This is a viewer-inspired hairstyle! Cristina emailed me with a link to a YouTube video where she wanted to show me a hairdo that she loves to do on her daughter. We viewed it, liked it, and filmed our own take on it with an added “spin” {literally}! Thanks, Cristina!
This style is different than our Rosette Bun hairstyle, as the spirals set right against the head. The Rosette Buns were essentially bantu knots, or twisty buns.
To begin this hairstyle, we decided to incorporate our Double French Twistbacks from the front that we added into a high ponytail. {We are a big fan of hairstyle combinations whenever it makes sense!} Then you simply divide the ponytail into three sections.
Take each section individually and twist them, and then roll it up into a spiral wheel {like a cinnamon roll}. Then simply bobby pin the spiral securely, and repeat the same with the other two sections.
Now, I apologize on the photos for being taken 8 hours after we did the hairstyle {we forgot}, but what you see is that this style held up quite nicely after a fairly active day for an eight-year old! To help control the flyaways, you can use hairspray (which I also forgot to do).
This hairstyle is great for girls and women of all ages, and especially perfect for weddings, communions, baptisms, flower girls, ballet, Prom, Homecoming, etc. You will also find that by sleeping on the spirals… you will have a gorgeous curled ponytail as a “2nd Day ‘Do”! Enjoy!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 6-7 large bobby pins, hairspray.
Time Requirement: 5 minutes (15 minutes if you do the Double French Twistbacks)
Skill Level: Medium
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!