This hairstyle is a crazy and fun look great for everyday.
Items Needed: Comb, brush, water bottle, hairspray, and 8 rubber bands.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes.
Skill Level: Easy
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. For this cute hairstyle design, begin by parting hair on either side.
2. Starting at the middle part, part hair down to each ear.
3. Gather hair into two ponytails. Rubber band to secure in place.
4. Gather hair into two ponytails. Rubber band to secure in place.
5. Now part down the middle of remaining hair to nape of neck (I like my front part to be slightly off center but my back part to be center. If you want to just do center the whole time that works too). Gather hair into two ponytails and secure with rubber bands. You will now have 4 sections of hair and four ponytails.
6. Take one ponytail and begin twisting.
7. Twist until the hair begins to twist up upon itself. You can use your finger to guide the twist the the way you want it.
8. Using a rubber band, go over the whole twist to secure into place. Note: I always leave about 2 inches of hair popping out the top of the rubber band. I fluff it later, which makes it look very cute. Look at some of the other pictures if you are to see what I mean.
9. Repeat this process on the other three ponytails.
10. Using a comb, rat the 2 inches of hair that pops out of rubber bands. This adds a little fluff and pizzaz to the hairdo.
11. You can stop here and be done. HOWEVER, if your DD’s hair is really long, the twists in front will also be longer. If you don’t like this look try taking the twist, twisting it around the rubber band once, and bobby pinning in place.
12. You now have the finished product!!!
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHMessyPigtailTwists
Happy Hairdoing!
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