Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming Hairstyles

Note from Mindy: Now all of the images on this site are “pin-able” on Pinterest!  All you have to do is hover your pointer over the photo and you will see a red-and-white “Pin It” button on the top left corner of it!  If you click that button, you can  immediately pin that hairstyle photo onto your Pinterest boards!  Now you have an easier reference spot for all your favorite CGH styles!

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Yes, it is football season again and many teen girls are already planning their Homecoming Dance hairstyles and dresses!

Some of my twins’ older friends are already asking them for hairstyle ideas!  Bailey in particular has loved wearing her hair up lately, and she is so loving this specific twisted updo hairstyle that we created years ago, but never filmed a tutorial for it.Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming HairstylesThis updo hairstyle really is not complicated at all, and I only classify it at a medium skill level because getting the bun in the back to secure can be a little tricky.  I have found that Goody Spin Pins work well, and then I use a few extra bobby pins to take care of any of the loosies!  You can find Spin Pins at your local Walmart or Target.Back view of young girl wearing a blue shirt modeling Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming Hairstyles

Back view of young girl wearing a blue shirt modeling Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming Hairstyles

Back view of young girl wearing a blue shirt modeling Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming Hairstyles

Portrait of young girl wearing a blue shirt modeling Double-Twist Bun Updo | Homecoming Hairstyles

This updo hairstyle can be worn by women and girls of all ages, for pretty much any occasion other than sports.  The style looks very beautiful for more formal events like dances, weddings, or church, especially when accessorized with hair jewelry or flowers!


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, 2-3 Goody Spin Pins, 2-3 bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting the hair {either wet or dry, depending on the look you want} straight down the middle of head, and secure one section out of the way… On your first side, the very front of the hair, separate a small section of hair into two strands and begin a basic twist… After twisting the pieces together once, add in some hair from the bottom into the bottom strand, and twist again… Then add in more hair into the bottom strand, and twist again… Continue this process along the hairline until you run out of hair near the nape of the neck… When you reach the nape of the neck, begin a rope twist {see next step for explanation} with the two strands… To Rope Twist:  Twist both strands in the same direction.  When the hair is nice and tight, twist the two strands together in the opposite direction. When you are done with the rope twist, secure it with an elastic… Repeat Steps #2-7 on the other side of the head… Now take one of the rope braids and twist it up like a cinnamon roll onto itself… Using Goody Spin Pins, and/or bobby pins, secure the bun in place… Repeat Steps #10-11 with the second rope twist, and adjust the bun with bobby pins as necessary. Add hairspray or hair accessories as desired.

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Congratulations to the following winners of our NuMe Classic Wand Giveaway on YouTube! We will contact each of you shortly for verification, so be looking for my message! {Be sure to verify that it is really me by clicking the username and looking for our subscriber count and all of our videos!}

1.) LindieSs                              2.) delosriosfamily 3.) AmyHerrLovesMusic          4.) SharonRigg 5.) livstar4                                6.) HowToByJordan 7.) MsKyGiRsBeAuTiFuL         8.) 13lissylove 9.) aglanceatmyworld            10.) MakeUpButHow 11.) CraftasticWizard             12.) kaliaxiong98

Thanks so much to all of you who entered! We love doing things like this from time to time! If you did not win that is OK… the NuMe discount codes are still in effect! You can find them below:

NuMe Wand Discount Codes: Simply click the pink “Voucher Redemption” button at the top of the page, and add either of the coupon codes below!

Fabulous discount of $112 off any NuMe classic, special edition wands, magic wands or flat irons. Discount Code: sweethair1 {all lowercase} Amazing discount code for $120 off all NuMe Styling Sets, including Curl Jam, Titan 3, Lustrum and Tri-Fect. Discount Code: sweethair2 {all lowercase}

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Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of this new hairstyle!  As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!

Happy Hairdoing!

Also, feel free to check out my girls’ Back-to-School Fashion video from last week on their YouTube channel! I thought it was cute how they tried filming in a different style! Hope you like it, too!

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