How to create a Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle

One of the first tutorials we ever posted on our website nearly 5 years ago, was a Slide-Up Braid {aka Snake Braid}, video version here. That video has over 6,250,000 views today!

We have done a couple of Slide-Up Braid variations over the years, but this is a beautiful style because it style is so subtle.Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls HairstylesThe purpose of a Sides-Up ‘do is to pull back your sides with a cute hairstyling accent, while letting your straight or curly hair be the feature. This style does simply that.

Bailey began by using a curling wand on her hair, to get her soft bouncy curls. By creating Slide-Up Braids on either side of the head, and pinning them back while covering the pins with your down hair, you are left with this beautiful hairstyle! {We have also called this type of pin-back technique as “Hidden Braids”.}Portrait of Young girl outside modeling Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Portrait of Young girl outside modeling Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Portrait of Young girl outside modeling Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls HairstylesBailey wore this hairstyle to her school Christmas concert yesterday and received lots of compliments on it. We are certain that you will too, when you wear this hairdo!(Back) Young girl outside modeling Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Portrait of Young girl outside modeling Sides-Up Slide-Up Hairstyle | Cute Girls HairstylesBe sure to tag your own photos with #CGHSidesUpSlideUp so that we can see them!


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, 4-6 small bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin with curly or straight hair, parted down the middle {we curled the hair before this video using a curling wand}… Next, create a part just slightly above the end of the eyebrow going back just a few inches towards the back of your head… Then take that part down to just behind the ear {this should give you a triangle-shaped section of hair}… Clip or pin the front section of hair out of the way… Now, using the sectioned-out triangle strand of hair above the ear, create a loose simple braid {make sure you braid towards the back of your head so that it can lay flat, and remember that you do not want to braid too tight or the braid won’t slide up}… Once you have completed the braid, simply hold the middle strand with the thumb and index finger of your left and and gently slide up the other two strands with the other hand, towards the head {make sure you push the hair tightly against the head, creating the desired snaking effect in the braid}… Easing the braid up just a little bit, secure it with an elastic to make sure the slide up section stays intact. Repeat Steps #2-7 on the other side of the head. Next, release the rest of your hair you had clipped away on top and finger comb it down… Lay the braid flat against your head over the top of your hair, and using two crossed bobby pins, secure it in place. Using a little hair from the back of your head, spread it over the bobby pins to hide them. Repeat on the other side of your head and you are finished. Add hairspray {if desired}.

Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of this Sides-Up ‘do!  As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!

Happy Hairdoing! This past week my twins BrooklyAndBailey uploaded a Christmas Weather TAG video, showing you some of their winter weather favorites! {These girls are so funny to watch, and you are only seeing a glimpse of what I see all day long!}

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