Since Bailey has cheer in the mornings, and early-morning seminary before that, she has to get up at 4:45 am to get ready for school. As such, she’s become a master at quick and easy hairstyles, and this DIY Faux Waterfall Braid Headband is one she absolutely loves!
This hairstyle is one Bailey has been wearing a lot lately, and it literally only takes 2 minutes to create! In fact, it is so easy that even a daddy can do it! Learn how by clicking the video below…
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFauxWaterfall
If you know how to create a simple 3-strand braid, you can do this! This is also a perfect hairstyle if you are growing out your bangs, as the faux braid keeps them out of your face in that in-between growing phase {with your bangs becoming the waterfall-en strands}.
At the end of the tutorial, Bailey also shares a few tricks to help keep the waterfall strands looking great!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, water spray bottle, 1 small hair elastic, 2 small bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 2-3 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin with your hair curled {Bailey used a flat iron to get her curls}… On your preferred side, create a deep side part {it needs to be very deep, we started near the end of one eyebrow}… Next, create a small section of hair next to the deep part line and begin a regular 3-strand braid… Braid down about 8 inches and secure the braid with a small hair elastic… On the side of the braid closest to the crown, you will be working with the backside bumps along the braid, also called the elbows… Grab the outside edge of the very first stitch and pull it away from the braid a ittle bit, and sticking your pointer finger and thumb through the hole you just created… Now, grab a small section of hair from the front of your head by your forehead and pull it through the loop and towards the back of your head… Continue Steps #6-7 for each elbow of the braid, until you have reached the end of your other eyebrow and used up all your bangs {usually 5-6 sections}… Next, take the end of the braid and tuck it under the hair on the side/back, and secure into place with a bobby pin… Allow the hair to fall back over the top of the braid… Lift up the waterfall strands on top, and using a rat-tooth comb, tease the underside of the hair to keep the strands laying straight back and volumized… Optional: Feel free to pancake the front elbows of the braid to create and added pop and accent to the braid. Add hairspray.Please comment below if you loved Bailey’s DIY Faux Waterfall Braid Headband hairstyle today, and feel free to leave suggestions for future tutorials.
Happy Hairstyling!
Don’t forget to watch BrooklynAndBailey‘s video from last week where they filmed the What’s in My Mouth challenge! It’s hilarious! Simply click below to view…