Side Flat Twists | Back-to-School Hairstyles

I know that many of our styles I use on my daughters, and that so many of our earlier styles were meant for little girls.

Well, today we wanted to do something for the older girls that is very fun… with a little edge and punk!

Portrait of a young girl modeling Side Flat Twists | Back-to-School Hairstyles

I first noticed a variation of this on Kendall Jenner from the Kardashians, only in the photo she wore cornrows {braids} instead of twists. There are a few other stars who rock this look as well.

I prefer to use twists in this hairstyle instead, because they are faster to do and look fairly similar. You can use either bobby pins, as I have done, or you can secure the twists with small clear elastic bands. {If you were to do cornrows, the hairstyle could be used for a week or so.}

Portrait of a young girl modeling Side Flat Twists | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Portrait of a woman modeling Side Flat Twists | Back-to-School Hairstyles

This is a fun look that takes very little time to do. We like that it looks punk enough, kind of like the side of the head is shaved… only you do not have to commit to a shave to get the look! Also, depending on where you part your hair, you could use as few as three twists or as many as five… it is all up to you!

Here I have my daughter’s hair straight, but you could do this with curly or wavy hair as well!  I threw in a shot of me wearing this hairstyle, as well!  For an even edgier look, you could do this to both sides of the head!

Enjoy!  Don’t forget to tweet me at @CuteGirlHair and let me know if you would like to see Homecoming hairstyles or more Back-to-School hairstyles!

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 alligator clip or large hair elastic, 4 small bobby pins {or 4 small clear elastics}, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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Note from Mindy: In the video, I refer to how I learned this twisting method by researching online how to do hairstyles on my black daughter’s hair {since her hair-care routine and hair texture is so different than my other daughters}. Some fans on YouTube have taken offense to my usage of the term “black”. Please know that I am not racist in any way… I love all my children equally! Many of you also know that we do not give out our children’s names for security purposes, so we have to refer to them in different ways.  It is also important to note that we use the term black often with respect to our children only because “African American” can be a misnomer. There are so many blacks whose heritage comes from Brazil, Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, or other islands in the Caribbean. Labeling them all as “African American” for PC sake is incorrect. Our daughter’s heritage is Caribbean and Italian, with a little Native American, and even more… her birthmother asked us to refer to our daughter as black. We celebrate Black History Month, at times do watch Black Entertainment Television, and talk about Martin Luther King Jr. This heritage is important to our family!  🙂

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