Valentine’s Day Hairstyles – Flip Braided Heart


I have recently seen many heart hairstyles for Valentine’s Day. They are so fun, so I thought I needed to post some of them for all of you to enjoy. I can’t claim creative genius on all of them so I will link to where I found them. Hope you like!

Back view of Young girl modeling "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Heart #1— Flip-Braided Heart

Items Needed: Comb, brush, hairspray, spray bottle, and 2 rubber bands.

Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Side view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of young girl's hair being styled into "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Back view of Young girl modeling "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Portrait of Young girl modeling "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyleBack view of Young girl modeling "Flip Braided Heart" hairstyle

Step-By-Step Instructions:

1.  Being by parting hair on left side of head.

2.  You won’t see this much when you are done, but I do think adding a little part in front looks nicer than just combing it all back. Next divide hair top to bottom about 1 inch above top of ears.

3.  With the top section of hair, form a ponytail in back center. Secure with rubber band.

4.  Now flip it. To do this you loosen the ponytail a little. Then create a hole in between the ponytail holder and the head. Then push the hair through it. Or use a *Topsy-Tail Tool* to do the same thing. If you have one, you know how to use it. Normally you would flip the hair from top to bottom. But on this hair do, you will flip it from BOTTOM TO TOP! Make sure you do that step!!!

5.  Now divide hair into two sections.

6.  Braid them both.

7.  Have your daughter hold. Then take the remaining bottom hair and form into a ponytail. Now add in the ends of each braid. Secure with rubber band.

8.  The flip you did above will force the hair to naturally curve and give it a heart shape. You can bobby pin in place if you want, but I have found this hairdo to be pretty secure on its own. Add ribbon or accessories.

I first saw this do over at “The Story of a Princess and Her Hair”. To see her blog click *here*.

If you would like to see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFlipBraidedHeart

Happy Hairdoing!

Mindy McKnight's digital signature

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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