Five {5} Strand Messy Braid | Top Hairstyles

I am a HUGE fan of messy braid hairstyles, and you can see them pretty much anywhere right now in movies, on TV, in magazines, etc. They are so popular that we decided to give you the 5-Strand Messy Braid tutorial today!

Close-up view of the 5-Strand Messy Braid Hairstyle

When you braid hair, whatever the braid variation, it is important to understand the stranding. For this braid, the stranding is a bit complex, since you are using five strands instead of three. Once you get the hang of it, this gorgeous braid will take very little time to create.

Side view of the 5-Strand Messy Braid Hairstyle

{If you do not know how to braid with five strands, make sure you are comfortable with a 3-stranded braid first.}

Be sure to watch the video carefully to see how we incorporate the additional two strands. Then, as we finish the hairstyle, we tie off the braid and then loosen the “elbows” of the braid {we call this pancaking} for that messy boho look.

Wherever I go with this braided hairstyle, I receive so many compliments because you can easily tell that it does not look like a regular braid. Other girls want to know exactly how I did the hairstyle, and I am sure that you will get the same reaction! Enjoy!

Items Needed: Brush, comb, ponytail holder, hairspray {if desired}

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level: Hard

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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