Hairstyle Video: French Braids #1

I receive quite a few emails from this blog, and it is hard to find time to answer them all, but one of the most common requests I am asked is to provide a detailed French Braid instruction.

Double French Braids | Hairstyle Ideas

Honestly, the French Braid is one of the most difficult braids to explain “step-by-step” and really must be shown in person for one to get the whole idea. So, given your requests and the fact that I couldn’t possibly show all of you how to do this in person… here is a video we filmed over the weekend with instructions on how to create a French Braid (and “K” in her soccer uniform).

The braid style I used was one posted quite a while back called Double-French Braids w/ Messy Flips, which also uses the Zig-Zag part. Please do review the links above and then watch the following video tutorial:

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, two hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}

Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

French Braid Video #1 Click to watch video, or click here to view on YouTube.

I hope this clip helps! The “A, B, & C” stranding (with the B strand always in the middle, and that you add hair to strands A & C as you braid down) is the key to successful French Braiding. As mentioned in the video, it really takes practice. This French Braid style is a very cute hairstyle that holds well and makes for an equally cute Second-Day ‘Do with a few accessories!

Good luck, and Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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