Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom Hairstyles

Today’s tutorial is inspired by the upcoming Prom season, and multiple reader requests for hairstyles that can be used at the dance.

We are loving Fishtail Braids right now, and Brooklyn and I wanted to show you an updo that is very unique using the fishtail as the focal point.Flipped Fishtail Updo | Prom HairstylesWe like that it isn’t really a bun, but more of a chignon-like undo. This Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo is very versatile, and can be used on girls of all ages, from teens on up to grandmothers!Young girl outside modeling Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom Hairstyles

Young girl outside modeling Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom HairstylesTag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHFlipFishtailUpdo

If you do not know how to fishtail braid, here is my first fishtail tutorial showing you how to create one.Young girl outside modeling Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom Hairstyles

Portrait of young girl outside modeling Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom Hairstyles

Portrait of young girl outside modeling Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo | Prom HairstylesWant to learn how to create a Flipped-Fishtail Braid Updo? Here is your chance…


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 1 small hair elastic, Topsy Tail Tool {optional}, 4-5 bobby pins, decorative hair comb, spray wax or hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 6-8 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by pulling the hair back and secure it a low ponytail with a ponytail holder {make sure to leave a few strands of hair out near the front, and curl them, to frame the face}… Loosen the ponytail elastic away from the head a little. Using a topsy tail tool, or your fingers, flip the ponytail down though the loosened section to create a flipped ponytail… Now tighten the elastic again against the head… Next, fishtail braid the remaining ponytail hair and secure with an elastic when you run out of hair… Take the end of the fishtail and tuck it back up and down through the same hole {this creates a nice bun-like updo}… Using bobby pins, secure the fishtail against the head so it won’t fall out or droop down through the day. Add an glam accessory on top of the fishtail flip to accent the updo… Add hairspray or spray wax {as desired}.

Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of this Flipped-Fishtail Updo! As always, if you loved the tutorial, please feel free to share it!

Happy Hairstyling!

This week my twins finally received permission from Nickelodeon to provide you links to the entire Nick News with Linda Ellerbee episode on “Webstars II: More Kids Behind the Hits”. You can find the links on their most recent video on the BrooklyAndBailey YouTube channel. Click below to see the video…

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