Tween Knots into Side Ponytail | Cute Girls Hairstyles

This is one of the first hairstyles that I ever posted on this site, but many of you have asked for a video tutorial on exactly how to complete this hair style. It looks trickier than it actually is.  (To see photo instructions for the hairdo in that first post, please visit Tween Knots into Side Pony).

People have asked if it is hard to get the knots out after the hairstyle is done. The answer is “no”.  Individual hairs can knot very easily and not come out (like snarls), but for some reason large strands of hair do not have a problem with it.   This is actually only a half knot (like the first stage of tying your shoe), so to undo it all you do is grab the two strands close to the knot and push them into the knot to loosen the hair.  Very easy!

This knot style is another good one for helping keep the hair out of your daughter’s eyes and it holds up very well all day!

Top view of the Tween Knots Ponytail

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray water bottle, hairspray/gel, 1 rubber band, accessory (if needed).

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Portrait of young girl modeling Tween Knots Ponytail

Side view of the Tween Knots Ponytail

You can finish this style off in any number of ways.  You can do a simply ponytail like I did (or a high pony), or a side braid (French or fishtail), micro braids, curls (soft or tight), or a bun, etc.  You can even pull the knotted strands back in to two ponytails and finish them off in any of those ways!  This style can literally be 5-8 styles!!!

So my hubby mentioned to me the other day that I seem to always give the same greeting in my video tutorials.  When I took a look back, it was true… so we decided to change it up a bit!  This idea came from my #3, who is my model for this style. She had been walking around all morning singing that before we did her hair, so she begged me to do it! Notice that she does it too!

If you like this knotted hairstyle, be sure to let us know! Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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