Cute Twistback Flip Under | Girls Hairstyles

What is fun about having posted so many cute and easy hairstyles on this site, is that you can use any combinations of past styles to create a new one!

Here is a hairstyle that incorporates concepts used in previous tutorials I have done. The end result is very cute…

Side view of the Twistback Flip Under | Girls Hairstyles

This style incorporates a front-to-side twist as well as a side-ponytail flipunder. To vary the hair style a bit, you can use a French Front or a Reverse French Front instead of the front twist.  Oh, yes… and now you can watch the new tutorials in HD, if you wish!

For anyone looking to purchase a Topsy Tail, you can purchase one from the Amazon link in my left sidebar… or you can make your own with wire or a pipe cleaner (I will be posting a tutorial on how to do the latter in the next week).

Back view of the Twistback Flip Under

Portrait of young girl modeling the Twistback Flip Under

Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, water spray bottle, one ponytail holder, Topsy Tail.

Time Requirement: 2-3 minutes.

Skill Level: Easy

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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