Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

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Welcome everyone to Sweet Pea’s “official” first hair tutorial! She is now two years old, super wiggly, but absolutely hilarious to watch!Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles

I have been asked for toddler hairstyles for awhile now, and Sweet Pea was my only toddler, but my son cut off one of her corn rows with scissors about 5 months ago! We have had to wait until now for her hair to be long enough to film a tutorial!

We love the Topsy Tail, and have used flip-unders in several hairstyles over the years. Princess Hairstyles and Girly Do Hairstyles are also pro’s at showing us how to use this tool in creative hairstyles!Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles

These corner flip accents can be done in any hairstyle alone, or in any form of combination. They are also for girls and women of all ages!Baby girl smiling while modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

Baby girl smiling while modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

Baby girl smiling while modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips         Baby girl smiling while modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips  Baby girl smiling while modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

For girls in sports {cheer, gymnastics, volleyball, softball, etc}, it would be perfect to combine the corner flip accents with a simple ponytail or braids.

In the video below, I show you how to create these corner flips on Sweet Pea, using a small Topsy Tail {you can find one at Claire’s, Sally Beauty Supply, Ebay, or Amazon}.

I then show you how I used the corner flips as accents on different styles on CGH#4 and CGH#3!

Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle TipsIf you love this photo, please feel free to PIN it!

Young girl modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

Young girl modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

Young girl modeling Corner Flip-Under Accents | Hairstyle Tips

Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles

Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles

Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles

Corner Flip Under Accents | Cute Hairstyles


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, toothbrush, leave-in conditioner, 3 small hair elastics, hairspray and accessories {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by wetting down the hair with a spray bottle… Now, part a rectangle section of hair from the left part line to the right part line about one inch deep… Secure that section with a hair elastic near the right-rear corner of the rectangular part {for my daughter’s AA hair, I used a toothbrush and some moisturizer to help tame any fly-aways and frizz}… Repeat Steps #2 & 3 with two additional rectangular sections so that you have a total of three… Gently loosen all three elastics by pulling them away from the head, which will allow for you to flip the ponytail through… On the first section, insert the thin side of the Topsy Tail tool through the hair, but under the elastic, in a diagonal direction, towards the right-rear corner… Before you pull the loop of the Topsy Tail through, insert the ponytail through the loop and gently flip the ponytail under… Feel free to separate the ponytail into two sections and by pulling them apart, cinch the elastic back down again… Repeat Steps #7 & 8 for the next two rectangular sections. Incorporate any other hairstyle combinations {braids, buns, curls, etc.) using these accents.

Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and as always… feel free to share!

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Google Reader will be shutting down on July 1st, so if you want to follow our blog… you can do so at BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader for women!

Also, feel free to watch my twins’ video this week from their YouTube channel BrooklynAndBailey!

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