This is one of my most popular hairstyles that I have featured…
***This hairdo will require that you already know how to French braid. This one was also a little hard to get detailed pictures of, so sorry in advance!
Items Needed: Comb, brush, spray bottle, one rubber band, any accessories (bows, ribbons, etc).
Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
Finish braid off by gathering hair up into a ponytail. Add ribbons or bows to accessorize. If you do end up with any bumps/sharks click here to see my tips and tricks in fixing them.
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. For this style, begin by wetting down and brushing hair. The hair must be combed straight or else you will end up with little bumps (I call them sharks because they look like a shark fin). Part hair on either side (I part on the left).
2. Now section from the part down to the top of ear. This is the hair you will use to begin the French braid.
3. Begin by doing a three-strand French braid. ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE: Only pick up hair and add into the bottom piece. DO NOT add hair to the top piece. You still move the top piece like normal, but don’t add hair into it. By doing this, the braid pops out of the head more instead of laying flat against the head.
NOTE**as you add in hair, make sure it is combed straight down. If it isn’t completely combed straight when you add it in, it will create a bump on the top of the braid. Once you get the braid near the opposite ear, you will begin to feel the hair getting thinner and shorter. Instead of working all the hair into the braid, I usually simply add the remaining hair into the ponytail (see the picture if this is confusing).
4. Finish braid off by gathering hair up into a ponytail. Add ribbons or bows to accessorize. If you do end up with any bumps/sharks click here to see my tips and tricks in fixing them.
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHwraparoundfrenchbraid
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!