Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips

This braid hairstyle is perfect for gymnastics and sports, requires that you to already know how to do a basic french braid. It is one of the hairdo’s that I use the most, and we call them Soccer Braids around our home. One of these days I will get around to posting a French Braid instruction, but not today. Sorry if this prohibits you from doing this fun hairstyle.

Back view of young girl modeling "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"

**Note: this hairstyle creates great curls for a “second day” do. I will post that tomorrow.

Items Needed: Comb, brush, water bottle, and two rubber bands.

Time Requirement: 7-10 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"

Back view of young girl's hair styled into "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips"Portrait of young girl modeling "Double-French Braids w/Messy Flips" hairstyleStep-By-Step Instructions:

1.  Start by parting the hair down the middle.  I started with a zig-zag on top and then straight down the back.

2.  From the middle of the head, continue a start part down the back of the head. You will now have two sections of hair. Rubber band or clip one side out of the way.

3.  Now braid one section into a long French braid.

4.  When you get toward the end of the braid, leave about 2 inches of hair upbraided. Flip the whole braid up onto itself and rubber band the whole thing together.

5.  Repeat process on the other side of head and rat the ends so they are fluffy and full.

To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFrenchBraidswMessyFlips

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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