Today’s tutorial is a Style-laboration {style collaboration} with Lilith Moon, one of my all-time favorite hair gurus on YouTube.
We have wanted to work together for several years, but since Lilith lives in France, and we are in the US… the large distance makes it too difficult to film a video in person. So, for this type of a collaboration, we decided that I would recreate one of my favorite Lilith Moon hairstyles, while Lilith recreates her favorite CGH hairstyle for her fans on her channel!Lilith’s most popular video is actually Lace Braided Ponytail, with over 5,000,000 views, and is the tutorial we used as inspiration for this post. Variations of this style have been popular on Pinterest, most likely fueled by Lilith’s video tutorial.
CGH#3 volunteered to be my model, since she watches Lilith’s tutorials as well, and we included the bonus updo at the end as well!
Feel free to tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHLaceBraidedPony
I admire Lilith’s creativity and how well she incorporates extensions for longer hairstyles, while also filming DIY styles for shorter hair. You can find more about her here:
Lilith’s Youtube channel Lilith’s 2nd channel in French Lilith on Instagram Lilith on FаcebookIf you are curious to see which of all our 230+ hairstyles Lilith decide to showcase to her fans on her channel, simply click here…
I have been subscribed to Lilith for nearly 5 years now, and can honestly say that I adore her styles, her beauty, and her definitely her accent!
Although we have not yet met in person, I cannot wait until we can! I hope each one of you loves her styles as much as we do!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, pomade, 1-2 ponytail holders, 1 small hair elastic, 3-4 bobby pins, hairspray and accessory{if desired}.
Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by gathering all the hair into a high ponytail {an option is to add a single Frenchback, pompadour, or even a little teasing into the top of the hair first, to accent or add fullness to the hairstyle}… Wrap a small strand of ponytail hair around elastic, and secure with a bobby pin…. Next, pick up a small section of hair on the right-most side of the ponytail, and begin a regular 3-strand braid… Once you have complete one single braid stitch, pick up a very small strand of hair from the left most side of the ponytail, almost near the back of the ponytail {the hair needs to come from the underside of the ponytail to create the effect that the ponytail is caged, or laddered, underneath the stranding}… Add this piece into the left strand of the braid, and again create one more single stitch, which is what created the lace braid {do not add in hair on the right side of the braid}… After another stitch, again take another tiny strand of hair from the left side of the ponytail, crossing it over the ponytail and add it into the left strand of the simple braid. You will need to over slightly extend the laddering of the braid as you go down, in order to the right to keep the braid going straight down the side of the ponytail {if you don’t, it will want to cross diagonally over the ponytail}… Continue Steps #3-6 until you reach a stopping point {you can loosen the ladders from the lace braid slightly to help keep the braid straight}…. When you finish adding in hair, continue with a regular simple braid and secure with an elastic. To create the updo version: Simply take the completed ponytail and twist it once, wrapping it over the top of the elastic and back again, tucking in the hair ends underneath and securing them with a few bobby pins. Add hairspray or accessories {as desired}.Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of this Lace Braided Ponytail and Updo!
As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!
Happy Hairstyling!
My twins have been asking for months to film a Twin Tag video for their BrooklyAndBailey YouTube channel, which is a video talking all about what it is like being a twin. The girls finally did it, and their interactions and reactions are so funny to watch! Simply click below to see…