on the head should be directed towards the back of the head. Here, there is no limit in terms of braids length. It all depends on what you want to attain in the long run.

Your braid should extend up to the edges. Arched crown lemonade braid suits both official and outgoing events. This hairstyle is also comfortable on the head.

Lemonade Braids


2. Large Lemonade Braids

Look for an experienced stylist if you want to look good on this hairstyle. This hairstyle focuses its attention on the right side of the head. Therefore, all braids on your head should be directed towards the right side of the head.

That’s not all; there should be two braids size. One size should be bigger than the other. Commence and plait your braids in a curvy look as it extends towards the right side of the head.

Anyone who tries out this hairstyle finds it comfortable. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face. Above all; this hairstyle makes it easy to adopt another hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


3. Kash Doll Lemonade Braids

Start off by drawing a line on your front view hair. This line determines which braids will automatically be directed towards the right side and which one will be directed towards the back.

Braids on this amazing hairstyle are uniformly arranged. This makes it suit both official and casual events. Furthermore, the black color on the head makes it blend with whichever outfit you choose. All your braids should conjoin on the right side of the head.

Braids on this hairstyle should attain a thick look. Afterward, your braids should extend past your shoulder. Apply gel on a section of your fringe hair that will be left hanging.

Lemonade Braids


4. Side Swept Lemonade Braids

Here, all attention lies on the right side of the head. Start off by dividing your front view hair into two sections. One section should automatically be directed on the right side of the head and the other on the back.

However, all your braids should conjoin on the right side of the head. This hairstyle encourages that your braid attains a black look. Black look blends with any outfit you choose.

Any lady who chooses this hairstyle will have an easy time maintaining it. It also feels comfortable on the head. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face. Lastly, this hairstyle suits any event that comes your way.

Lemonade Braids


5. Lemon Tinted Lemonade Braids

The uniqueness of this braid hairstyle will make you stand out among your peers. It is characterized by a blend of black and blonde looks throughout the head. A large fraction of braids on your front view hair should rest on the left side.

The remaining braids should extend towards the back of the head and conjoin with the rest on the left side. Here, you are free to choose the braid size to choose on the head.

Consequently, you have the freedom of using accessories. These accessories enhance the looks of this glamorous hairstyle. Move on and direct all your braids past your shoulders.

Lemonade Braids


6. Pink Lemonade Braids

Choose this hairstyle if you desire a bright look on your head. This hairstyle is characterized by a blend of pink, brown and black colors. However, pink color should be dominant throughout the head. This color blend makes this hairstyle suit only outgoing events.

All braids on the head should be directed towards the right side of the head. Go ahead and straighten your braids past your shoulders. That’s not all; there are a lot of styles you can adopt, depending on where you are going.

Pink lemonade braid hairstyle is comfortable on the head. It is also easy to maintain. Lastly, anyone who chooses this hairstyle will have an easy time adopting another hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


7. Medium Lemonade Braids

This hairstyle aims at bringing out a black look throughout the head. The black color makes it blend with any outfit you choose. You also have the freedom of choosing the size of braids to form on the head.

A large fraction of braids on your front view hair should rest on the right side of the head. The remaining braids should be directed towards the back but should conjoin with the remaining braids on the right side.

This hairstyle can be customized for both official and casual events. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face. Above all; your braids should extend up to your hair edges.

Lemonade Braids


8. Copper Thin Lemonade Braid

Copper thin lemonade hairstyle suits ladies who love thin braids. Braids on fringe hair, mid head hair, and left sideways hair should be directed towards the left side of the head.

The remaining braids should be directed towards the back of the head and should conjoin with the rest on the left side. All braids should be equal in terms of length. This brings out a unique look and makes this hairstyle stand out.

The brown color on the head makes this hairstyle blend with whichever outfit you choose. Consequently, copper thin lemonade hairstyle suits any event that comes your way. It can be either official or casual. Try out this amazing hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


9. Wrap Around Lemonade Braids

This is a unique hairstyle because braids on the head systematically increase in size up to a specific point. Afterward, they will start decreasing in size. All your braids should conjoin on the left side of the head. A fraction of your braids should be directed towards the back of the head.

Black color throughout the head gives you the freedom of wearing any outfit you deem fit. The thickness of braids on this hairstyle makes it easy to adopt another hairstyle. This hairstyle is comfortable on the head. It also suits any event that comes your way, be it official or casual.

