This cute braided hairstyle was submitted by a viewer from Moldova, asking me if I could figure it out. It took me quite a few tries, but I did eventually get it. (As always, if you see an amazing hairstyle and want to submit it… simply email me!)
This hairstyle is a little different than a standard daisy chain braid, as you will see from the video tutorial. Once you get the knotting right, the style can be done very quickly, and you can even do it on yourself (trust me, if I can do it… so can you)!
The knots are very easy to take out, just like any other braid. This is an absolutely beautiful braid that will leave people asking you how you did it!
A few viewers on YouTube suggested that I list this as a Homecoming/Prom Updo hairstyle, because it is so unique and can be accessorized in any number of ways. Here are a couple more views of this cute knotted-braid hairstyle…
Side View
Front View
Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, spray bottle, one hair band.
Time Requirement: 5+ minutes
Skill Level: Medium
If you like this hairstyle, be sure to let us know!
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!