Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

Today’s hairstyle tutorial is part of our Prom series, where we show you cute hairstyles you can wear to your Prom, Homecoming, or other formal event.

Rope Twisted Bun | Prom Hairstyles

The twins were in LA this week to attend the 2015 Kids’ Choice Awards, so Kamri offered to sit in. Simply click below to watch the video tutorial…

Rope twists are the easiest braids to create. This undo uses two rope twists that are then wrapped around each other and secured into a high bun. By fluffing the rope twists and leaving out a few curly strands/tendrils in the front by the face, this becomes the perfect Prom hairstyle!

Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHRopeTwistBun

Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

Young girl outside modeling Rope Twisted Bun | Hairstyles for Prom

For athletic events, all you have to to twist your rope twists tightly, adding pomade or hairspray to them, and then wrapping them tightly into a bun and securing them. {For sports, or ballet, do not fluff the rope braids as I did in the video… keep them tight.}

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 ponytail holders, 2 small hair elastics, 8-10 bobby pins, hairspray and accessory {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting hair in the middle of head, and dividing into two even sections {for an older look, add curls and tease the hair before creating the ponytails.  You can also leave a few curly tendrils to frame the face}… Take each section and secure it into a ponytail on the back of the head with a ponytail holder {make sure to keep the ponytails as close to the middle part line as possible}… Now create a rope twist in each ponytail {you do this by dividing each ponytail into two even strands and then twisting the right most strand clockwise tightly one full turn, and then crossing it under the left most strand, repeating over and over again}… Then secure each rope twist with a hair elastic… Optional Step: If you are using this hairstyle for athletics or dance you can leave the rope twists tight.  If you are using this hairstyle for prom or an updo you may want to loosen the hair a tiny bit at this stage by pulling gently on each side of the twist to separate the them and make them more full looking… Now take the right-most twist and loop it under the left twist, up and over the elastic, and over the top of the two ponytail bases… Secure the end with a bobby pin to hold it in place while you what the 2nd twist… Now take the left rope twist and take it clockwise under the right ponytail, and up and over the two elastics, securing it with a bobby pin… Go back and secure the remaining hair with bobby pins until the whole bun feels secure and with the desired look… Add any accessories and hairspray {if desired}.

Thank you so much for following our posts, and if you loved this easy Rope Twisted Bun updo tutorial, please let us know in the comment section below! We’d be happy to make more Prom tutorials!

Happy Hairstyling!

The twins found a lost video deep on their hard drive, one that they had filmed early last summer that made its way onto their BrooklynAndBailey YouTube channel last Wednesday. It was a Baby Food Challenge, where they had to taste baby food and guess what it was! Be sure to watch the entire video by clicking below!

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