Lemonade Braids


10. Center Part Lemonade Braids

Draw a line on your mid-head. This line acts as a boundary. It determines if braids on your front view hair will rest on the right or left side of the head. You should attain a uniform look on both the right and left sides.

Braids on the back of the head should be directed straight downwards. Center part lemonade braids hairstyle can be customized for any event that comes your way. Here, you are free to use accessories to enhance your looks. All braids on the head should attain a black look.

Black look makes this hairstyle blend with whichever outfit you choose. Above all; this hairstyle suits both official and casual events.

Lemonade Braids


11. Micro Lemonade Braids

Due to its complexity, you are encouraged to look for an experienced stylist. Commence and give your braids a blend of black and blonde look. Braids on your fringe hair, mid head hair, and your right sideways should rest on the right side of the head.

Braids on the left side of the head and those on the back should be directed towards the back. However, they should rest on the right side. That’s not all; micro lemonade braids allow you the privilege of adopting accessories.

Accessories mostly enhance the looks of this hairstyle. Moving on, braids on this hairstyle can be customized for any event that comes your way.

Lemonade Braids


12. Jumbo Lemonade Braids

This is one of the few hairstyles on this list that can be attained within a short period. Black and thick braids characterize this hairstyle. That’s not all; the size of braids should systematically increase.

However, a section of your braids should be left hanging on the left side of the head. The rest of your braids should conjoin at some point on the right side of the head.

Afterward, stretch it downwards past your shoulders. The general outlook of this hairstyle makes it easy to maintain. Jumbo lemonade braids hairstyle also allows you to use accessories on the head. Anyone who chooses this hairstyle will have an easy time maintaining it.

Lemonade Braids


13. Tiny Lemonade braids

Ladies with long hair are the ideal candidates for this hairstyle. You can either use your natural hair to form braids or purchase braids. This hairstyle encourages the growth of thin braids throughout the head.

It’s up to you to determine the thinness of braids you desire to attain on the head. Commence and direct your braids towards the back of the head.

Here, your braids should rest above the neck region. This is what makes this hairstyle comfortable on the head. It is also easy to maintain. Tiny lemonade braids hairstyle is one of the few hairstyles that suit any event that comes your way. It can be either official or casual.

Lemonade Braids


14. Swept Back Lemonade Braids

Here, your hair should be divided into two sections through a line on your mid head. This line determines if your hair will rest on the right or left side of the head. Go on and look for black braids.

Black braids should be used throughout the head. Black color blends with any color you choose. A large fraction of your braids should extend towards the back of the head.

A couple of braids on both sides of the head should extend from the back upwards. Additionally, you are free to choose the size of braids to form on the head. Lastly, this is an easy-to-maintain hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


15. Lemonade Braids Top Knot Pony

This is a pretty straightforward hairstyle. You simply need to choose the braid size to form on the head. Ensure your braids extend up to hair edges. Afterward, conjoin all your hair at some point on your mid-head.

This is the point you form a top knot ponytail. You can use a section of your braids or hairband to hold your top knot ponytail intact. Afterward, direct your braids towards the left side of the head.

Lemonade braids top knot pony hairstyle can be customized for both official and casual functions. Above all; this hairstyle gives you the privilege of showcasing your pretty face.

Lemonade Braids


16. Blond Diamond Lemonade Braids Bun

This glamorous hairstyle is characterized by each braid having its own space. It should be attained throughout the head. Brown braids are recommended for this hairstyle. The brown color makes this hairstyle blend with any outfit you choose.

This hairstyle also allows you to choose the braid size. Go on and direct all your braids towards the back of the head. Conjoin your braids at some point on the back and form a bun.

That’s not all; this hairstyle presents you a lot of styling options. This is the reason it can be customized for any event that comes your way. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face.

Lemonade Braids


17. Top Knot Bun Lemonade Braids

Plait a straight braid on your mid head. This braid determines if your hair will rest on the right or left side of the head. Braids on your front view hair should attain a curved look before conjoining at some point on your mid head. This is the point you form a top knot bun.

A section of braids on both sides of the head should be left hanging. Anyone who chooses this hairstyle will have an easy time maintaining it. This hairstyle also suits any event that comes your way. It can be either official or casual. Here, you are free to choose the size of bun to form on the head.

