This is a style I saw on a 13-year old girl the other day, and thought it was so cute for the tween age girls or younger.
Items Needed: 2 rubber bands, comb, brush, hairspray, and water. Time Requirement: 7-10 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. Begin by brushing and wetting down hair. Now in center of head, part off a section. Approximate size would be 3-4 inches wide and maybe 2 inches deep.
2. Now divide that section into two sections from side to side. Pin one section out of the way for now.
3. Take a small piece from the first section and separate into two pieces (don’t get lost here – just follow the pictures).
4. Now begin to form a twist by twisting the initial two pieces. (Let me try to explain easier. Hold piece A in your left hand. Hold piece B in your right. Now switch the two pieces of hair.)
5. Now pickup a small piece of hair (piece C) and add it to piece A (which is in your right hand at this point). So we are back down to two pieces.
6. Now switch the two again. A should be in your left hand, B in your right. Again pick up a small third section of hair and add it to piece B (in your right hand). ALWAYS add hair to the right hand! Then switch the two pieces again. Continue to repeat process till you run out of hair to pick up. Twist the two pieces a few more times making each twist long enough to pull back into a ponytail.
7. Repeat the process on the second section of hair that you pinned out of the way in the beginning.
8. You now have two twists that look like this. Pull remaining hair into a ponytail, messy bun (this is what I did), nape-of-neck side ponytail, or even two ponytails. Done!
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHhairtwistsintomessybuns
Happy Hairdoing!
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