Headband Curls | No-Heat Hairstyles

I do use heat on my hair from time to time, and also on a few hairstyles with my girls, but always make an effort to use a good heat protectant.

There are, however, hairstyles where you can get gorgeous curls without the use of heat. These no-heat hairstyles have been used for years in the form of pin curls, rag curls, foam rollers, sock buns, etc.

Here is a curling method you may not have heard about, for low curls only using a simple headband. How neat is that?

Back view of No-Heat Hairstyles | Headband Curls

To begin, simply place a thin cotton headband on the forehead but over the back of the hair. Then spritz the hair with the water bottle so that the hair is slightly damp, gently finger-combing the water through the hair. {If the hair is too wet, then it will not hold the curls.} Proceed next by separating out small sections of hair to be wound tightly around the headband, until you reach the back of the head

Do the same on the other side and combine the remaining hair into one central strand that you wind through the headband until there is no hair remaining. {You can use a Topsy Tail on this step to make things much easier… I thought of that after we filmed the hairstyle!}

If you have a really cute headband, the hair at this stage can actually be a fun hairstyle for that day. It almost has a Greek Goddess look to it.

The key is to sleep on this hairstyle overnight until you are ready to take it out. You may choose to wear a silk scarf over the hair to keep it from falling out while you sleep.

Side view of No-Heat Hairstyles | Headband Curls

The next morning, gently unwind the strands of hair from the headband. You should end up with large, voluminous curls in the lower sections of the strands, and you can style the hair as you wish in all sorts of combinations. We made this a half-up/half-down hairstyle by forming an upper ponytail with some of the hair, and then gently bobby pinning the curls back into the ponytail holder.

Again, this is a fun hairstyle for girls of all ages. It is so easy to do and you never have to touch a curling iron! Enjoy!

Items Needed: Brush, water bottle, 1 thin cotton/soft headband, 1 ponytail holder, 2-3 bobby pins, hairspray.

Time Requirement: 5 minutes (night before), 2 minutes (morning after)

Skill Level: Easy

Happy Hairdoing!

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