Lemonade Braids


18. Lemonade Braids with Purple Roots

Thai amazing hairstyle is characterized by both black and purple look on each braid. Purple color should appear on the bottom of each braid.

Braids on your fringe hair, mid head hair, and your right sideways hair should be directed towards the right side of the head. The remaining braids should be directed towards the back of the head. All your braids should conjoin on the right side of the head.

The color blend on the head makes this hairstyle suit only outgoing events. That’s not all; you are free to choose the braid size for your hair. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face.

Lemonade Braids


19. Reddish Lemonade Braids

Braids on your fringe hair, mid head hair, and your right sideways hair should be directed towards the right side of the head. Braids on the back and left sideways hair should be directed towards the right side of the head.

Afterward, direct your hair straight past your shoulder. Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face. You are also free to use accessories to enhance the looks of this hairstyle.

Reddish lemonade braids suit both official and casual functions. There is no specific braid size to form on the head. It all depends on what you what to attain. Lastly, this hairstyle is easy to maintain.

Lemonade Braids


20. Golden Lemonade Braids

Golden lemonade braids hairstyle can be attained within a short period. Therefore, divide your hair into equal sections. Consequently, each braid should have sufficient space between each other.

Go on and take brown braids for this hairstyle. Proceed and form thick braids on the head. It’s up to you to choose the braid size to form on the head. A section of braids on your front view hair should rest on the right side and the other one towards the left.

That’s not all; your braids should extend past your shoulders. Similarly, braids on the back should be stretched straight downwards. Golden lemonade braids can be customized for any event that comes your way.

Lemonade Braids


21. Lemonade Braids with Star Pattern

The star pattern on the head defines this hairstyle. Three thick braids should be plaited on the mid head. Afterward, form a star pattern on both the right and left sides of the head. Form braids on the remaining hair. Your braids should extend towards the back of the head.

This is one of the latest hairstyles on this list. Anyone who adopts this hairstyle will outshine her peers. Additionally, the black color throughout the head blends with whichever outfit you choose. Lemonade braids with star patterns make it easy to maintain. It also makes it easy to form another hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


22. Round Pattern Lemonade Braids

Here, a section of your braids should attain a black look and others a brown look. A large fraction of your front view hair should be curved towards the back of the head. All your hair should conjoin on the left side of the head. This hairstyle doesn’t insist on a particular braid size.

It all depends on what you want to attain in the long run. Ladies should try out this marvelous hairstyle as it gives them the opportunity to showcase their pretty faces. Above all; the round pattern lemonade braids hairstyle can be customized for any event that comes your way.

Lemonade Braids


23. Long Lemonade Braids

This amazing hairstyle emphasizes that your braids extend past your shoulders. Therefore, settle down for long blonde braids.

Braids on your fringe hair, mid head hair and your right sideways hair should be directed towards the right side of the head. The remaining braids should be directed towards the back of the head. All your braids should conjoin on the right side of the head.

Black color can be visible on your blonde braids. This is one of the few hairstyles that allow you to showcase your pretty face. Additionally, this hairstyle can be customized so that it is comfortable on the head.

Lemonade Braids


24. Beaded Lemonade Braids

You must have hair accessories and specifically beads to look good on this hairstyle. This hairstyle encourages the growth of thin braids. However, they shouldn’t be too thin so that beads can comfortably suit.

Braids on your left sideways hair, mid head hair and your fringe hair should be directed towards the left side of the head. The remaining braids should be directed towards the back of the head.

Afterward, all your braids should conjoin on the left side of the head. Don’t forget beads on your braids. Beads make this hairstyle suit only outgoing events.

Lemonade Braids


25. Medium Beaded Lemonade Braids

Start off by dividing your front view hair into two sections. Move on and form braids throughout the head. Braids on your front view should rest on either the right or left side of the head.

Braids on the back should be directed straight downwards. It’s up to you to choose the braid size to form on the head. That’s not all; your braids should attain beads.

Take advantage of this hairstyle to showcase your pretty face. Medium beaded lemonade braids suit any event that comes your way. It can be either official or casual. Try out this marvelous hairstyle.

Lemonade Braids


26. Lemonade Braids to the Left

Long black braids are recommended for this hairstyle. Form same-sized curved braids with your right sideways hair and conjoin with some mid head hair and hair at the back, and direct them towards the left.

