How to Create a 3D Flower Braid | Cute Updos

As Spring is fully upon us, with lots of Proms and formal school dances going on, Kamri and I wanted to teach you a variation of a hairstyle we showed you all last year.

This particular variation we call a 3D Flower Bun.3D Flower BunFeel free to click here to see our original 3D Round Braid.3D Flower Bun HairstyleWe used that exact 3D Round Braid as the base for this hairstyle, however my good friend Abby Smith suggested that we pancake the edge of the braid to give the petals a more profound look. We LOVED it!Little girl sitting outside modeling 3D Flower Bun Updo

Little girl sitting outside modeling 3D Flower Bun Updo

Little girl sitting outside modeling 3D Flower Bun UpdoFeel free to tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGH3DFlowerBun

This updo hairstyle holds up very well, and is perfect for those formal dances, weddings, flower girl styles, gymnastics, ballet, or just a day out!Little girl sitting outside modeling 3D Flower Bun Updo

Little girl sitting outside modeling 3D Flower Bun UpdoYes, you will get lots of compliments on this one… GUARANTEED! Special thanks to Kamri for volunteering to be our model today!


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 1 small hair elastic, 4-6 bobby pins, pomade or hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin creating a 3d round braid by pulling the hair into a high ponytail, and secure it with a hair band… Now divide hair into 4 equal sections, laying each section between one of your fingers on your right hand…. The hair should lay like this: Strand #1 {outside pinky finger}, Strand #2 {between pinky and ring finger}, Strand #3 {between ring finger and middle finger}, strand #4 {between middle and index finger}… Now, take the index finger on your left hand and use it to hook Strand #3. It should now lay between your pointer finger and your middle finger. Take your middle finger and hook Strand #1. This will now lay between your middle and ring finger… Take the last two pieces and twist them once {so they cross over each other} and place them so Strand #4 lays between your ring finger and pinky and Strand #2 lays outside your pinky… All strands should now be sitting in your left hand and will be numbered 1-4 from left to right… Take your right index finger and hook Strand #2. This will now lay between your index and middle finger… Next, take your middle finger and hook Strand #4. This will now lay between your middle and ring finger… With the last two remaining strands, do a half twist so they cross, and then place them so Strand #1 now lays between your rink finger and pinky, with Strand #3 laying outside your pinky… Repeat Steps #4-10 until you run out of hair, and secure with an elastic… Now go back and pancake the braid {all four sides] by tugging on the elbows of the braid, without pulling the hair out of the braid… When finished pancaking the braid, begin to twist the braid up around itself into a bun {you will want to bobby pin the bun as you go}. Continue wrapping the braid around, and tuck the ends under the bun, securely pinning them out of sight, and securing the rest of the bun with pins… Then, tug the edges of the bun again to create the defined petals of the beautiful flower bun. Add hairspray {as desired}.

Hope you enjoy the app, and more importantly, continue to enjoy our family!

Happy Hairstyling!

Looking for some cute and affordable fashion ideas to go with this updo? Below, my twins, BrooklynAndBailey, give you a few adorable ones! Simply click to view…

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