Fun Hairstyle: Criss-Cross French Braids

For this hairstyle I show you how to combine simple french braids with ponytails and regular braids to create a very fun look!

Back view of girl's hair styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Items Needed: Brush, comb, water, hairspray/gel, 4 rubber bands.

Time Requirement: 10-15 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Back view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Back view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Side view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Top view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Side view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Top view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Back view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Back view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

View from the top…

Top view of girl's hair being styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

View from the front…(I don’t like to add ribbons or bows on this hairstyle since I think it hides the fun criss cross effect)

Portrait of girl's hair styled in "Criss-Cross French Braids"

Step-By-Step Instructions:

1.  For this fun hairstyle, begin by parting hair right down the middle of head from forehead to nape of neck.

2.  From middle of head, part hair down to each ear. Rubber band or clip back halves of hair out of the way.

3.  Now separate that area into two sections.

4.  Do a french braid in one of the top areas, only french braiding until you are even with ears. Finish off the rest of the hair with a regular braid. Rubber band the ends or have daughter hold.

5.  Repeat this process on the other side of head.

6.  Gather LEFT side, back of hair into a pony tail. Add in RIGHT two braids.

7.  Pick up left side of head, back hair and create a ponytail. Add in LEFT two braids. Finish off ponytails with regular braids (sorry no picture for this step).

To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHcrisscrossfrenchbraids

Happy Hairdoing!

Mindy McKnight's digital signature

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