Come up with long straight braids with your fringe and section of your mid-head hair. Also, you should form braids with your left sideways hair.

lemonade braidssource


27. Thick Blonde Lemonade Braids

Come up with five thick blonde braids with both your fringe and section of your mid head hair. Direct the braids on the right side of the head.

You should also come up with five thick blonde braids from your left sideways hair towards the back and eventually on the right sideways hair.

blonde lemonade braidssource


28. Burgundy Twist

This marvelous lemonade braids for women are characterized by black braids on both the right and left sides of the head.

On the other hand, Burgundy-colored braids should be formed with your fringe hair, mid head hair and hair on your back. Plait all the braids together and direct them towards the left side.

burgundy lemonade braidssource


29. Pink High Ponytail

Cut a line on your front view hair. Curve a section of the purple braids towards the right and finally towards the back. The remaining front view hair should be curved towards the right and eventually towards the back.

Form a high ponytail with some braided purple braids. You should also come up with two straights pink braids on each side of the head.

pink lemonade braids with high ponytailsource


30. Classic Lemonade Braids

Form braids from the left side of your head, towards the back of the head and eventually towards the right side of the head.

You should also plait black braids on your fringe hair, mid head hair and a section of your right sideways hair. Direct your braids straight towards the right side of the head.

trendy lemonade braid hairstylessource


31. Sleek Burgundy Braids

This hairstyle is characterized by burgundy braids directed towards the back of the head. Consequently, these braids should have a similar size and be directed towards the left shoulder.

This lemonade braids hairstyle perfectly blends with any outfit, whether official or casual.

best lemonade braid hairstylessource


32. Thin and Long

Ladies who want to stand out should choose this hairstyle. Uniquely plaited braids will cover your entire scalp and be directed towards the left side of the head. Additionally, the braids should be long. This allows you to come up with different styles.

long lemonade braidssource


33. Uniform Plaited Burgundy Braids

As the name suggests, this hairstyle is characterized by a uniform look throughout the head. Braids throughout the head are directed towards the back and eventually rest on the right shoulder. Burgundy-colored braids make this hairstyle best suited for any function.

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34. Long Plaited Braids

Braids on this hairstyle are brown and should be long. Most ladies choose this hairstyle because of its comfort, and it can easily be styled into another look within minutes. This hairstyle should rest on the right shoulder.

black woman with lemonade braidssource


35. Short Side Swept Lemonade Braids

Use golden colored braids throughout the head. Plait braids on your left sideways hair and direct them behind your ear. Plait the remaining front view hair and sleek straight on the right side.

Braids at the back should be straight downwards. Afterward, cut your braids to your desired size. This is one of the few braids for women that is easy to maintain and looks good on anyone who tries it.

short lemonade braidssource



In 2016, Beyonce gave the world Lemonade. The world gained another great album … and another great hairstyle. Lemonade braids are small cornrows often layered and swooped to the side. It is commonly referred to as lemonade braids. 

Are lemonade braids tight?

Yes, lemonade braids can be tight. But, they should not be tight enough to develop increased pressure or tension in the forehead. 

It is common for braiders to braid extremely tight to make the style last longer. However, extremely tight braids can lead to breakage from the root, increased split ends, weak and brittle hair, and irreparable damage to the hair follicle. 

If you continuously get too tight braids, the style can stop being protective altogether. 


Is lemonade braids a protective style?

Yes, lemonade braids are a type of protective style. Protective styles are any hairstyle that minimizes manipulation and keeps the ends of the hair folded away. Things like heat, overwashing, and even brushing can be pretty destructive for the hair’s health. 


How long does it take to do lemonade braids?

Lemonade braids can take anywhere from three to six hours. The amount of time spent depends on:

the size of the braids the desired length of the hair the thickness of the hair the speed of the braider


How long can lemonade braids last?

Lemonade braids are known to be a very low-maintenance protective style. This style of braids can last a minimum of four weeks with minimal frizz and a maximum of six weeks. 


Can I swim with lemonade braids?

As a rule, most cornrow-type hairstyles can be worn when swimming. Lemonade braids are no exception. 

Braids are great for swimming. The style protects the natural hair from frizz. And the functionality of the style allows for easy shampooing and conditioning after a swim. 


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