We receive so many requests on how to create a perfect ponytail, and there are some tricks that will certainly help. Today, we want to show you those tips.{Now, I know there are many readers who are looking only for complex and ultra-creative hairstyles, but keep in mind that we have readers of all skill levels, including young girls and daddies! Therefore, we will share posts ranging from easy, medium, and hard for hair doers at all levels.}
Our first Perfect Ponytail tip, shows you how to make your ponytail look longer. You will be shocked at what we do to accomplish this, but it works nicely!
The second Perfect Ponytail tip shows you how to give the ponytail a more voluminous look.
Have you ever perfected your ponytails in the morning only to have it fall flat by the early afternoon? This trick solves that problem with something you might not expect! A simple small butterfly clip!
We used to use butterfly clips on the girls when they were very young, to clip hair twists into place, but for the past year or so… each of us CGH girls have been carrying one with us everywhere we go!
It is the perfect trick to give your ponytail life that you would likely never get on your own!
Enjoy these tips!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 small hair elastic, 1 ponytail elastic, 1 small butterfly clip, volumizer/hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 2-4 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by teasing the front area of hair {if you have a hard time getting the poof the way you want it, you can even use bobby pins to create a pompadour effect first}… Using a smoothing brush, smooth out the top area of the section you just teased… Next, gather a section of hair starting behind each ear and part going in an upside-down-U shape toward the middle back of your head… Secure the top hair out of the way for now. Now, create a low bottom ponytail {using a tiny elastic that matches your hair color} on the bottom section of hair you just created… Next, create a high ponytail using the top section of hair… Using a tiny strand of hair, wrap it around the elastic holder to hide it, and secure with a bobby pin {not only does this hide the elastic, but it dresses up the ponytail}… Next, lift about 1/3 of the high ponytail upward and clip in a butterfly clip {matching your hair color} under the hair next to the elastic… Now let the hair fall back down over the top of the clip, and tease the hair a little as needed {this adds an upward movement to your ponytail that makes it look more full and with some personality}… Add hairspray {as desired}.Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of these Perfect Ponytail Tips, and feel free to leave your own! As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!
Happy Hairdoing!
Due to the holiday weeks, my twins BrooklyAndBailey shared a Christmas/Birthday Haul video, showing you some of the things that they received, which can give you some great teen gift ideas!