Today’s hairstyle tutorial is a guest post from one of my best friends, fellow mommy, and travel buddy! Her name is Jill Ehat, and she’s an up-and-comer braider with a popular Instagram!
I have known Jill since 2007, and she and her husband have such a cute little family, including adorable blonde twins! {We’ve actually used Jill’s twins before, in a Tinkerbell Bun tutorial for Disney!}
Since Jill’s girls have such beautiful blonde hair, something our family does not have, we asked her if she wouldn’t mind contributing a few of her favorite athletic/gym/dance hairstyle tutorials here on CGH! She agreed! Since her girls are active in lots of sports, her tutorials will have more of a focus in those areas.
We’ve all seen this Flower Bun Hawk at dance recitals and cheer competitions, etc, but how many of us actually know how to do it? Today’s the day… this makes the perfect dance hairstyle! Click below to see the video!
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFlowerBunHawk
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 6 small hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 10-12 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by teasing the hair, and creating a small pompadour or poof in the front near your forehead, and securing it with bobby pins or an elastic… Next, section the hair into three even ponytails, securing each with a clear elastic {you can use hair gel or spray wax for extra hold}… Begin with the top-most ponytail and divide it into three even sections… Take one section, add a little dry shampoo or spray wax, and tease the roots just slightly {this will add a little grip and help keep the hairstyle in securely}… Roll this section forward by holding two fingers on the end and wrapping two fingers from the other hand in the hair toward the face {roll it down until it reaches the scalp and then secure using 2 crossed bobby pins}… Repeat Steps #4-5 on the remaining two sections of Ponytail #1… Optional Tip: Add an elastic about 3 inches from the ends of the hair and use this to help keep ends together as you roll the hair down to head. Repeat Steps #3-5 on the remaining two ponytails, until all three flower buns are pinned into place… Now go back and pin or tweak any strands that are loose {you can use this time to really make sure each bun takes on the perfect flower shape… Add hairspray for extra hold, and accessories, if desired.If you love Jill’s Flower Bun Hawk tutorial, be sure to comment below and let us know so that we can invite her back again! We hope you enjoy her tutorials as much as we do!
Happy Hairstyling!