Bow Braid Headband | Girls Hairstyles

We were surprised to see The Bow Braid do so well in only one week’s time! In that video, we showed you several other ways to incorporate the bows into five separate hairstyles.

Today, I decided to show you how to do a Bow Braid hairstyle on yourself {as requested by so many of our YouTube fans}.

Close-up view of the Bow Braid Headband | Cute Girls Hairstyles

This style uses a French Braided Headband as the base before adding in the bows. If you do not know how to do a French headband, you can learn how to do so by clicking our French Front hairstyle tutorial.

In this tutorial, I only sectioned enough hair for four bows, but you can actually do more if you would like. My personal opinion it that this hairstyle looks better with only a few bows on one side, more like an accent to the style, rather than bows all across the front.

I have worn this hairstyle three times in the past two weeks, and cannot tell you how many times moms stopped me wherever we were to ask how I did it! Thankfully, I have this website where I can refer them!

Items Needed: A brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hairspray or pomade, a hairpin (not a bobby pin), and one hair elastic.

Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes.

Skill Level: Hard

If you like this hairstyle, please feel free to blog about it, share it on FB, tweet it, pin it, whatever-you-want it!

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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