Perhaps my “most requested” hairstyle ever, has been this Starburst Braid!
We have been asked for it for nearly two years, and we actually filmed a tutorial of it the same day we filmed the Dutch Crown Braid back in Oct 2011.
{My girls and I liked the Crown Braid better that day and decided to upload it instead, because we were not huge fans of the hole on the top of the head like in the Starburst Braid.}
I am not kidding when I say that in the past two weeks or so, I must have been tweeted, facebooked, or emailed versions of this hairstyle a hundred times!
So yesterday, CGH#1 and I decided to re-film the tutorial with our better camera, lighting, and angles… than we used 1.5 years ago. {My friend at Princess Hairstyles has a great tutorial of this braid as well!}
We hope you girls will like this one, and if you do… please feel free to share! If the social media requests are any indication, this style should be a very popular one!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by brushing the hair to make sure there are no tangles and the hair is straight… Now, separate off {part} a large circular section {Part A} right on the crown of the head, and secure with an elastic {the thinner the elastic, the better, so you don’t end up with a cone-head look}… You should also now have should a second section of hair {Part B} about 2 inches wide all the way around the outside of the head… For the next step, take the hair in the ponytail and let it fall down over the elastic and drape evenly around the head {this will cause all the hair to hang in your face, which is ok for now}… Now, grab a small section of hair in Part B, just behind the left ear and begin a regular French braid. As you add in hair to the top strand, grab a small section from the ponytail and add it in. When adding hair to the bottom strand, pull in hair from the outside/frame section {Part B}. Try to keep the French braid running right around the part line, which essentially helps to hide the part line… Continue Step #5 as you work your way around the entire head, in a circle, until your reach the beginning of the French braid… Finish off the remaining hair into a Simple Braid, and secure with an elastic… Now, take the end of the Simple Braid and tuck it up and under the starburst strands of hair to hide it. Feel free to adjust the braid until it sits well hidden {this creates the illusion that the braid never ends}… Finish off by securing the two ends of the Starburst with a few bobby pins.Enjoy!
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!